Guangyang Secondary School

8 Bishan Street 12 Singapore 579807

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Jan 2018

2018 Semester 1 Plan for Secondary Three Normal Academic Social Studies

1Topics covered for Semester 1*:

Term/ Weeks / Topics/ Learning Outcomes
Pupils will be able to describe and explain the factors in the topics and also perform the skills as follows: / Textbook pg / Homework/Assignments/Test/Exams
Term 1/1 /
  • Setting expectations
  • Class rules
  • Syllabus coverage
  • Target setting
/ SBQ Diagnostic Test
Term 1/2 / Chap 1: What does it mean for me to be a citizen of my country?
  • Different attributes shaping citizenship – Citizenship shaped by legal status
/ 4-18
Term 1/3 / Chap 1: What does it mean for me to be a citizen of my country?
  • Different attributes shaping citizenship - Citizenship shaped by identity and participation
  • Skill: SBQ Inference (Message)
/ 19-20
21 / SBQ Assignment
Term 1/4 / Chap 2: How do we decide what is good for society?
  • Challenges in deciding what is good for society – Differing needs and interests, differing priorities, unequal sharing of costs
  • Skill: SBQ Inference (Viewpoint)
/ 28-34
36-38 / Class Test 1
Term 1/5 / Skill: SBQ Assertion / SBQ Assignment
Term 1/6 / Chap 2: How do we decide what is good for society?
  • How the government manages conflicting demands – Understanding Trade-offs, Decision-making in a Representative Democracy
/ 39-56
Term 1/7 / Chap 2: How do we decide what is good for society?
  • How the government manages conflicting demands – Ideas shaping governance
/ 57-66 / Common Test
(9, 12-14 Feb)
Term 1/8 /
  • Go through common test paper
  • Skill: SBQ Inference (Purpose)
/ Chinese New Year (16-19 Feb)
SBQ Assignment
Term 1/9 / SBQ skills: Comparison / Holiday HW (SBQ)
Term 1/10 / WEALTH WEEK
Term 2/1 / Chap 3: How can we work for the good of society?
  • Role of government in society
/ 68-81
Term 2/2 / Chap 3: How can we work for the good of society?
  • Role of citizens in society
/ 82-93 / SRQ Assignment
Term 2/3 / Chap 3: How can we work for the good of society?
  • Strengthening citizens’ sense of belonging
  • Skill: SRQ (Part a)
/ 94-100
98 / SRQ Assignment
Term 2/4 /
  • SBQ Skills Revision for MYE
(Inference, Comparison and Assertion) / Class Test 2
Term 2/5 /
  • Go through class test
  • Content Revision for MYE
Chapters 1 to 3
Term 2/6 / Mid Year Examinations
Term 2/7 / Mid Year Examinations
Term 2/8 / Script checking and corrections
Term 2/9 / Script checking and corrections
Term 2/10 / Post-exam activities

*Please note that the topics might be subject to minor changes. Students will be updated accordingly.

2Assessment Plan

Semester 1 / CA1: 15% / Semester 2 / CA2: 15%
SA1: 25% (MYE Examination) / SA2: 45% (EOY Examination)

3Details of CA1 Assessments

CA1 Assessment / Date / Topics/ Remarks
Class Test 1 / T1W4 / SBQ
Common Test 1 / T1W7 / SBQ
Class Test 2 / T2W4 / SBQ/SRQ
Various Assignments / Through T1 and T2 / SBQ/SRQ

*Please note that the dates indicated for the CA1 components are subject to changes. Students will be updated accordingly.

4Details of SA1 Assessment

SA1 Components / Date / Guidelines
Paper [1 hour] / 26 Apr to
9 May / ●All topics covered in semester 1.
●Total marks for the paper is are 50m.
Section / Details / Marks
A / Source Based Questions / 35
B / Structured Response Question / 15

5Absence from tests

a)A medical certificate must be produced if your child/ ward is absent for the test.

b)Parent’s letter is strongly discouraged and its validity will be approved based on a case-by-case basis.

c)Absence from any test without a valid reason will result in zero mark for the test.

d)Any pupil absent from a test will have to do a make-up test on the day he/she returns to school.