2017 South Central Chapter of the Society of Toxicology Annual Fall Meeting
Thursday, October 19 –Friday, October 20, Baton Rouge, LA
Subject: Invitation to submit an abstract to the South Central Chapter of theSociety of Toxicology
(SCC-SOT) Annual Meeting in Baton Rouge, LA
Dear SCC-SOT members,
The South Central Chapter (SCC) Annual Meeting will be held in Baton Rouge, LA, on October 19-20, 2017. The focus of this year’s meeting is “Air Pollution Prevention and A Safer World”. There are 6 major activities associated with the meeting: (1) a networking reception; (2) two keynote speeches will be given by distinguished toxicologists: Dr. Lung-Chi Chen (Department of Environmental Medicine, New York University), Dr. Brian Gullett(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency); (3) scientific platform presentations; (4) the poster sections for undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows; and (5) the regional “K-12 outreach activity”. These activities will provide opportunities for students, academic faculties, government employees, colleagues, and collaborators from different institutions to connect and discuss common interests in the field of toxicology (see attachment for tentative agenda).
The SCC-SOT officers would like to invite you to submit an abstract and present your most recent research findings at this meeting. The collegial atmosphere of this meeting provides a plethora of opportunities for scientists from academia, industry, and government to brainstorm and promote cross-disciplinary collaborations across various research areas with the toxicological sciences.
The SCC is currently accepting abstracts for poster and platform presentations. Topics include, but are not limited to, toxicology, pharmacology, toxicogenomics, big data in toxicology or pharmacology, endocrine disruption, cancer research, inflammation and immunotoxicology,environment and disease, novel therapeutics and diagnostics, environmental health and environmental science, industrial hygiene and occupational safety, ecotoxicology, computational and mathematical toxicology methods, and food toxicology. The authors should indicate their preference for poster or platform presentation; however, the platform presentations will emphasize graduate student and postdoctoral research. The final program decision will be made by the abstract review committee.
The abstract submission deadline is October 1. Guidelines for abstract submission can be found below. Please submit your abstract to Dr. Qiang Gu () or Dr. Jia-Long Fang () on or before October 1, 2017, by e-mail. Attached Word file should be designated: “Last name-SCC Abstract.doc”. Drs. Gu and Fang will acknowledge receipt your abstract within 3 days.Please also find the Registration Form and send it ASAP. Logistical information and a tentative agenda for the meeting will be sent very soon. We sincerely encourage you to actively share this information with your colleagues and to help us make this meeting successful. We look forward to your participation and presentation at the 2017 SCC-SOT.
Awards will be presented for (1) best undergraduate student poster presentation, (2) best graduate student poster presentation, (3) best non-student non-faculty poster presentation (postdoctoral fellows and technicians), (4) best graduate student platform presentation, and (5) best non-student non-faculty platform presentation (postdoctoral fellows and technicians). The authors should indicate their preference for poster or platform presentation award.
Abstract format: All abstracts shouldbefullyjustifiedandsingle-spacedwithtextin 11 ptCalibrifont(symbols andspecial charactersallowed). Thetitleshouldbeinall capital letters andbolded.Skiponeline andlistall authors (initialsfollowed bylastname; please include a period after the initial), and their institutionalaffiliations insentencecase(1stletter ofword capitalized, exceptforconjunctionsandprepositions).Placeanasterisk infront ofthe nameofthepersonpresenting, if he/she is not the first author. Skiponeline andtypethebodyoftheabstract.
DoeIM(Firstauthor) andDeer YR(Second author)
Center ofResearchinTopicofToxicological Interest,CollegeofToxicology,SCC University, ST 76543
This is thefirstsentenceoftheabstractandisflushleftand of6.5inches width. Itgoes onandon…,butnolonger thantofillawidthof6.5inches (includingtitle, the authors’ name, and affiliations). Itgenerally concludes withsource ofsupportfor this research,ifapplicable,in parentheses likethis. (Support:DeepPockets Fund)
After your abstracttext, pleaseskipacouple oflinesandtheninclude answers tothe following:
Typeof presentation / Answer / Considerfor award? / AnswerPoster / Undergraduate student
Platform / Graduate student
Non-student non-faculty