March 14, 2016

Also present: Board Chair Clark


Karen Sullivan requested approval for a resolution to authorize the filing of an application for the State Assistance for the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) State Assistance Program and the signing of a contract with NYS. Representative Koutnik moved for approval. Seconded, McCarty. Total: 2,243; Ayes: 1,740; Absent: 503-Powers. Motion carried.

Karen Sullivan distributed and discussed the following reports:

The compilation report of deliveries for the current year and prior years. In February 2016 there were 2,411.68 tons compared to February 2015 which had 1,828.65 tons.

Recycling and Solid Waste Report for February, noting that 350.84 tons were collected at a cost of $63.68 per ton for 2016 compared to 288.47 tons that were collected in 2015.

The Billing/Rebate report for February 2016 including net inbound fees and outbound costs summary, operating and management fee and metal rebate fee resulting in a charge to the County of $8,765.50.

Representative McCarty noted that some of the recycling bins in Springfield have been replaced.

Karen Sullivan distributed and discussed the Solid Waste and Recycling Budget for 2016 noting expenses and revenues for the year so far.

Representative Powers entered the meeting.

Karen Sullivan gave an update on the meeting with Montgomery County noting that the 2015 invoices were paid, there is 1 invoice pending for 2016, and that she continues to reach out to Montgomery County and Cornerstone on getting the engineer’s report and setting up a meeting.

Karen Sullivan stated that Jordan Clements was unable to make the meeting today.

Representative McCarty stated that the safety guard in the truck loading bay at the Southern Transfer Station was damaged by an excavator and needs to be replaced. Representative McCarty discussed having Casella repair it. Karey Foster from Casella stated that Lonnie O’Bryan will get back to the Committee on this concern.

Jeff O’Handley from OCCA gave updates on Ag Plastic recycling noting that Soil and Water plan to do some baling on a farm in May and there are 2 Ag Plastic recycling events scheduled at the Transfer Stations, one will be on May 7th at the Southern Transfer Station and one will be on May 12th at the Northern Transfer Station. Jeff O’Handley stated that 7 people have already signed up for the event. Jeff O’Handley noted that two tractor trailer loads have been shipped to the city this year so far.

Karen Sullivan gave an update on the Book Recycling noting that people are happy with the bins and that there has been 1 pick up already this year. Representative Clark suggested that area schools be notified of these collection bins. Karey Foster from Casella stated that she will send an email out to local school representatives.

Karen Sullivan gave an update on the Solar project noting that a conference call was held with Solar City on March 10th, the SEQR package is being developed, the plan is to meet with the Town of Laurens Planning Board in April, an extension has been submitted, the interconnect approval has been received, the upgrade of the utility line is expected to take 8-10 months to complete.

Dick Downey from Otego discussed the solar project noting that federal and state credits are sold to entities that need them but that the energy credits become less valuable as time goes on and urged the Committee to consult with lawyers on the specifics of the solar agreement.

Karen Sullivan gave an update on the Farmland Plan noting that Danny Lapin from OCCA is the lead facilitator of the project and that the deadline for completion is August.

Karen Sullivan discussed that the Town of Oneonta passed a Resolution entitled “In the Matter of Protecting Public Health from the impacts in the Town of Oneonta of Large-Scale New Pipeline Projects and Compressor Stations.” The committee discussed the Resolution including but not limited to the following:

-  Is it regarding handling natural gas safely?

-  Is it in support of stopping natural gas drilling?

-  Need to look at current/existing infrastructure as well

-  What is the process of testing now?

-  amend the Resolution to fit the County’s need

-  Make all new construction safe

-  To make natural gas safe, it will cost more

Dick Downey from Otego, NY stated that he feels that if this resolution is passed it will obstruct natural gas distribution. Mr. Downey distributed and discussed an energy bill from Germany noting that they are paying 3 times the price per KW than the United States and that is where we are headed.

Karen Sullivan asked if the Committee would consider sending a letter of support to MEGA in regards to the Community Choice Aggregate (CCA) which was presented at the last Board meeting. The Committee agreed that more information is needed and more questions need to be answered before moving forward. Representative Marietta read aloud some questions to send to MEGA including but not limited to:

-  What is the risk to the County?

-  What are some potential drawbacks?

-  What happens when prices drop lower but residents are locked in?

-  More information on REV (Reforming the Vision) is needed

-  What is the history of CCA’s?

Karen Sullivan stated that she will send the questions on to MEGA.

Representative McCarty asked who enters the Solid Waste Units for households. Karen Sullivan stated that the Town Assessors now are able to do this when entering other information in, noting that the Planning Department enters in all non-residential units.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Thursday, April 21st, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. at the Meadows Office Complex.