Ladies Charity Golf Classic

2017 Entry Form – June 6th & 7th

The 27th annual Ladies Charity Golf Classic will bring lady golfers from across New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, and Utah to Farmington, New Mexico for a two-lady best ball tournament on June 6th & 7th at Pinon Hills and San Juan Country Club.

The entry fee is the same as last year and includes green fees, carts, practice balls, pro-drives at both courses, team putting contest and individual chipping contest at Par-tee Reception. Also included is a no host Par-tee Reception at 6:00 PM on Tuesday night at San Juan Country Club with heavy horsd'oeuvres, a DJ and photo booth. Breakfast and lunch both days will be provided so come and ENJOY!

The donation recipients this year are the umbrella organization of Four Corners Foundation, a local philanthropic 501 c 3 organization dedicated to investing in the future of our community with the major beneficiary being The Heart Gallery of New Mexico. The funds will be used to assist local youth who "age out" of the foster care system at 18 with basic home items, college or trade school scholarships, and six weeks employer assistance to help on job training and with college books/computers. In addition to playing golf we hope you will consider supporting our charity cause by participating in the silent auction or giving a tax deductible donation to help with our cause. The website has a brochure on the different levels of participation.

Practice rounds may be played at either course on Monday June 5th: Pinon Hills @ 505-326-6066 or SJCC @ 505-325-6276. Go to our website at to learn more about the tournament. Please forward this website and share with lady golf friends that may be interested in our tournament.

Entry Deadline/fee Payment/Questions

$180 per person if postmarked by May 15th Make Checks Payable to: Ladies Golf Classic

$190 per person after May 15th Mail to: Ladies Charity Golf Classic

C/O Linda Dean

Entry Deadline: June 2nd 713 Ocio Place

E-Mail questions to: Farmington, NM 87401

Questions: (505) 320-7517

No Spectators are allowed – in any capacity * Only USGA-approved GPS systems will be allowed

Partner: ______Partner: ______

Address: ______Address: ______

Phone: ______Phone: ______

Email: ______Email: ____________

Home Club: ______Home Club: ______

Handicap Index: _____ Ghin # ______Handicap Index: _____ Ghin # ______

I c will c will not attend Tuesday Night Reception I c will c will not attend Tuesday Night Reception

Additional dinner guests: $20 per guest Additional dinner guests: $20 per guest

How many____ Names______ How many____ Names______

10 stroke differential- GHIN required