2017 Student Experience Committee

Terms of Reference

In alignment with the University’s Learning and Teaching, Student Experience and Student Support Strategies, the Student Experience Committee (SEC) represents the peak body responsible for the provision of advice and recommendations on the development, implementation and review of strategies, policies and initiatives to address the needs of students and enhance the overall student experience at the University of Tasmania.

SEC reports to the Academic Senate with the following Terms of Reference:

  1. Promote a positive student experience through the coordination and connection of strategic activity in all facets of the student lifecycle from supporting transition into and through preparatory, undergraduate and postgraduate studies, and into and from the workplace.
  1. Support the advancement of an organisational culture which enables engagement with the student voice and promotes activity to facilitate student partnerships, participation, feedback, representation and leadership.
  1. Promote an inclusive student experience through the enhancement of the teaching and learning, physical, technological and social environment.
  1. Support an enriched student experience through the development of strategies, policies and initiatives which promote inclusion, diversity, safety, internationalisation, local and global connections.
  1. ‘Monitor, analyse and report on the outcomes of student surveys relevant to the student experience, including, but not limited to the University Experience Survey, the Student Experience Survey, the Service Quality Survey, the International Student Barometer, the Student Services and Amenities Survey, and the Library Survey. Report any issues of concern to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee, paying particular attention to matters relating to academic integrity’.


The Student Experience Committee objectives will be supported by the work of its sub-committees:

  • Student Transition, Engagement and Wellbeing (STEW) Sub-Committee
  • Student Spaces Sub Committee (SSSC)


The Student Experience Committee objectives will also be supported by the work of its taskforces which will be established, as required, to target specific issues within set timeframes.

SEC Membership2017

Executive Director, Student Experience (Chair)
Chair or Deputy Chair of Academic Senate
Deputy Provost
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students & Education)
Nominee of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International)
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Training) or nominee
Director, Student Learning, Retention and Success
University Librarian
Four members appointed by Academic Senate (2 members of Academic Senate and 2 members from the broader academic community) one of these members must be from a remote campus*
One Associate Dean (L&T)
Deputy Chair, Executive Director, CSD
Student President TUU or nominee
Postgraduate President or nominee
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Aboriginal Research and Leadership)
TUU Nominee – student with experience in cultural matters
TUU Nominee – student representative in the equity and diversity space
The Chairs of subcommittees should be ex-officio members of Student Experience Committee (where they are not already members)
ITS Representative

*To be filled through a University wide Expression of Interest process. Selection by the Chair of Academic Senate and Chair of University Learning and Teaching Committee based on nominee’s expertise in University learning and teaching together with considerations related to diversity of members (campuses and career levels).

The Committee may invite observers with speaking rights as required by particular items under consideration.