2017Hayes Football Mandatory Parent Fundraising Meeting
Congratulations on becoming a part of the 2017 E.J. Hayes Football Team! Welcome PANTHERS!!! This paper will have many important things for you know about the upcoming season.
- Practice will begin immediately following Tryouts on July 20thand be every week day, Monday-Thursday except for August 8th until the first day of school. Practice for all teams will be 6:00-7:30 PM (have them there by 5:50 PM) until the first day of school on August 16th. After school begins all practices will be from 4:20-6:20 PM.
- Equipment will begin to be passed out on July 24 to anyone who has paid the dues.
Communication for conditioning, tryouts and changes to practice times:
- Check out our website: ejhayesfootball.com on the homepage.
- Sign-up for remind to receive instant texts. If you would like to join the account, all you need to do is provide me your contact information and I can send you an invitation immediately.
Closed Practices and Parking Procedures:
- All practices will be closed – you may watch from the parking lot but not from the bleaches or stands.
- For parking for practice and games:
- All parents must park in the front or side parking lot. Also, everyone must be off the curb in case of an emergency. The Basketball goal that has been put in is a very big safety concern, not to mention out kids walking across the street to and from the locker room.
Important Rules on Parent/Player Contract:
- 24 Hour Rule – Wait 24 hours before contacting a coach if there’s a problem.
- Coaches will not discuss playing time.
- Stay off the home sideline during games.
- 4 Strikes and you’re out with unexcused absences or being late to pick up/drop your son.
- Make sure to check the rules listed on the contract you signed prior to your child making the team!
- Any contact with a coach through email needs to Copy me at .
- Do your best on all fundraising activities!
- Please be on time to drop off and be on time for your child!
Practice Schedules:
Once school begins there will be a different practice schedule for each team, I will list below as best as possible:
- Monday – Full Pads
- Tuesday – Full Pads
- Wednesday – Helmet, Shoulder Pads, Practice Jersey, Shorts, Cleats (Normal Practice until 8/25)
- Thursday – GAME (Practice until the first game of the season on 8/26).
- Friday – OFF (Coaches discrestion to make it a short practice, watch film, etc.)
Junior Varsity:
- Monday – No practice. Up day for Junior Varsity players who will be playing up with the Varsity.
- Tuesday – Full Pads
- Wednesday – Helmet, Shoulder Pads, Practice Jersey, Shorts, Cleats (Normal Practice until 9/7)
- Thursday – GAME (OFF on Thursdays until 9/8, the day of the first JV Game).
- Friday – (OFF (Coaches discrestion to make it a short practice, watch film, etc.) – JV will most likely practice on Fridays until Week 3 of the regular season (when they play games on Thursday with Varsity).
6th Grade:
- Monday – Full Pads
- Tuesday – Full Pads
- Wednesday – No Practice. Up day for 6th graders who will be playing up with JV.
- Thursday – No practice
- Friday – Full Pads or just Helmet, Shoulder Pads, Practice Jersey, Shorts, Cleats (Coaches discretion).
- Saturday – GAME
Equipment Placement:
- 8th grade – Will place equipment in Coach Railey’s room in the morning after he arrives at school.
- 7th grade –Will place equipment in Coach Payne’s room in the morning after he arrives at school.
- 6th grade –Will place equipment in Coach Mason’s room in the morning after he arrives at school.
Personal Belongings & Backpacks:
- All 8th graders will be dismissed along with general dismissal, all 7th and 6th graders will be dismissed at general dismissal. They will pick up their equipment and will change in the locker room.
- All personal belongings (including backpacks) will ALWAYS be taken to the bleachers as each student-athlete comes outside for practice. Coaches will let kids know if they need to keep their back-packs in the school in the locker room due to weather concerns.
Grade Checks:
- Each player will be responsible for doing a self grade check on IC every Monday and putting their current GPA on the poster in their designated classroom. If they forget to put their grades on the poster or lie about their grades, they will run during and after practice.
- School wide grade checks for all athletes will occur every Thursday, all student athletes must have a 2.0 GPA in order to be able to be eligible.
- Spirit Packs - $55 – T-Shirt, Long-Sleeve T-Shirt, Shorts
- Concessions
- Dates – TBD
Community Service:
Contact Information:
If your child is sick and/or will need to miss practice, in order for it to be an excused absence, you will need to send an email to your child’s Coach and the Head Football Coach. This will allow your coaches to make practice run as efficient as possible. If you’re interested in helping out with fundraising or team coordination, contact your parent contact.
- Head Football Coach – Varsity Head Coach – Nick Payne
- Parent Contact – Vonda Smith
- Junior Varsity – Jason Pack
- Parent Contact – TBD
- 6th Grade Coach – Robb Lang
- Parent Contact – TBD
Varsity Schedule Volunteer Information:
- Donate Chips, Candy, Gatorade, Pop, Water, etc for CONCESSIONS for the following Varsity home games (Need 2 sets of FOOD and 2 sets of DRINKS per game):
- Pre-Season – 8/19 – Blue vs. Black game @ 8:30 AM.
- Week 2 – 8/31 – Tates Creek @ 5:15 PM.
- Week 3 – 9/7 – Beaumont @ 5:15 PM.
- Week 4 – 9/14 – Crawford @ 6:30 PM @ Frederick Douglass High School
- Week 6 – 9/28 – LTMS @ 6:30 PM @ Henry Clay High School
- Sell Tickets (2 per game) – 8/19 – Blue vs. Black game @ 8:30 AM @ HAYES (be there by 7:50 AM)
- Work Concessions on the following date (3 per Game):
- Pre-Season - 8/19 – Blue vs. Black game @ 8:30 AM @ HAYES
- Week 2 – 8/31 – TatesCreek @ 5:15 PM @ HAYES
- Week 3 – 9/7 – Beaumont @ 5:15 PM @ HAYES
- Week 4 – 9/14 – Crawford @ 6:30 PM @ Frederick Douglass High School
- Week 6 – 9/28 – LTMS @ 6:30 PM @ Henry Clay High School.
- Volunteer to work the CHAINS at the following HOME GAMES (Limit 3 per game, arrive 15 minutes before game time, will also help tear down the field after the game when there isn’t a JV game following it):
- Pre-Season – 8/19 – Blue vs. Black game @ 8:30 AM.
- Week 2 – 8/31 – Tates Creek @ 5:15 PM.
- Week 3 – 9/7 – Beaumont @ 5:15 PM.
- Week 4 – 9/14 – Crawford @ 6:30 PM @ Frederick Douglass High School
- Week 6 – 9/28 – LTMS @ 6:30 PM @ Henry Clay High School
- 10/26 – 1st Round of Playoffs
- 11/2 – Semi-Finals of Playoffs
- 11/9 – Championship Game of Playoffs
- Donate Water/Gatorade for the kids after each game (enough for each kid and coach)
Junior Varsity Volunteer Information:
- Donate Chips, Candy, Gatorade, Pop, Water, etc for CONCESSIONS for the following Varsity home games (Need 2 sets of FOOD and 2 sets of DRINKS per game):
- Pre-Season – 8/19 – Campbell Junior High @ 12:00 PM @ HAYES.
- Week 3 – 9/7 – Beaumont @ 6:30 PM.
- Week 4 – 9/14 – Crawford @ 7:45 PM @ Frederick Douglass High School
- Week 6 – 9/28 – LTMS @ 7:45 PM @ Henry Clay High School
- Sell Tickets (2 per game) – 8/19 – Campbell Junior High @ 12:00 PM @ HAYES (be there by 11:00 PM).
- Work Concessions on the following date (3 per game):
- Pre-Season – 8/19 – Campbell Junior High @ 12:00 PM @ HAYES.
- Week 3 – 9/7 – Beaumont @ 6:30 PM.
- Week 4 – 9/14 – Crawford @ 7:45 PM @ Frederick Douglass High School
- Week 6 – 9/28 – LTMS @ 7:45 PM @ Henry Clay High School
- Volunteer to work the CHAINS at the following HOME GAMES (Need 3 per game, arrive 15 minutes before game time, will also help tear down the field after the game when there isn’t a game following it):
- Pre-Season – 8/19 – Blue vs. Black game @ 8:30 AM.
- Week 2 – 8/31 – Tates Creek @ 5:15 PM.
- Week 3 – 9/7 – Beaumont @ 5:15 PM.
- Week 4 – 9/14 – Crawford @ 6:30 PM @ Frederick Douglass High School
- Week 6 – 9/28 – LTMS @ 6:30 PM @ Henry Clay High School
- 10/26 – 1st Round of Playoffs
- 11/2 – Semi-Finals of Playoffs
- 11/9 – Championship Game of Playoffs
- Donate Water/Gatorade for the kids after each game (enough for each player and coach on the team).
6th Grade Volunteer Information:
- Donate Chips, Candy, Gatorade, Pop, Water, etc for CONCESSIONS for the following Varsity home games (Need 2 sets of FOOD and 2 sets of DRINKS per game):
- Pre-Season – 8/19 – North Laurel @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- 9/16 – South Laurel @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- 10/14 – Jesse Clark @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- Sell Tickets (Need at least 2, Arrive 1 hour before game time)
- 8/19 – North Laurel @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- 9/16 – South Laurel @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- 10/14 – Jesse Clark @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- Work Concessions on the following date (Need at least 3, arrive 1 hour early to set up):
- 8/19 – North Laurel @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- 9/16 – South Laurel @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- 10/14 – Jesse Clark @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- Volunteer to work the CHAINS at the following HOME GAMES (Need 3 total, arrive 15 minutes before game time, help tear down the field following the game):
- 8/19 – North Laurel @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- 9/16 – South Laurel @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- 10/14 – Jesse Clark @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- Donate Water/Gatorade for the kids after games:
- 8/19 – North Laurel @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- 9/16 – South Laurel @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM
- 10/14 – Jesse Clark @ Hayes @ 10:00 AM