/ St. Andrews wins title of Best Destination in Canada
SEPTEMBER 10 – 13, 2017

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Time / Event / Location
Startingat10:00 a.m. / Algonquin Golf Course
Green fees, club rentals and carts are the responsibility of the golfers (all payable at the Clubhouse) / 465 Brandy Cove Road
3:00 p.m. –6:00 p.m. / Registration / Lobby and Front Desk
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. / Opening Reception / Carleton Rotunda
8:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. / Hospitality Suite / Right Whale Pub

Monday,September 11, 2017

6:30 a.m. / Wake-Up Runs/Walks (5.5K or 7.5K) / Meet in Lobby/Front Desk
7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. / Algonquin Breakfast / New Brunswick Room
7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. / Registration / New Brunswick Room
8:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. / Welcome
Murray Doehler, Chair, CAMPUT
Raymond Gorman, Q.C., Chair, NBEUB / New Brunswick Room
8:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. / Session 1 (Regulatory)New Brunswick Room
Intervenor Funding – A road to meaningful participation or to a cottage industry? Many Canadian energy regulators have intervenor funding programs that are designed to enhance meaningful participation and add value through covering costs of participants in the hearing process. However, the costs of intervenor funding are increasing significantly. This panel will explore and compare different approaches in different jurisdictions across the country, which may improve existing programs and benefit those who might be considering initiating new funding models. This panel will also examine the possibility of a CAMPUT working group to examine how regulators can assess whether they are getting value for the dollars being spent.
Moderator: Jason Cameron, Vice-President and Chief Communications Officer, CNSC
Speakers: Howard Harowitz, Commissioner, BCUC
JP Mousseau, Counsel, AUC
Kristi Sebalj, Registrar, OEB
Liane Sauer, Director General, Strategic Planning, CNSC
10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. / Coffee Break
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. / Session 2 (Legal)New Brunswick Room
Developments in Administrative Law and the Hearing Process
The first part of the session will be an administrative law update on regulatory issues. This will be followed by a review of the efforts by the Manitoba PUB and the OEB to streamline the hearing procedures in their jurisdictions. The attendees will then break into smaller groups for discussion. A reporter from each group will summarize the discussions and the comments will be compiled and distributed to the delegates after the session.
Speakers: Robert Gabor, Q.C., Chair, MB PUB
J.P. Mousseau, Counsel, AUC
Jennifer Lea, Counsel, Special Projects, OEB
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. / Lunch - Burger Bar and Make them Poutine New Brunswick Room
1:30 p.m. –
3:00 p.m. / Session 3 (Accounting and Financial) New Brunswick Room
Coffee Shop Talk with the Auditor
Typically, an audit provides assurances that the information is free from material misstatement.In the case of rate regulated public utilities, the most significant user is typically the ratepayers who are represented by many advocates and essentially the Regulator.Regulators tend to place reliance on information in these audited financial statements. What financial information can the Regulator rely on?
Moderator: Jocelyn Fraser, Senior Advisor, NSUARB
Speakers: Sonya Fraser, Managing Partner, EY (Halifax)
Ivan Chittenden, Partner, EY (Toronto)
Michael Dickie, Financial Analyst, NBEUB
3:00 p.m. –
3:20 p.m. / Coffee Break
3:20 p.m. –
3:30 p.m. / Information on CAMPUT AGM 2018 – Nunavut / New Brunswick Room
3:30 p.m. –
5:00 p.m. / Session 4 (Regulatory) New Brunswick Room
Best Practices Initiatives
In the spirit of learning from each other, this session will provide the opportunity for small group roundtable discussions on selected topics based on input from registered delegates. Each table will be assigned a topic for discussion, and then report back to the group with a summary of their discussions, including issues, challenges and best practices identified.
Moderator: Ken Quesnelle, Vice-Chair, OEB
6:00 p.m. –
7:00 p.m. / Cocktail Reception / Van Horne Pavillion
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. / Deluxe Lobster ++Boil
Also includes chicken, available on request – see Registration Form / Van Horne Pavillion
9:00 p.m. –
11:00 p.m. / Hospitality Suite / Right Whale Pub

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

7:00 a.m. –
8:30 a.m. / Algonquin Breakfast / New Brunswick Room
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. / Session 5 (Regulatory Effectiveness) New Brunswick Room
The Nine Attributes of Effective Regulators, and Important Regulatory Questions
In this session, Mr. Hempling will explore the nine attributes of effective regulators, that is, purposeful, educated,decisive, independent,disciplined, synthesizing, creative,respectful and ethical. He will also explore the following questions:
  1. Boards/Commissions are not courts, regulators are not judges. Does everyone agree?
  2. Regulation’s mission. Do we “balance” private interests or align them with public interest?
  3. Mission statements: Do they promote and protect regulation, or bore readers?
  4. Framing the issues and organizing proceedings. Who controls our cases?
  5. Decisional “defaults” –When inertia prevails, who wins?
Speaker: Scott Hempling, Esq. , Attorney, Professor,Expert Witness and Writer
10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. / Coffee Break / New Brunswick Room
10:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. / Session 6 (Regulatory Effectiveness - continued) New Brunswick Room
Regulatory Courage and Industry Performance
Mr. Hempling will explore the following topics in this session:
  1. Regulatory Courage
  1. “Protect the consumer” – From what?
  2. “Affordability” – Whose responsibility is it?
  3. Trumpism –Is regulation at risk of “alternative facts”?
  1. Industry Performance: How Do We Make it Central?
  1. What are the desired outputs in terms of cost and quality?
  2. What are the necessary inputs, from suppliers, consumers and other government agencies?
  3. What actions must regulators take to stimulate the inputs that produce the outputs?
Speaker: Scott Hempling, Esq. , Attorney, Professor, Expert Witness and Writer
12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. / Lunch – Seafood Chowder and Hot Sandwich / New Brunswick Room
2:30 p.m. –
5:30 p.m. / Option 1: Whales and Wildlife Catamaran Cruise
Provided by Quoddy Link Marine – First 46 persons who register are guaranteed a space on the vessel
Option 2: Algonquin Golf Course
Green fees, club rentals and carts are the responsibility of the golfers (all payable at the Clubhouse)
Option 3: Enjoy Charlotte County / Public Wharf, 20 King Street
465 Brandy Cove Road
Free Evening / Enjoy St. Andrewsby-the-Sea /

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

7:00 a.m. –
9:00 a.m. / Algonquin Breakfast / New Brunswick Room
9:00 a.m. –
12:00 p.m. / Annual General Meeting / New Brunswick Room