Student Portfolio

This portfolio can be completed by the student, their family and/or educational personnel. It is designed to provide important student information to new service providers in a concise, easy to read summary. It is not meant to replace required medical or educational documents. Not all parts of the portfolio will be necessary or appropriate for all students.

In addition to the written information provided, it may be helpful to include photographs of the student at school, work and home, photos of the student using particular assistive devices, photos of any unique communication systems the student uses, or videotapes of these same activities and devices.

The information in the portfolio is CONFIDENTIAL and should be appropriately protected.

This portfolio was originally adapted by the South Dakota Deafblind Project from:

“Could you please tell my new teacher?” Demchak and Elmquist, Nevada Dual Sensory Impairment Project, 2001

Home Talk, A family assessment of children who are deafblind. Mar, Roland, Schweigert. Oregon Institute on Disability and Development, 2002


My Name: ______My Age: ______



I wear glasses.

I do not wear glasses.

This is the name of my visual impairment: ______

Without my glasses I can see:

With my glasses I can see:

These are the modifications I use in my classroom:


I wear hearing aids ___ right ear ___ left ear

I do not wear hearing aids

I have a cochlear implant (date of implantation )

I use an assistive listening device _____ FM system ____Infrared system

This is the level of my hearing loss in decibels:

500 Hz / 1000 Hz / 2000 Hz / 4000 Hz
Right Ear
Left Ear


In addition to my vision and hearing losses, I have the following medical conditions.

  1. Name of condition:

How it affects me

Name of my physician

2.Name of condition:

How it affects me

Name of my physician

  1. Name of condition:

How it affects me

Name of my physician

  1. Name of condition:

How it affects me

Name of my physician

Medications I take on a regular basis:


I use spoken words to communicate: Yes No

_____My words might be hard to understand, please listen to me closely

_____I can put ______# of words together when I talk to you

_____I can use some complete sentences to talk with you.

_____I need ______(# of seconds) before I can respond to you

Here are some ideas to increase my understanding of what you say to me:

I use sign language to communicate: Yes No

_____My signs might be hard to understand, please watch my signs closely

_____I can put ______# of signs together to communicate with you

_____I can use some complete sentences to sign to you

_____I need ______(# of seconds) before I sign back to you

Here are some ideas to increase my understanding of what you sign to me.

Sometimes I use objects to tell others what I want. Yes No N/A

These are the objects and the communicative meaning that I use:

Object Communicative Meaning







When others give me objects, it helps me understand what is going to happen to me or around me. Yes No N/A

These are the objects and communicative meanings that I use:

Object Communicative Meaning







Sometimes I use gestures to communicate: Yes No N/A

____ I nod my head yes

____ I shake my head no

____ I point to things I want

____ I use other gestures:

Gesture Communicative Meaning







I use photos/line drawings to communicate: Yes No N/A

I have a dictionary of photos/line drawings I keep with me Yes No N/A

Here are some examples of the photos I use:

Sometimes I use ways of communicating that are not always seen as communication by others but are my only way to tell others what I want or how I feel. Yes No N/A

Some of these are:

BehaviorWhat it means______



Tantrums/Self Injury______

Eye Gaze______


Pulling Other’s Hands______

Touching/Moving Other’s Face______


Walking Away______


Facial Expressions______

Other ______

I use a voice output device to help me communicate Yes No

The device is called ______

Ways to help me use my voice output devices:


For mobility, I use

___ A wheelchair

___ A walker

___ A white cane

___ Braces or orthotics

___ Other: ______

I have received Orientation and Mobility Training Yes No

Name of Agency / O&M instructor ______


I use the following assistive technology at home and school:

___Telephone amplification equipment

___ TTY

___ Braille

___ Large Print

___ Adaptive Writing Instruments

I use the following assistive technology for the computer:

I use the following adaptive equipment for recreation or other activities:

I have a physical therapist Yes No

Name: ______

Agency: ______

I have an Occupational Therapist Yes No

Name: ______

Agency: ______


These are some of my strengths and talents:

These are some of my favorite activities:

Some jobs I can do around the house, or at school, or in the community are:

These are some of the important people in my life:


These are some things that are difficult for me:

These are some activities I don’t like to do:

These things make me upset (activities, items, people)

These things make me anxious or frightened (activities, items, people)

Behaviors I display when I’m

Angry: ______

Bored: ______

Upset: ______

Lonely: ______

Sad: ______

Sick: ______