2017 chapter leadership conference recap

september 16 – 17 | Sparks, MD

Presentation: Steve Stenersen

  • US Lacrosse as a National Governing Body (NGB) = Leadership
  • US Lacrosse as an Association = Membership
  • Leadership vs. Membership = Dynamic Tension
  • Flattening of membership and lacrosse participation is concerning. Why is this happening?
  • Fragmentation (club vs. rec)
  • Accessibility
  • Quality of experience (concussion concern)
  • Resistance to change/innovation
  • Other: Cost, field space, quality coaches and officials and recruitment, complexity of the sport
  • Solutions: collaboration, standardization, player retention, innovation


Q: Are other NGB’s seeing a flattening of membership/participation?

A: This is an issue across the board. US Lacrosse works with Project Play and receives this information. For now USL’s membership is flat but most other NGB memberships are actually declining. Everyone is aware of this issue. In hockey they’re starting to put all their resources into the lowest age.

growing the game: mark bodo

Q: How does the Northeast Tennessee Sports Association (NTSA) have funding to buy equipment?

A: They do a lot outside fundraising (refer to Mark’s PPT slide on the fundraising that was done through donations and grants)

Q: How do you deal with rural kids that can’t all get to practice?

A: Put them on a big party bus and bus them over to practice. NTSA has practices on different days in different areas to try and accommodate all kids from all areas


  • If the event/clinic is just one day, then it is $125 (below 250 participants) plus an Admin Fee. If the clinic spans multiple days, then it’s categorized as a day camp. Then the minimum premium would be $300 (for a week of clinics, which can be non-consecutive) plus an admin Fee.
  • USL should add resources on where Chapters can apply for grants and how people have fundraised in the past
  • USL will work on adding this to the Chapter Portal
  • CHAPTER IDEA: For coaches recruiting, Michigan recruited junior coaches that needed Christian service hours and this really helped them
  • NTSA has a Sponsor a Play Program -

measuring success: steve kirr


  • Electives are a suggestion but not an exclusive list. USL can add additional electives to the list to give Chapters more ideas. Ideas of some other items are:
  • Lacrosse Camp
  • Involving Colleges and Universities
  • Giving out College Scholarships
  • Quarterly Financials – Chapters should be able to upload to a web interface

Q: What’s the succession plan for new Presidents?

A: US Lacrosse has a Chapter Orientation that is supposed to be conducted by the Regional Manager for each new Chapter President. If you have not undergone a Chapter Orientation, reach out to your Regional Manager.

Rules update: Caitlin kelly and rick lake

Caitlin Kelly –

Rick Lake –


  • All American (AA) Process needs to be improved – NOTED & BEING WORKED ON
  • USL should notify Chapters on who the AA winners are – USL will do this
  • Right now, US Lacrosse communicates the winners with the chairs and US Lacrosse posts the information online
  • The Chapter should have a relationship with their AA Chair and be communicating with them
  • If the Chapter has an issue with who their Chair is, they should let Rick and Caitlin know right away
  • Suggestion – add coaching staff of the year to the awards

Q: How do chairs get elected?

A: A. The Area Chair must be a current US Lacrosse member.

b. The Area Chair shall serve a term of 2 consecutive years and are eligible for a maximum of 2 consecutive terms. They shall not serve more than 4 consecutive years. The US Lacrosse Coaches Subcommittees must approve any extenuating circumstances for a chair that needs to extend their term limits.

c. Area Coaches Associations shall nominate their Chair at the end of season meeting or as soon as the vacancy is recognized. All newly elected or returning Chairs must send their Contact – Allotment Form to US Lacrosse via the online process. New Chairs must be endorsed by the Coaches Subcommittee prior to February 15th annually.

Q: Can Chapter Leaders get videos of rule changes of how things will look?

A:Rule change videos are being worked on this fall and will be availableto the public closer to convention.

Q: Is there discussion on the exclusivity of the AA’s?

A:We do not want to create a pay to play situation and these kids have a limited income so requiring membership is not feasible at this time

LLO Panel: don aiello (Norcal), tom rhee (minnesota), jim old (tidewater)

moderator: lou corsetti

Question 1: Sportsmanship has become a big issue in our sport and across the country. How can the Chapter support local lacrosse programs and help them build a more robust sportsmanship culture?

Don – Sportsmanship starts with the coach (PCA). Create written rules and have sideline cards and lollipops. The Chapter should communicate resources for sportsmanship. Perhaps have people sign a code of conduct

Jim – Ask people to cheer positively before handing them a blue card

Tom – Devote more time to officials training

Lou – Officials should speak to the kids before the game


  • CHAPTER IDEA: Have a ceremony after the game for kids to vote on player of the game or sportsman of the game so the kids are awarding each other (Vermont)
  • There could be a timing issue on the Women’s side
  • Create culture from the beginning on Sportsmanship – set a precedent at the beginning of the season
  • US Lacrosse should brand PCA training (S. Florida)

Question 2: Traditionally youth girls lacrosse lags in membership as it relates to boys lacrosse. How can the Chapter leverage their resources to help support local lacrosse leagues to increase girls participation in our sport?

Tom – The Chapter goes to state tournaments and leverages women on the board. The girls side is partnered with a girl scout troop

Don – Stick/goggle loaner program ro girls, flyers and social media

Jim – Diverse focus on the board. Use social – get more women role models on social media. Host Learn to Play clinics for kids to grow the sport


  • This starts at the top level. Who is at the table? Parents of boys or girls? Find out everyone’s interest in the game and make it event. Keep the sport co-ed at the youngest level. (Central PA)
  • There is a lack of female college role models. The Chapter should do more outreach to local colleges and get them to help out (Gulf Coast)
  • CHAPTER IDEA: The Orlando Chapter worked with a local college and the women’s team gave the girls a locker room tour and donated leftover equipment
  • There is no super hero on the women’s side like Paul Rabil on the men’s side and that would of course be awesome to have
  • Houston doesn’t have any collegiate team in the area so they put a lot of focus to promote on social media
  • CHAPTER IDEA: Southern Ohio brings in Taylor Cummings twice a year

Question 3:

Is the game safe? What can the Chapter do to help support LLO’s by keeping the game safe?

Jim – Have a health and safety board member who communicates with USL and gives messaging down to the local leagues

Tom – Officials training is so important and the Chapter should invest


  • The rules don’t keep players safe, officials do so they need to keep the rules consistent
  • Players play the way they’re coached, not the way they’re officiated. If the player isn’t playing right, put them on the bench
  • LAREDO/LEAD’s need to be more accessible

membership update: Mark hogan


  • US Lacrosse will be launching a parent membership
  • Tournaments are really good and easier to control ages rather than grade.

Q: Can people also input the clubs they play on in their membership field instead of only one selection of rec?

A: Yes – If anyone needs assistance with this, contact our Member Service Representatives at 410-235-6882 EXT 102

Q: What is the value of USL membership besides insurance?

A: LADM, Education, Insurance is important, member savings and part of it is a leap of faith in the growth of the game

Q: Auto renewal is a great idea, what incentives will members receive?

A: Right now, nothing. Long term we will give renewal incentives. People are self selecting auto renew

Q: Has US Lacrosse thought of a lifetime membership?

A: Right now we’re looking at a multi-year membership

Q: What happened to members from 2012?

A: Members aren’t staying all the way through high school. They’re thinking do I have to be a member vs. do I want to be a member

Q: Why do people stop being members?

A: They stop playing the sport or membership is no longer required

Q: How does USL classify club and community programs?

A: It’s different in each area but clubs are more exclusive, meaning you have to try out to get on the team

Q: When will USL have player cards to define age?

A: Working on this for next year, it will be a digital ID

Q: The September 1st cutoff date works in the Northeast but not in the Southeast/West

A: The rules have exceptions that leagues can take advantage of as long as it’s consistent

Q: Why are we going age based rather than grade based?

A: It’s scientifically proven it’s better to play with your age group

Town halls: Mark eissele and ryan larkum

  • Be inclusive
  • Not a one off meeting, it should be a forum for discussion
  • Get a space donated for your Town Hall or hold at a restaurant
  • Topics at meetings can include:
  • Coach and officials recruitment
  • Sportsmanship
  • Player clinics
  • Private Enterprise
  • Rec and Club


  • CHAPTER IDEA: Potomac Chapter held a Town Hall with a Happy Hour and sold over 400 tickets – they raised about $5,000 for CDP’s and from Sponsors
  • CHAPTER IDEA: Western Mass held their Town Hall at their Hall of Fame event so everyone could be in the same room in one evening

Q: What about Chapters in large geographic areas?

  • Hold a Facebook live event so everyone can participate
  • Have multiple meetings
  • CHAPTER IDEA: Eastern North Carolina decided to hold their meeting in an area where they’re less experienced with lacrosse to help them grow
  • Hold the meeting where the most membership is


social media panel: Kelly jones-swenson (central ohio), jeff proznik (north texas), katie bergey (central pennsylvania)

Moderator: Maureen Cromer

Question 1: Which social media platform works best for your Chapter and why?

Kelly – Not one size fits all. Facebook is best to target parents. Snapchat is best for kids. Decide where your posts are best served

Jeff – Facebook – NTX utilizes it for meeting invites

Katie – Facebook – rely on board members to share the Chapter Facebook page on their own social media, which is free advertising. You can also advertise from Facebook to Instagram by linking the accounts


  • The Chapter could do Facebook Promoted Posts and select the audience for the post. This is paid advertising. Do not go over $250. You can select a daily budget to spend and choose the demographic to see the ad. This works for Facebook Pages, not Facebook groups.
  • The Chapter should not do pay for clicks on ads
  • Instagram is great for youth
  • CHAPTER IDEA: The Arkansas Chapter has Youth Brand Ambassadors that post on their own social media about the Chapter and lacrosse to get a following
  • Google analytics are free to use and helpful
  • A Hashtag # on social media is essentially a filing system

Question 2:How have you used social media to drive Chapter and US Lacrosse visibility?

Kelly – The Chapter went to a lot of events and did giveaways but before giving anything away they asked people to follow them on social media

Jeff – Chapter utilizes social media to promote CDP’s, Town Halls, other events

Katie – Chapter holds contests, goes to events and creates them on a Facebook page. Also shares USL’s social posts


  • Follow other Chapters on social media
  • CHAPTER IDEA: Eastern Mass partnered with the Boston Cannons and their intern does E. Mass’s and Cannons social
  • Imagery on Facebook will get more reach

Q: Having a social media person on the board is a full time job and hard to get, what do other Chapters do for this?

  • Central Pa – gave $50 a month
  • Tidewater – Have a college intern and use it as an internship – great resume builder!!!!!!!
  • Wisconsin – DECA – a group for HS kids -

Q: How can you monitor content that an intern posts?

A: Layout ground rules. Have them schedule posts in advance so you can review. Outline to your board members about what’s important on social media

cdp (coach development program) update: kevin greene

DIA = Developing the Individual Athlete

DTP = Development the Team Player

PCA = Positive Coach Alliance

Q: What is required for Level 1 Certification?

A: The newDIA in person clinic (3 hours on field) = Level 1 instructional clinic. To become fully Level 1 certified you need to take the DIA in person clinic, plus take the Level 1 online course and the PCA Double Goal Coach (both available FREE to members) on the E-learning platform. Members need to go to uslacrosse.org and login then navigate to “E-learning”. For boys game coaches you also need to take the “How to Make Proper Contact” online course, also available for free in the E-Learning area.It’s about 2 hours to complete all online components needs for Level 1 certification but it doesn’t have to be done all at once

Q: Will Youth Rules Test be a requirement?

A: Possibly but not yet

Q: Are CDP’s controlled by US Lacrosse or the Chapter?

A: US Lacrosse wants Chapters to be able to schedule their own clinics but there is still a portion of it that will connect back to US Lacrosse because of the transcripts.

Q: Is there a follow through plan for people not certified yet?

A: Yes – they receive pings. There is a coaches training pathway and a certification pathway to take

Q: If you do DIA and DTP in one day, is it $50 for both?

A: US Lacrosse is trying to figure out a fair way to charge for each clinic.

Q: Could CDP be a revenue stream for Chapters?

A: This shouldn’t be about making money


  • US Lacrosse is working on a CDP portal for clinic hosts
  • DIA can be a gender neutral run clinic
  • US Lacrosse will wait to launch new CDP items until after the 2018 season ends (per everyone’s feedback from the conference)