2018 2nd International Conference on Automation and Robotics
March 6-8, 2018, Maldives
ICOAR 2018 Listener Registration Form
Attention: To complete the registration successfully, please send Registration Form and the Scanned Payment Proof of the applicable registration fee to before February 10, 2018.
1. Participant Information
One-inch-Photo hereØ First Name: Family Name:
Ø Title: (Prof., Assistant Prof., Dr, Mr. Ms. etc.) Male □ Female □
Ø Affiliation (Organization or University):
Ø Research Interests:
Ø Detailed Mailing Address:
Ø Tel.:
Ø E-mail:
Ø Special dietary: Diabetic□ Vegetarian□Muslim□Other□(please specify: )
Ø Physical requirements (if any):
2. Registration Fee
Listeners: $300.00
3. Listener Registration Fee Includes:
Ø Participation in the Technical Program
Ø Lunch & Dinner on March 7, 2018
Ø Conference bag and/or conference accessories
Ø Certificate for Participation
Ø Coffee breaks
Ø Welcome reception
4. Payment Method
1) Payment by credit cards.
First you need to have a VISA or Master credit card, and then you can click the following link to pay.
A confirmation email will be sent to you if the payment is successful.
Please provide the following information:
Ø E-mail:
Ø Order Number:
2) Registration fee can be paid to the Organizing Committee through bank transfer. If you can’t pay with credit card, you can pay through bank. Our bank information is as following:
Bank Name : DBS BANK, Singapore
Bank Address : 6 Shenton Way, DBS Building Singapore 068809
Account Name : International Association of Computer Science & Info Tech
Beneficiary’s Address: 9 Jurong Town Hall Road iHub #02-76, Singapore 609431
Account : 054-902037-0
Please fill in the following form for us to check your payment
Remitter’s A/C No.Remitter’s Name:
Remit date:
Remit amount:
1. Payment by Method 1 is priority to accept.
2. Bank service charges should be paid by the payer.
3. If pay by method 2, 30 USD more will be charged for the service charge
4. Registration can only be secured and confirmed when payment has been received.
Should you have any further inquiry about the registration, please feel free to email to .
ICOAR 2018 Organizing Committee