2017-2018 English lSyllabus

Coach Mia Evans, M.S.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: English I aims to introduce freshmen to the various genres of literature, equipping all students with reading strategies and reading comprehension skills as well as building solid writing composition skills needed in future years. Emphasis will be placed on understanding authorial purpose, textual patterns, and writing strategies. Students will be expected to respond to works of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction via discussions, projects, activities, journals, and essays. This course will also include grammar, writing, and vocabulary to help the student develop higher level thinking skills and prepare for higher level high school classes.

REQUIRED SUPPLIES: 3 ring binder (2 inch), 1 spiral, notebook paper, blue or black pens, 4 highlighters (Pink, Yellow, Orange, Green). I would be very grateful for donations of Kleenex and hand sanitizer. Other purchases may be assigned later in year.

**Please make sure you are prepared for class. You will not be allowed to leave the classroom for materials or supplies!


Literature / Language and Writing
To Kill a Mockingbird
Romeo and Juliet
The Odyssey
Short Fiction
Informational and Persuasive Texts
Other works may be added during the year. / Expository Writing
Response to Literature
Analytical Writing
Persuasive Writing
Research Synthesis
Conventions of English
Mechanics and Usage
Vocabulary (SAT)
Literary Terms
Writing Process
EOC Preparation

Parent Conferences:

Please call front desk or email me directly at to set an appointment. Parent conference requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance to the requested time. All phone calls and emails will be returned within 24 hours. If an email is sent on the weekend, I will reply 24 hours after the following school day.


Tutoring times will be offered in my room every Tuesday and Wednesday morning from 8:15-8:45 am or by appointment.

Grading Policy:

Denton ISD utilizes a standards-based grading policy. Grades will be determined based on a student’s mastery of course standards. Only major and minor summative assessments will be considered in determining a student’s grade. Minor Summative Assessments: 40% Major Summative Assessments: 60%

Grading Categories:

Major Summative 60%

Minor Summative 40%

Major Summative examples (examples only, not an exhaustive list): Unit Tests, Projects, Research papers, Final drafts, Essays, Presentations, Common assessments, Lab practical, Written response, Performance tasks, Portfolios

Minor Summative examples(examples only, not an exhaustive list): Quizzes, Graphic organizers, Rough drafts, Short pieces of writing, Oral questions in class, Exit tickets, Learning logs, journal entries, Performance tasks, Laboratory write-ups.

Reassessment: Because students master material and learning at different rates, students may reassess summative assessments if they have not demonstrated mastery. I will NOT allow reassessment on minor grades (40%). A student may opt to retake assessments only after he or she has demonstrated new learning to justify a reassessment. Demonstration of new learning is determined by the teacher. As a general guideline, reassessment must be completed within 10 days of the primary assessment. A student may reassess once on a major summative; reassessments are worth full credit.

CHEATING/ PLAGIARISM: Cheating includes such acts as copying during a test, sharing answers or test questions with other students, copying information on any assignment in which an individual grade is given, or plagiarizing from an outside source such as the internet. Unless you are explicitly told you may work together, you may not. It is in your best interest to come to me if you have any questions. Cheating and plagiarism consequences will be based on the district’s Academic Integrity Policy (see Code of Conduct) and will require the student to reassess.

**When students need additional assistance in completing assignments that are missing or low performing, they will be assigned to tutoring with the teacher during tutoring times.


Tardies and dress code violations will be handled as set by school policy. Students will be expected to be in their seats and working when the bell rings. If students are late to class, I will mark them tardy. Accumulated tardies will result in detention and parent contact. Consistent tardies WILL NOT BE TOLERATEDAND WILL BE REPORTED.

--When classroom expectations are not met, the following steps will occur:

  • Warning
  • 2nd warning-student/teacher conference
  • Teacher Detention—slip sent home to be signed by parent
  • Parent Conference (in person or phone)
  • Office Referral (with potential for In-School Suspension)

**Some infractions may result in automatic office referral

ABSENCES:Make-up work is the responsibility of the student, not the teacher. Students have one class day for each class day absent plus one additional class day to complete assignments, test, etc. Make-up exams and quizzes should be made up in a timely manner during tutorial time, not class time

ELECTRONIC DEVICES: I will confiscate any phone that does not adhere to the following rules:

At the beginning of class, all cell phones must be placed face down on the front corner of the student’s desk. No one may touch, turn over, or otherwise use their cell phone in class until the teacher has given permission. No one may use a phone while tests or quizzes are distributed, even if their own test is finished. No cell phones may leave the room. If you need to use the restroom, leave your phone with the teacher on your way out.

Please adhere to these electronic device expectations because I WILL take up your phone. Period

So, what’s the deal???

I want you to know a few things that you can expect from me. First, know that I respect my students as unique and special people. I care about your success, and I believe in you. I will take the responsibility of teaching you very seriously. Because of that, I want you to know that I will spend countless hours outside of school making sure that I am prepared each day. I am constantly striving to learn more, to teach better, and to inspire and encourage my students. I promise you that I will always work hard and give you the best that I have every day. You, as students, deserve that.

As I promise to give you my best, I expect the same from you. I expect that you will always try hard, work hard, and care about the work product that you present to me and your classmates. I expect you to take pride in the work you do and the way you present yourself to the world. I expect you to work well within your team—in my case, your classmates—and act in a way that allows others to succeed. I expect you to build your classmates up, as they will build you up—encouraging you to learn more and to grow as a student every day. I expect you to take responsibility for mistakes, so that you can learn from them and do better the next time. Your actions should allow me to teach you, allow your classmates to learn, and allow you to learn. The ability to receive a free education is a gift, and I expect you to value it.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns!


Coach Evans