<Insert Name of MultiAcademy Trust

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Purpose of the Agreement

This agreement is made between Insert Name of Multi Academy Trust>and the Local Governing Bodies of its member academies listed below. It is intended to ensure transparency around the deduction and use of General Annual Grants by the Trust in order to provide a number of centralised services to its member academy schools.
<Insert Academy name>
<Insert Academy name>
<Insert Academy name>
<Insert Academy name>
<Insert Academy name>

Duration of the Agreement

This agreement will commence on 1st September 20xx (or relevant date) and relates to a 12 month period ending on 31st August 20xx.
Thereafter, this agreement will be automatically renewed in September of each year and cover a 12 month period. Local Governing Bodies should minute their approval for the renewal of this agreement at the first meeting of each academic year.

Termination of the Agreement

In forming part of the Insert Name of Multi Academy Trust>the member academies have agreed to the deduction of funds in return for the provision of services in order to assist in school improvement and achieve economies of scale. The level of deductions will be agreed by the Trust Board on an annual basis in consultation with leadership groups and local governing bodies. Termination of this agreement within the 12 month period is therefore not applicable.

Scope of Service

The Insert Name of Multi Academy Trust>will provide services to its member academy schools as detailed below(the services below are an example only and should be tailored to meet the circumstances of the multi academy trust they relate to):
  1. Appointment of a part time CEO to act as Accounting Officer and provide expertise and support on all educational matters;
  2. Appointment of a part time Trust Business Manager to act as Chief Financial Officer and provide financial support and advice to headteachers, Governors and finance staff;
  3. HR/Payroll services at a reduced consolidate rate offering best value; (year 1 no charge, years 2 & 3 £500 contribution per academy)
  4. Installation of new Financial systems (PS Financials and Orovia) and the cost of ongoing upgrades and annual support costs;
  5. Training for Governors/finance staff during the first year following conversion to ensure a full understanding of their new responsibilities as academy schools;
  6. IT support services at a reduced consolidated rate offering best value;
  7. Provision of year-end audit and financial statements at a reduced consolidate rate offering best value; (Year 1 no charge, years 2 & 3 £500 per academy)
  8. Provision of an internal audit service across the trust at no cost to the member academies;
  9. Provision of services schools previously received via DCC as follows: Admissions, FSM Eligibility checking, Safeguarding, Outdoor Education, Health and Safety
  10. Access to legal advice via Stone King at no cost to the member academies;
  11. An ongoing programme of procurement services to realise economies of scale across the trust;
  12. Clerk to Trust Board and committees;
  13. Communications and marketing to promote all academies within the Trust.

Responsibilities of the School

The academy schools listed above will ensure that it makes the agreed 4% of General Annual Grant available to the Trust and that this expenditure will be included in their approved budgets and strategic financial planning.
The academy school staff will ensure that all information requested by the Trust is available to assist with the procurement of services from both the Local Authority and other suppliers.
The Local Governing Bodies of the academy schools will ensure that the services provided by the Trust are monitored and best value is evaluated on a regular basis.

Responsibilities of the Service Provider

The Insert Name of Multi Academy Trust>will appoint an appropriately experienced CEO to act as Accounting Officer for the Trust who provide expertise and support to all the academy schools in all educational matters. The CEO will carry out their responsibilities as Accounting Officer as detailed in the current Academies Financial Handbook. The CEO will endeavour to ensure all support is offered on a fair basis but schools must recognise that circumstances may lead to additional support being required in one or more schools. The CEO will actively promote school to school improvement.
The Insert Name of Multi Academy Trust>will appoint a Trust Business Manager to act as Chief Financial Officer. They will ensure that the Trust Business Manager has the appropriate experience and skills to fulfil the criteria given in the Academies Financial Handbook and provide financial advice and support to all the finance officers in the academy schools. This support will include at least one 2 hour on-site visit per month.
The Insert Name of Multi Academy Trust>will be responsible for the costs of installation of new Financial systems and the cost of ongoing upgrades and annual support costs.
The Insert Name of Multi Academy Trust>will procure a number of services on behalf of its member academies ensuring best value is achieved. These services will include:
  • HR and Payroll services at a reduced consolidated rate;
  • Health and Safety advice from an independent consultant;
  • Admissions, Safeguarding, FSM Eligibility checking, Outdoor education and access to trade union representative support;
  • IT support at a reduced consolidated rate;
  • Appointment of accountants and provision of year-end audit at no cost for the first financial year, thereafter at a reduced consolidated rate of £500 per academy;
  • Appointment and provision of internal audit service across the trust at no cost to the member academies;
  • The Insert Name of Multi Academy Trust>will ensure the appropriate training for Governors and finance staff is available during the first year following conversion to provide a full understanding of their new responsibilities as academy schools;
  • The Insert Name of Multi Academy Trust>will ensure that its member academies have access to professional legal advice through the services of <insert name>;
  • The Insert Name of Multi Academy Trust>will appoint a clerk to the trust board and committees at no cost to is member academies;
  • The Insert Name of Multi Academy Trust>will ensure that there is an ongoing programme of procurement services to realise economies of scale across the trust;
Surplus funds which are held by the Insert Name of Multi Academy Trust>as a result of deductions from academy budgets will be held centrally and used for the purposes of educational improvement and staff development. The Insert Name of Multi Academy Trust>will ensure that maximum interest is gained on surplus balances and the use of these funds will be agreed by the Trust Board in consultation with the CEO and leadership group and detailed in the strategic development plan for the Trust.

Terms of Payment

In accordance with the decision ofInsert Name of Multi Academy Trust>and agreement of the Local Governing Bodies of the academy schools payment of the sum of 4% of each academy’s General Annual Grant (excluding ESG funding) will be made to the Trust. This payment will be made via a deduction taken from the EFA monthly funding prior to the balance being transferred to academy schools by the Trust.
Appeals Process
If a local governing body feels that the academy has been unfairly treated in the pooling of funding they should first appeal in writing to the Chief Executive Officer, clearly stating their reasons as to why they feel the level of pooling of funds is not appropriate. The appeal will be considered by selected members of the Trust Board and a written response provided to the Local Governing Body within 30 calendar days. If this does not resolved the grievance, then the Local Governing Body may appeal to the Secretary of State for Education, whose decision will be final and may dis-apply the provision for the pooling of funds.


On behalf of the Academy:
On behalf of the Trust (service provider):
Date ……………………….