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Exercises Proposed for Teaching
1. Name of the Teacher: Subhasish Banerjee
2. Department: Computer Science and Engineering
3. Course Title: Cryptography and Information Security
4. Course code: MCSE - 912
5. Course Hands out (in reference to framed & approved syllabus) (maximum 500 words)
Course Contents / Contact HoursIntroduction of Information Security, Cryptography, Conventional Encryption, Symmetric key cipher: Traditional technique: Substitution cipher, Transmission cipher, Stream Cipher, Block Cipher, Roaster Machine. / 7 hrs
Modern Symmetric Techniques, Mathematics of symmetric key cryptography, Cryptanalysis of classical ciphers, General Attacks, Secret and Private Key Cryptography, DES, Modes of operation of DES, Automatic Variable Key, Proof of DES, Merits and Demerits of DES, Quantification of Performance, TDES, Advanced Encryption Standard/AES, Comparison of Secret Key Systems, Modes of operation of AES Limitations of AES, Limitation of Secret or Private Key Crypto systems. / 5 hrs
Asymmetric key cryptography: Mathematics of Asymmetric key cryptography, Public Key Cryptography RSA Algorithm, Limitations of RSA Algorithm, Comparison of RSA and TRAP DOOR Public Key Crypto systems, Rabin Cryptosystem, ElGamal Cryptosystem, Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems. / 7 hrs
Key management: Key Transport Protocols, Needham Schroeder Protocol, Key Agreement Protocol, Diffie -Hellman Protocol, Station to Station Protocol, Merkless Puzzle Technique of key agreement, Public Key Distribution / 6 hrs
Message integrity and message authentication, Cryptography hash function, Digital Signature, Entity Authentication. / 5 hrs
Networks security: Application Layer: PGP and S/MIME, Transport Layer: SSL and TLS, Network Layer: IPSec, Advanced Error Control Techniques in Network. / 7 hrs
Virtual private networks; E-commerce security: SET, Digicash. Information security management. / 3 hrs
6. Books/Literature to be followed:
(a) Books (Min. 2 texts + 3 references)
(i) Title Information Technology Network and Internet
Author C. T. Bhunia
Publisher New Age Publication
Edition First Edition
(ii) Title Cryptography and Network Security
Author B. A. Forouzan, D. Mukhopadhyay
Publisher Tata McGraw Hill
Edition Second Edition
(iii) Title Cryptography and Network Security
Author W. Stallings
Publisher Pearson
Edition Fifth Edition
(iv) Title Cryptography Theory and Practice
Author D. R. Stinson
Publisher Chapman & Hall/CRC
Edition Third edition
(v) Title Cryptography and Network Security
Author Atul Kahate
Publisher Tata McGraw-Hill
Edition Second Edition
(b) Magazines/Journals (Minimum 5)
(i) Information Security - SC Magazine, Haymarket Media Inc., United State
(ii) InfoSec Magazines, United Kingdom
(iii)Journal of Computer Security, IOS press, Netherland
(iv) International Journal of Information Security - Springer, United State
(v) Journal of Information Security and Applications - Elsevier, Netherland
7. Mode of Teaching: J.C Bose/S. N. Bose (please tick).
S. N. Bose
8. If the course is of practices, list the experiments to be offered.
Programming Language - C/ JAVA/ C#/ Python
(i). Write a program implement Euclidian and Extended Euclidian Algorithm to find GCD of two integer numbers.
(ii). Write a program to find the inverse: Additive and multiplicative.
(iii). Write the source code to implement the following Traditional Symmetric Cipher techniques for data Encryption/Decryption.
a) Mono alphabetic Cipher: Additive, Multiplicative, Affine.
b) Poly alphabetic Cipher: Autokey cipher, Playfair cipher, Hill cipher, Vigenere cipher.
c) Transposition cipher.
(iv). Write a program to Encrypt/Decrypt the information in Modern Symmetric Encryption based on Data Encryption (DES).
(v). Write a program to Encrypt/Decrypt the information in Modern Symmetric Encryption based on Advance Encryption Standard (AES).
(vi). Write a program to demonstrate the key generation, encryption and decryption operation based on the following Asymmetric Cipher techniques.
a) RSA cryptosystem
b) Elgamal cryptosystem
c) Rabin cryptosystem
d) Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem.
(vii). Write the programs to demonstrate Digital Signatures based on RSA, Elgamal, etc.
(viii). Write the programs to perform the Entity Authentication based on Challenge response, Zero knowledge, etc.
(ix). Write a program to demonstrate Key management mechanism based on Diffie- Hellman, etc.
(x). Mini project assignment to the individual student.
Are the manuals ready for the experiments to be conducted?
Remarks/ Endorsement by the HoDWith his /her signature with date / Name of the Teacher: Subhasish Banerjee
Designation: Assistant Professor
Signature with Date: