1.Purpose of Report
1.1To consider a scheme to implement 20mph zones in the vicinity of Springdale First School.
1.2The programme of 20 mph Zones outside Schools is contained within the Transportation Capital Programme. This programme of works aims to improve the safety and environment outside schools and achieve targets set out in the Local Transport Plan.
It is recommended that :
2.1The proposed 20mph zones for Lewesdon Drive (with associated traffic calming measures), Wynne Close, Cheam Road (part), Silverdale Close and Gladelands Way, as detailed in this report and shown on Drg. No. JC0604/08.
2.2Authorisation to advertise the associated 20mph Traffic Regulation Order and Waiting Restriction Order, with approval delegated to the Transportation Portfolio Holder
2.3The proposal for the installation of pedestrian refuge(s) in Springdale Road
be approved.
3.1At 13 November 2003 TAG, Members approved a study to implement a strategy for establishing 20mph speed limits outside schools. The results of the study were presented to the 14 April 2005 meeting of TAG where Members approved a list prioritising 20mph zones for all 42 schools in the Borough.
3.2Implementation of a 20mph zone for each school was prioritised from A to D, with A being the highest priority. Priorities were developed on the basis of :
3.2.1School Travel Plans, in order that these zones can be built into a holistic approach to school travel issues. Such plans are a demonstration of collaborative working and indeed their existence attracts additional Government funding.
3.2.2Child casualties outside schools
3.2.3The appropriateness of such a zone to the school(s) location.
3.3Springdale First school is in the A priority category. Proposals for a 20 mph zone in Lewesdon Drive is depicted on Drawing No. JC0604/08.
3.4The recently completed School Travel Plan for Springdale First school cites several issues which should be addressed, and which would improve the safety of pupils in the vicinity of the school. These include,
3.4.1To have 20 mph / lower traffic speeds around the school, especially Lewesdon Drive/ Clarendon Road/ Springdale Road.
3.4.2To have a safe crossing on Springdale Road.
3.5Having reviewed the issues raised by the school it is considered that any 20mph zone should be limited to the immediate environs of the accesses to the school, otherwise it’s value would be devalued. This would therefore suggest it be applied to Lewesdon Drive, Gladelands Way and Silverdale Close. To extend the zone to Clarendon Road or Springdale Road would not be appropriate.
3.6However, excessive vehicle speeds in Springdale Road is recognised and this would make it more difficult to cross this road safely – another issue raised by the school and addressed later in this report.
3.7Normally, 20mph zones have to be self enforcing, i.e. the features in the road would ensure that speeds in excess of 20mph are difficult to achieve. This is generally done by installing traffic calming measures.
3.8With this particular 20mph zone the following treatment is proposed in Lewesdon Drive :
3.8.1cushions at the following three locations :
(a) North of the junction with Wynne Close.
(b) South of the junction with Cheam Road.
(c) North of the junction with Clarendon Road
3.8.2Erection of 20mph zone warning signs in conjunction with a formal Traffic Regulation Order, at the following two locations :
(a) At the northern end of Lewesdon Road, at the junction with Springdale Road.
(b) At the southern end of Lewesdon Road, at the junction with Clarendon Road.
(c) Outside No. 50 Cheam Road.
3.9Cushions are proposed because Lewesdon Road is a bus route. This form of traffic calming, rather than humps or tables, is favoured by Bus Operators and the emergency services. Care would be taken in positioning the cushions to ensure the maximum affect to cars.
3.10It has been observed that the visibility of the school crossing patrol is affected by cars parking around the junction of Cheam Road with Lewesdon Drive. To minimise the possibility of this, authority is sought to install a small length of “At Any Time” waiting restriction around this junction and as depicted on Drawing No. JC0604/08.
3.11As regards Gladelands Way and Silverdale Close, because these are short roads where vehicle speeds will be low in any case, it is considered that a 20mph zone can be implemented in these roads without associated traffic calming.
3.12With this particular 20mph zone the following treatment is therefore proposed in Gladelands Way:
3.12.1Erection of 20mph zone warning signs in conjunction with a formal Traffic Regulation Order, at the following two locations :
(a) In Gladelands Way, at its junction with Roman Road.
(b) At the southern end of Lewesdon Road, at the junction with Clarendon Road.
3.13The school has been consulted about the proposals and, bearing in mind the objectives of their School Travel Plan, welcome them.
3.14As part of the signage for the 20mph zone it is proposed to incorporate a piece of artwork designed in a competition by the pupils of Springdale First School.
3.15Subject to approval of this group it is intended to advise affected residents of this scheme, with any subsequent detailed issues hopefully resolved with officers and Ward Members. Only in the unlikely event of failure to resolve a significant issue in this way will a further report be brought back to this Group.
3.16It is proposed that in view of the tight timescale for these works to be undertaken during the summer holidays, representations over the legal order for the speed limit, traffic calming and parking restrictions be delegated to the Transportation Portfolio Holder to consider.
3.17The anticipated cost for advertising the Traffic Regulation Orders, installation of the traffic calming measures and erection of the necessary signs and lines, is estimated at £25,500. This can be covered within the approved Capital Programme 2006/ 07 for 20mph school zones.
Springdale Road
3.18As mentioned above, the Springdale First School Travel Plan highlighted the difficulties of crossing Springdale Road, particularly as traffic speeds can be high.
3.19As part of the programme for installing electronic Speed Indicator Device (SID) signs there will be a permanent site in Springdale Road. This will indicate vehicle speeds to drivers travelling from the West, and should help to reduce speeds.
3.20It is proposed that a refuge be installed in Springdale Road, adjacent to Roman Road, and as depicted on Drawing No. JC0604/08. This is a popular crossing point from the North West and it enables access to the school from Gladelands Way.
3.21The refuges will be installed right at the Borough boundary. Permission will need to be sought from Dorset County Council to erect a warning sign and some hatch road markings within their area.
3.22Location of a crossing point from the East is more difficult due to the proximity of vehicle crossings to properties. It is proposed that this be assessed in more detail and, subject to a suitable location being identified, another refuge be installed near to the junction with Lewesdon Drive. The presence of refuges in Springdale Road will also act as a traffic calming feature in proximity to the school.
3.23The estimated cost of installing the refuges is £12,500 (Roman Road refuge) to £23,500 (Roman Road + Lewesdon Road), which can be met from the approved Capital Programme.
Acting Head of Transportation Services
Appendix A – Proposed Layout Drawing No. JC0604/08.
Name and telephone number of Officer contact :
Graham Spicer (01202) 262072