2018 Foundation Grant Application Information

The South Asian Bar Association of North America Foundation (SABA Foundation) is committed to increasing the capacity of community-based organizations (CBOs) to respond to the legal needs and uphold the civil rights and liberties of the South Asian community and marginalized communities across North America. To reach its goal, the SABA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, develops and funds public interest projects that benefit the South Asian community, in the following areas:

●Domestic Violence

●Immigration Rights

●Hate Crimes, Discrimination and Racial Profiling

●Community Access to Justice

The SABA Foundation will award grants to CBOs in the above categories.

To apply for one of this year’s grants, please submit this completed application by April 9, 2018. Send completed applications to .

The aim of these grants is to provide CBOs with additional resources to:

1)Build organizational capacity to reach the goal of responding to the legal needs and uphold the civil rights and liberties of the South Asian community and marginalized communities across North America;

2)Create or enhance a discrete project that meets the goal as described above;

3)Supplement general operating costs to more effectively meet the goal as described above; or

4)Provide legal assistance in one of the areas for South Asians in financial need

The SABA Foundation, at its discretion, will be awardinga combination of multi-year and single year grants. For those CBOs interested in being considered for a multi-year grant, please complete the Foundation Grant Application with a two-year proposal, rather than a one-year proposal.

Foundation Grant Application

Organization Name:



Phone Number:



Social Media Presence:______

Grant Amount Requested:

  1. Organization Description


Community Served:

Please describe the population your organization serves, particularly with regard to income, race, ethnicity, gender and/or immigration status:

Number of Full Time Employees:

Number of Part Time Employees:

Number of Volunteers:

Titles of Leadership Positions:

Operational budget total in previous fiscal year:

Operational budget total proposed for current fiscal year:

  1. Grant Proposal Description

Title of Proposal:

1)Proposed category of the grant(Highlight All Applicable Categories)

a.Domestic Violence

b.Immigration Rights

c.Hate Crimes, Discrimination and Racial Profiling

d.Community Access to Justice

2)Proposed use of the grant(Highlight All Applicable Categories)

  1. Build organizational capacity
  2. Create or enhance a discrete project
  3. Supplement general operating costs
  4. Pay for legal assistance in one of the areas for South Asians in financial need

3) Proposed use of the grant (continued) – describe in detail how your CBO will use this grant and the services it will provide and the populations it will ultimately serve. If being used for a project, describe the project in detail and the need it is fulfilling. If being used to enhance organizational capacity or for daily operations, state in detail how the grant money will be used.

4) Impact – explain how your CBO impacts or will impact the South Asian community.

5) Impact (continued) – explainhow the SABA Foundation grant will help your CBO.

6)Proposed grant objective– howdoes the proposed use of the grant fit into your organization’s long-term goals?

7)Proposed strategy– howwill you meet the stated objective? Include any collaboration with other CBOs, law firms, bar associations, or other organizations, if applicable.

8)Measuring progress – howwill you measure progress or meeting the objective?Include measurable benchmarks where possible.

9)Breakdown of grant – listby category in dollar amounts how the grant will be allocated towards the stated use.

10)Additional funding – listby grantor (or source, i.e. operational budget) in dollar amounts any additional funding you have secured or are attempting to secure for this project.

11)Other SABA funding –pleaseindicate if you have received any funding from (a) any local SABA chapter or (b) from the SABA Foundation, including in each case the year, amount and designated purpose of the funding.

12)Support from the SABA – pleasedescribe how (in addition to or in lieu of grant proceeds) the SABA Foundation might serve as a resource to your CBO.

13)SABA Foundation Benefit – pleaselist any representatives of your CBO that might be able to attend the SABA Foundation Benefit, Friday, June 29, 2018 to receive recognition as a grant recipient, as part of the SABA North America Convention, which will be held in New York City. Please note: SABA Foundation will cover the cost of up to two tickets for each CBO attending the Foundation Benefit; no reimbursement will be available for travel or other expenses incurred by your CBO to attend this event. In addition, please indicate whether your CBO would like to have informational material available to event guests.

14)Digital File– toaugment your application you may attach a digital file or provide a link to a website that highlights your CBO and/or your Grant Proposal. If your CBO wins a grant, the digital file may be used at a presentation during the SABA Foundation Benefit or in other marketing collateral for the SABA Foundation.

15)Additional Comments – pleaseuse this space to tell us anything else you think we should know about your organization or program.


2018 SABA Foundation Grant Application