2017 FL-GA District Middle School Youth Gathering


The theme for this Gathering is “WHAT’S NEXT.”
This event is specifically geared towards middle school students and is an event that clearly communicates God’s love and grace for these students. I am excited to see what God does with your son/daughter during this event.

If you need more information or have questions about the Gathering, please email me at . This Gathering has been a great faith builder for many young people. I would ask that you pray for all the leaders, participants, and presenters at this year’s Gathering. My prayer is that your child’s faith will grow and be strengthened by this event!

Included in this letter

·  Gathering Information

·  Emergency Contact Information

·  What to bring list

·  Medical/Liability Forms

Adult Leaders attending

·  Wil Lehmker

·  Nick Moss

·  Female Adult Leader- TBD

I pray that God will use this event to strengthen your child’s faith!

Nick Moss

Director of Christian Education/Youth

St. Paul Youth Ministry

Medical Information

Full Name ______

EMERGENCY & HEALTH INFORMATION (if yes to any question, please provide explanation and pertinent information)

Name/Phone of your Doctor: ______

Do you have:

_____ Allergies ______

_____ Heart Condition ______

_____ Diabetes ______

_____ Other ______

Do you have a reaction to:

_____ Bee Stings _____ Penicillin _____ Other Drugs ______

_____ Plants _____ Other ______

Are you subject to:

_____ Headaches _____ Seizures _____ Fainting _____ Sleep Walking _____ Asthma

Any serious illness or surgery in the past 10 years? ______

Any condition that would prevent participation in activities? ______

Any drugs ineffective in treatment? ______

Please list all medications currently being used (All Prescription Medications must be in original containers, in a ziplock bag, and turned in to the Primary Adult Leader when you drop off your son/daughter for the trip).



Please indicate anything else that would be important for adult leaders to know in case of emergency:



Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Medical and Liability Release Form


(To be completed by adult participants and the parents/guardians of youth participants)

In consideration for participation in the 2017-2018 St. Paul Youth Ministry, we (I), being 21 years of age or older), do for ourselves (myself) (and for and on behalf my child-participant if said child is not 21 years of age or older) do hereby release, forever discharge and agree to hold harmless the Florida/Georgia District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and St. Paul Lutheran Church and School and the directors thereof from any and all liability, claims or demands for personal injury, sickness or death, as well as property damage and expenses, of any nature whatsoever which may be incurred by the undersigned and the child-participant that occur while said child is participating in the above-described trip or activity.

Furthermore, (I) [and on behalf of our (my) child-participant if under the age of 21 years] hereby assume all risk of personal injury, sickness, death, damage and expense as a result of participation in recreation and work activities involved therein.

Further, authorization and permission is hereby given to said church to furnish any necessary transportation, food and lodging to this participant.

The undersigned further hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify the above organization, its directors, employees, and agents, for any liability sustained by said church as the result of the negligent, willful or intentional acts of said participant, including expenses incurred attendant thereto.

(if the participant has not attained the age of 21 years):

We (I) are the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of this participant, and hereby grant our (my) permission for him (her) to participate fully in said trip, and hereby give our (my) permission to take said participant to a doctor or hospital and hereby authorize medical and/or dental treatment, including but not in limitation to emergency surgery or medical and/or dental treatment, and assume the responsibility of all medical/dental bills, if any.

Further, should it be necessary for the participant to return home due to medical reasons, disciplinary action or otherwise, we (I) hereby assume all transportation costs.


Print full name of participant


Parent/Legal Guardian Signature


Participant (only if age 21 or older) signature

Hospital Insurance: Yes ____ No____

Insurance Company:______

Policy #______

FL/GA District Middle School Gathering 2016 Covenant

A covenant is a promise between two or more people. This Covenant contains our promises & commitments to each other for how we will act, interact, and react at the Gathering.

We agree to honor one another as members of God’s family during this Gathering experience by treating each other in the following Christian manner:

·  Use words that build people up, avoid put-downs and sarcasm at all times (1Thes 5:11)

·  Have a positive attitude and be flexible when things go wrong or schedules change

·  Deal with any problems that may arise in a Biblical manner (Matt. 18:15-17)

In addition, we expect our Adult Leaders to:

·  Model a Christ like, servant motivated attitude to all

·  Show patience and try to get the “whole story” before reacting

·  Be flexible when change of plans or rules is needed

·  Show a lighthearted, loving, and fun side of themselves

·  Follow this covenant fairly when dealing with problems

In this Covenant, we willingly agree to abide by these rules and expectations set by Lake Yale Conference Center and the District Gathering Committee:

·  Full participation in Gathering events

·  Always travel in groups of 3 or more

·  Be respectful of all property, including the natural habitat.

I agree to dress in modest fashion. If an adult tells me to change clothes, then I will change. I will dress in agreement with the guidelines set by Lake Yale Conference Center:

·  I will not wear strapless tops or midriff revealing clothing/ No spandex/workout bottoms

·  I will wear modest length shorts that fit properly. (no underwear showing)

·  I will not wear any clothing with inappropriate words or pictures.

If an individual participates in any activities or others deemed severe, he/she will be sent home immediately at the parents/guardians expense. The following are examples of severe actions.

·  Possessing an alcoholic beverage, narcotic, or tobacco product

·  Possessing a weapon, Breaking the law

·  Inappropriate sexual behavior

When someone fails to keep their promise this covenant, we will handle the problem with the following consequences:

·  They may be asked to consult privately with the Adult Leader or other youth involved

·  Youth may be required to sleep on the floor in an Adult Leader’s room (same gender)

·  Youth may be required to spend part or all of a day under the direct supervision of an adult leader

All members are responsible for honoring and upholding this covenant, and all members are responsible to remind others of the importance of the covenant.


Participant’s Signature (Youth or Adult) Date


Parent or Guardian’s Signature Date


Primary Adult Leader Signature Date

What to Bring List for MSYG 2017

Pack in a backpack or duffel bag-we have limited space!

·  We are in the Hotel section of the camp, NO need to bring sleeping bags, pillows or towels.

·  Toiletries-bring shampoo and soap as well (Ziploc bags work best!)

·  Bug Spray and Sunscreen

·  Appropriate Clothing

·  no clothing with offensive messages

·  Girls: no spaghetti straps shirts or midriffs

·  Walking/running shoes, no flip-flops

·  Any Medications- If YES, please list the medications and include instructions on when and how often your child is to take his/her medicine. Also, INCLUDE MEDICATION IN ORIGIANL CONTAINER, place in Ziplock bag and turn into adult leaders on Friday before leaving on Friday.

·  Please pack an extra set of clothes- evening activities on Saturday night, including a dance, so sometimes the Youth like to change into clean clothes- The dance is informal and just for fun, you do not need to “dress up”.

·  An Offering for Sunday Worship

·  $ Extra Money- There will be opportunities to by snacks from the snack bar on Saturday afternoon, There will be CDs and t-shirts on sale from the band and speaker. Sending spending money is up to you as parents.

Emergency Contact Information

Wil Lehmker 585-880-1718

Nick Moss 863-608-0475

Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center
Address: 39034 County Road 452
Leesburg, FL 34788
Phone: 800-226-8584, ext. 8800


We will take a rental van or school bus (depending on the number of participants we have sign up) to and from Lake Yale Baptist Camp.

Friday, November 3rd

Meet at St. Paul (PLEASE EAT BEFORE YOU COME- there will be a snack later in the evening, but we WILL NOT STOP FOR DINNER)

Arrive at Lake Yale Baptist Camp

Sunday, November 5th

11:00 Leave Lake Yale

1:00 Arrive at St. Paul (We will let the students use the Adults cell phones to call and give a more specific time). We are NOT stopping to eat Lunch so that we can get back home sooner.

Please do not bring:

·  Cell Phones or other electronic devices (no games, ipods, ect.)-These distract from the Gathering and do not promote getting to know the participants!