2017 CoC Competitive Grant Application

Project ComponentApplication

New Project

Agency Name:

Project Name:

Project Description– 15 points

The project description should address:

  • identification of the needs/service gap to be addressed to be addressed (1 points)
  • provision of data for the selection of the need/gap to be addressed, providing the relevant data, the data source and the age of the data (4 points)
  • the target populationthe plan seeks to address(3 points)
  • coordination with other source(s)/partner(s) (4 Points)
  • board demographics and diversity (3 points)

The narrative is expected to describe the project at full operational capacity. Two page maximum (15 Points Maximum)

Performance Outcomes – 30 points

  1. Identify projected goal (maximum of 6 points):

a)For new CA/CE project:

Indicator / CA/CE Projected Goal (deduplicated households)
Number of Housing Crisis Calls / Number of deduplicatedhousholds
Diversion/Stabilization Services / % of deduplicated households that receive Diversion
Households Entered Shelter / Number of deduplicated households that enter shelter
Mainstream Resources / Number of deduplicated households that are referred to Mainstream Resources

Points awarded on the following basis:

1.5 points for each indicator will be awarded if project meets and/or exceedsstandard goal and exceeds the best existing CA/CE actual score for the indicator; 1 point awarded if the project meets and/or exceeds standard goal, but does not exceed the best existing CA/CE actual score for the indicator.

b)For new PSH projects:

Indicator / PSH Projected Goal
Exits to Permanent Housing / _____% (higher is better)
Positive or Neutral Reasons for Leaving Program / _____% (higher is better)
PSH Retention / _____% (higher is better)
Improvements in Income / _____% (higher is better)
Adults Employed at Exit / _____% (higher is better)
Households Exiting with Non-Cash Benefits / _____% (higher is better)

Points awarded on the following basis:

1 point for each indicator will be awarded if project meets and/or exceeds standard goal and exceeds the best existing PSH actual score for the indicator; 0.666666 point awarded if the project meets and/or exceeds standard goal, but does not exceed the best existing PSH actual score for the indicator.

c)For new RRH projects

Indicator / RRH Standard
Exits to Permanent Housing / _____% (higher is better)
Positive or Neutral Reasons for Leaving Program / _____% (higher is better)
Average Length of Stay / _____ Days (higher is better)
Improvements in Income / _____% (higher is better)
Adults Employed at Exit / _____% (higher is better)
Households Exiting with Non-Cash Benefits / _____% (families only, higher is better)

Points awarded on the following basis:

1 point for each indicator will be awarded if project meets and/or exceeds standard goal and exceeds the best existing RRHactual score for the indicator; 0.666666 point awarded if the project meets and/or exceeds standard goal, but does not exceed the best existing RRH actual score for the indicator.

  1. Past Performance
  • Do you currently track performance outcomes for the project component for which you are applying using TLCHB performance measurements? _____ Yes _____ No

i)If you answered “yes”and currently have a similar project type which uses TLCHB standards to measure performance, please fill in the actual outputs in the white boxes (Maximum of 24 points):

1) Coordinated Access/Coordinated Entry (CA/CE):

Indicator / CA/CE Stan-dard (dedupli-catedhousholds) / CA/CE Project Actual (dedu-plicated households) / CoC CA/CE Average (deduplicated households) / Points
Housing Crisis Calls / 2000 / 2054
Diversion/Stabili-zation Services / 10.00% / 9.01%
Households Entered Shelter / 700 / 658
Mainstream Resources / 1800 / 1800

Points are awarded as follows:A maximum of 6 points may be awarded for each indicator according to the following standards. If the project meets or exceeds the current standardand is the highest performing CoC project for the project type, the project will receive 6 points. If the project meets or exceeds project CA/CE standard but is not the highest performing project for the project type, the project will receive 4 points. If project does not meet the standard, 2 Points will be awarded for meeting or exceeding the CoC project average. If project does not meet either the current KPI or the CoC Average, 0 points will be awarded.


2)Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)

Indicator / PSH Standard / PSH Project Actual / CoC PSH Average / Points
Exits to Permanent Housing / 70% (higher is better)
Positive or Neutral Reasons for Leaving Program / 65% (higher is better)
PSH Retention / 90% (higher is better)
Improvements in Income / 20% (higher is better)
Adults Employed at Exit / 10% (higher is better)
Households Exiting with Non-Cash Benefits / 90% (higher is better)

Points are awarded as follows:A maximum of 4 pointsmay be awarded for each indicator according to the following standards. If the project meets or exceeds the current standard and is the highest performing CoC project for the project type, the project will receive 4 points. If the project meets or exceeds project PSH standard but is not the highest performing project for the project type, the project will receive 3 points. If project does not meet the standard, 2 Points will be awarded for meeting or exceeding the CoC project average for the project type. If project does not meet either the current KPI or the CoC Average, 0 points will be awarded.


3)Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)

Indicator / RRH Standard / RRH Project Actual / CoC RRH Average / Points
Exits to Permanent Housing / 88% (higher is better)
Positive or Neutral Reasons for Leaving Program / 75% (higher is better)
Average Length of Stay / 270 Days (higher is better)
Improvements in Income / 50% (higher is better)
Adults Employed at Exit / 40% (higher is better)
Households Exiting with Non-Cash Benefits / 90% (families only, higher is better)

Points are awarded as follows: A maximum of 4 points may be awarded for each indicator according to the following standards. If the project meets or exceeds the current standard and is the highest performing CoC project for the project type, the project will receive 4 points. If the project is meets or exceeds project RRH standard but is not the highest performing project for the project type, the project will receive 3 points. If project does not meet the standard, 2 Points will be awarded for meeting or exceeding the CoC project average for the project.If project does not meet either the current KPI or the CoC Average, 0 points will be awarded.


ii)If you answered “yes” but your agency does not have any project that uses the TLCHB performance standards, please fill in the indicators, corresponding project standards/goals and project actual outcomes/outputs in the white boxes in the chart below (maximum of 16points)

Indicator / Project Stan-dards/Goals / Project Actual

Points are awarded as follows: Divide 16 points by the number of indicators each for meeting the following standards. If the project meets and exceeded the indicator standards by 10%, the project will receive maximum points. If the project is within10% of the standard, the project will receive 3 50% of the maximum indicator points If project is less than10% or more below the project standard, 0 points will be awarded.

iii)If you answered “no”, but operate any other current projects that use TLCHB performance measures other than the project type for which you are requesting funding, please fill in the indicator, project standards and project actual outcomes/outputs in the white boxes (maximum of 20 points).

1)Coordinated Access/Coordinated Entry (CA/CE):

Indicator / CA/CE Stan-dard (dedupli-catedhousholds) / CA/CE Project Actual (dedu-plicated households) / CoC CA/CE Average (deduplicated households) / Points
Housing Crisis Calls / 2000 / 2054
Diversion/Stabili-zation Services / 10.00% / 9.01%
Households Entered Shelter / 700 / 658
Mainstream Resources / 1800 / 1800

Points are awarded as follows:A maximum of 5 Points may be awarded according to the following standards. If the project meets or exceeds the current standardand is the highest performing CoC project for the project type, the project will receive 5 points. If the project meets or exceeds project CA/CE standard but is not the highest performing project for the project type, the project will receive 3.5 points. If project does not meet the standard, 2 Points will be awarded for meeting or exceeding the CoC project average for the project type. If project does not meet either the current KPI or the CoC Average, 0 points will be awarded.


2)Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)

Indicator / PSH Standard / PSH Project Actual / CoC PSH Average / Points
Exits to Permanent Housing / 70% (higher is better)
Positive or Neutral Reasons for Leaving Program / 65% (higher is better)
PSH Retention / 90% (higher is better)
Improvements in Income / 20% (higher is better)
Adults Employed at Exit / 10% (higher is better)
Households Exiting with Non-Cash Benefits / 90% (higher is better)

Points are awarded as follows: A maximum of 3.33 Pointsmay be awarded according to the following standards. If the project meets or exceeds the project standardtype and is the highest performing CoC project for the project type, the project will receive 3.33 points. If the project meets or exceeds project type standard but is not the highest performing project, the project will receive 2.22 points. If project does not meet the standard, 1.11 Points will be awarded for meeting or exceeding the CoC project average for the project type. If project does not meet either the current KPI or the CoC Average, 0 points will be awarded.


3)Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)

Indicator / RRH Standard / RRH Project Actual / CoC RRH Average / Points
Exits to Permanent Housing / 88% (higher is better)
Positive or Neutral Reasons for Leaving Program / 75% (higher is better)
Average Length of Stay / 270 Days (higher is better)
Improvements in Income / 50% (higher is better)
Adults Employed at Exit / 40% (higher is better)
Households Exiting with Non-Cash Benefits / 90% (families only, higher is better)

A maximum of 3.33 Points may be awarded according to the following standards. If the project meets or exceeds the project standard type and is the highest performing CoC project for the project type, the project will receive 3.33 points. If the project meets or exceeds project type standard but is not the highest performing project, the project will receive 2.22 points. If project does not meet the standard, 1.11 Points will be awarded for meeting or exceeding the CoC project average for the project type. If project does not meet either the current KPI or the CoC Average, 0 points will be awarded.

iv)If project does not operate a similar project type anddoesnot have any other projects that use any of the TLCHB standards, please fill in the indicators, corresponding project standards/goals and project actual outcomes/outputs in the white boxes in the chart below (maximum of 12 points)

Indicator / Project Stan-dards/Goals / Project Actual

Points are awarded as follows: Divide 12 points by the number of indicators to establish the maximum indicator score. If the project meets and exceeds the indicator standards by 10%, the project will receive maximum points. If the project is within 10% of the standard, the project will receive 50% of the maximum indicator points. If project is less than10% or more below the project standard, 0 points will be awarded.

Housing First- 15 points

Housing First Model Program (15 points total 5 points for each “No” answer)

  1. Will applicants be required to have income prior to admission? Yes/No
  2. Will applicants be required to be “clean and sober” or “treatment compliant” prior to admission? Yes/No
  3. Will residents be evicted for not following through on their services and/or treatment plan? Yes/No

For any “Yes” answer, provide a short explanation as to why your project would not meet the ‘Housing First” standards?

(1 Page Maximum)

Project Cost-25 Points

Choose one of the three following options to complete

  • If you currently operate a similar project type (whether this request for funding is for the same target population or not), please provide the following project costs associated with the similar project type project (maximum of 25 points):

a)CA/CE project:

$______Cost per Housing Call (deduplicated household)

$______Cost per diversion (deduplicated household)

Grant draw down percentage: _(______)_

b)PSH project:

Cost per service night (divide project budget by total number of service nights provided)

$______Total Project Budget/Service Nights Provided

Grant draw down percentage: _(______)_


$______Total Project Budget/PH Outcomes

Cost per service night (divide project budget by total number of service nights provided)

$______Total Project Budget/Service Nights Provided

Grant draw down percentage: _(______)_


  • If you operate another project type that is eligible for or is funded with CoC funds, please provide the following project costs associated with the similar project type project (maximum 20):

a)CA/CE project:

$______Cost per Housing Call (deduplicated household)

$______Cost per diversion (deduplicated household)

Grant draw down percentage: _(______)_

b)PSH project:

Cost per service night (divide project budget by total number of service nights provided)

$______Total Project Budget/Service Nights Provided

Grant draw down percentage: _(______)_


$______Total Project Budget/PH Outcomes

Cost per service night (divide project budget by total number of service nights provided)

$______Total Project Budget/Service Nights Provided

Grant draw down percentage: _(______)_


  • For any other project, please provide the projected projects costs associated with the housing type for which you are applying (maximum of 15 points):

a)CA/CE project:

$______Cost per Housing Call (deduplicated household)

$______Cost per diversion (deduplicated household)

Grant draw down percentage: _(______)_

b)PSH project:

Cost per service night (divide project budget by total number of service nights provided)

$______Total Project Budget/Service Nights Provided

Grant draw down percentage: _(______)_


$______Total Project Budget/PH Outcomes

Cost per service night (divide project budget by total number of service nights provided)

$______Total Project Budget/Service Nights Provided

Client Satisfaction- 1 point

Does agency evaluate client satisfaction? If yes, attach questionnaire and list % of clients participating in the process and the results. If no, why not (1 Page Maximum)?

CoC Priorities BONUS Points

HUD and the Toledo Lucas County Continuum of Care have set our project priorities as follows.

  1. Veteran – If your project targets homeless veterans 2 points
  2. Chronic Homeless – If your project targets chronically homeless persons 2points
  3. Youth – If your project targets homeless youth 2 points
  4. Families – If your project targets homeless families 2 points



Project Description (2 Pages)

Performance Outcomes Narrative (1 Page)

Project Expense Budget (Found in Excel Workbook)

Client Satisfaction Verification or Narrative

Letters of Collaboration (If applicable)

Leveraged Services Worksheet

2017-2018 Work Plan