Deadline for application: 28 February 2015
A. The Applicant
ApplicantFirst name / Surname
Gender □ Male □ Female / Date of birth (dd/mm/yy)
Highest qualification: / Year of completion:
Motivation statement
(Given the objectives of this Call, describe your personal motivation for applying for the 2015 VFF Fellowship -- max. 200 words)
B. Institutional information
Home Institution that will administer the Fellowship(Applicant must provide a letter of confirmation/support from the Institution)
Institute name
Applicant’s current position
Tel (work) / Mobile
Host institution
(Must be outside of the home country; see criteria in the Call. The applicant must identify the host institute and obtain a formal, written letter of acceptance)
Contact person/supervisor
Institute name
Tel (work) / Mobile
C. Research Proposal
Guidelines for Preparation of Research Proposal – Read carefully!
The proposal should be no more than 2,000 words, not inclusive of references and budget.
Page layout: font size 12 pt, 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins, single line space.
The research proposal should have a clear logic and include the following sections:
- Problem statement and justification (issues or problems your research seek to address, and the importance and innovativeness of your research)
- Literature review (current knowledge on the issues, knowledge gaps that your research will address).
- Objectives (the specific, attainable objectives that the project intends to achieve)
- Hypotheses or research questions (statements which your research will test)
- Research plan (detailed step-by-step description of your research activities: site, sampling, design, materials, methods, procedures, analytical techniques, etc.)
- Expected outputs (describe expected research outputs clearly)
- Application of research results (beneficiaries and how they would benefit from using your results)
- References
- Time schedule (Gantt chart)
- Budget (sufficiently detailed to demonstrate that a sound research plan has been prepared)
Research project
Starting date
(not later than 1 Nov. 2015) / Duration, months
(max 12 months)
Summary (150 words)
How would your proposed research benefit Australia?
How is the topic of the research aligned with Bioversity’s research portfolio?
How would the capacity and results obtained through the Fellowship benefit your home institution and home country?
How did you first hear about the Fellowship?
Is the proposed project part of a currently on-going research programme (for example a PhD)?
□ Yes□ No
If Yes, describe the specific contribution and value addition of this proposal within that larger programme.
Research proposal (max 2000 words, not including bibliography)
Time schedule
Main research activities / Month
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Budget (a well-planned project is reflected in a clear and realistic budget) / US$
- Equipment (specify each item)
- Bench fees (provide details)
- Supplies, etc, not covered by bench fees (list categories, and provide details on significant items)
- Travel (itemised costs for international travel and local travel for carrying out your research)
- Stipend/subsistence (during time spent at host institution, provide details)
- Literature, documentation, information (provide details)
- Other costs (provide details)
Total budget
Funding from other source (provide details)
Amount requested from the Vavilov–Frankel Fellowship Fund