2018 JMU Expanding Your Horizons Conference: High School Volunteer Application

2018 EYH High School Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in the 2018 EYH High School Volunteer Program! High school volunteers will spend the day with a JMU student volunteer buddy and will help with all the usual activities of our JMU student volunteers. They will assist in the student workshops, help with directions and other conference tasks, share their experiences at EYH and in high school with the conference participants during breakfast and lunch, and hear about college life from their JMU student volunteer buddy.

We are looking for applicants who:

  • Are currently enrolled in 10th grade
  • Have participated in an EYH conference at JMU in the past
  • Are available all day (8:30am-3:30pm) on Saturday, March 17, 2018
  • Are excited about math, science, technology, and/or engineering
  • Want to share their love of math, science, technology, and/or engineering with this year’s EYH participants
  • Will serve as good role models and leaders among their peers
  • Will act maturely and follow directions at the conference

If this describes you, then we hope you will apply!

There are four sections to the application, and all questions are required. Please complete all parts, then print it and have it signed by the applicant, parent, and teacher, and then return the completed form to the EYH Directors via email at (preferred) or by mailing the form to the address below:

EYH Volunteer Coordinator

MSC 1911

James Madison University

Harrisonburg, VA 22807

Applications are due by 5pm on February 28, and decisions will be sent via email by March 7.

Please direct any questions about the High School Volunteer Program to . We look forward to reading your application!


The EYH Directors

Section 1: Basic information

  1. Name of Applicant:
  1. Applicant’s Home Address:
  1. Applicant’s Email Address:
  1. Parent’s Name:
  1. Parent’s Phone Number:
  1. Parent’s Email Address:

(We will use both email addresses listed above to communicate acceptance decisions and logistics about volunteer assignments and the conference if you are accepted.)

  1. Are you in 10th grade? Yes No
  1. What school do you attend?
  1. Have you participated in EYH before? Yes No
  1. In what year(s) did you participate in EYH? (Check the boxes for all that apply.)

2017 2016 2015 2014 I’m not sure Never

  1. Are you available all day (8:30am-3:30pm) on Saturday March 17? Yes No

(If you answered No, please explain.)

  1. Which lunch option do you prefer?VegetarianNon-Vegetarian
  1. What is your t-shirt size (adult sizes)?
  1. The workshops at EYH cover all areas of science, technology, mathematics, and engineering. Which of the followingtopics are you most interested in? (Check as many as you like.)

2018 JMU Expanding Your Horizons Conference: High School Volunteer Application



Earth Science


Health Sciences





2018 JMU Expanding Your Horizons Conference: High School Volunteer Application

High School Volunteers at EYH are expected to act maturely, to serve as good role models for participants, and to follow directions from conference staff and volunteers. By signing below, I accept responsibility for maintaining good conduct and agree to follow directions at all times.

2018 Expanding Your Horizons Conference: High School Volunteer Application

Applicant’s Signature: / Date:

2018 Expanding Your Horizons Conference: High School Volunteer Application

Section 2: Parent/Guardian Release Form for Volunteer Program Participation

Name of Applicant
Name of Parent or Guardian
Contact Phone Number During Conference / () -
Name of Emergency Contact Person
Emergency Contact Phone Number / () -

2018 Expanding Your Horizons Conference: High School Volunteer Application

This activity presents the risk of injury. This exculpatory release confirms that the participant who signs below accepts all aspects of that risk.


I give full permission for my child to attend the Expanding Your Horizons Conference held at the James Madison University and to participate in the High School Volunteer program on the date of March 17, 2018.


I do hereby give JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY, their assigns and legal representative the irrevocable right to use my child’s photograph or video images in all forms and media for education or other lawful purposes in its publications and displays. I waive my right to preview or approve the finished product, including written copy that may be created in connection therewith. I understand no fee will be paid to me now or in the future. I have read this release and understand its contents.


I also give permission to the leaders of this program to secure emergency medical or surgical treatment for my child if there is insufficient time to contact me and to secure routine, non-surgical medical care as needed. Please be advised that you are fully responsible for all expenses incurred for any medical care that your child receive during the program. Students (parent or legal guardian) are responsible for providing their own health insurance.


I agree to indemnify, release and hold harmless the Expanding Your Horizons Conference, James Madison University, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and their respective officers, agents, employees and volunteers from any and all costs, liabilities, expenses, claims, compensation, demands, or causes of action on account of any loss or damage to person or property of the aforementioned child arising out of or in connection with his/her participation in the aforementioned conference and related conference activities.

As the parent and/or guardian of the minor named above, I have the legal authority to execute the above releases. I have read the above releases and understand their contents. I certify that I am at least 18 years of age. I approve the foregoing and waive my rights in the premise.

2017 Expanding Your Horizons Conference: High School Volunteer Application

Parent/Guardian Signature: / Date:

2017 Expanding Your Horizons Conference: High School Volunteer Application

Applicant’s Name:

Section 3: Applicant Essay

Write 2-3 paragraphs explaining why you are interested in volunteering at EYH this year.

As part of your essay, you could address any or all of the following questions:

  • What part of the volunteer experience are you most excited about?
  • What is your favorite memory from participating at EYH in the past?
  • What do you want to share with this year’s participants as a High School Volunteer?

Type your essay in this box or handwrite it below. If you type your essay, delete the extra white space between this box and Section 4 so Sections 3 and 4 are both on the same page.

2017 Expanding Your Horizons Conference: High School Volunteer Application

2017 Expanding Your Horizons Conference: High School Volunteer Application

Section 4: Teacher Recommendation

Show one of your current math or science teachers the description of tasks on the cover page, your application essay, and the statement below. Then ask them to sign to indicate their agreement.

This student is excited about science, technology, engineering and/or mathematics and can communicate that excitement to the 6th-9th grade participants of the EYH conference. I believe that they have the maturity required to be a volunteer and will act as a good role model for all participants. I have reviewed this student’s application essay above and it shows evidence of the student’s interest or engagement in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics).

2017 Expanding Your Horizons Conference: High School Volunteer Application

Teacher’sName: / Subject area:
Teacher’s Signature: / Date: