2017-18 Parent Questionnaire
My child enjoys school.Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 70.31%
Agree / 28.13%
No opinion / 0%
Disagree / 1.56%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
We were delighted that nearly all of you reported that your child enjoyed coming to school. We continue to aim to make SKPS an exciting and stimulating place to learn and in line with our vision and values, ‘we aim to find and develop everything that is exceptional in each child to help them flourish within a framework of high expectations. We motivate and inspire our pupils to achieve their very best, to fly high, and to establish firm foundations to ensure the brightest of futures’. If there is anything we can improve upon to support your child to enjoy school, please speak with a member of the team as we wish for every child to find school an enjoyable experience.
The school keeps my child safe.
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 82.81%
Agree / 17.19%
No opinion / 0%
Disagree / 0%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
Keeping children safe is extremely important at SKPS and we are extremely glad to see this reflected in these results. It continues to be paramount that we maintain safeguarding procedures that are rigorous and suitable for this site. Our Governors have undertaken a health and safety and safeguarding review this year to formally check all safeguarding matters, which received very positive feedback. We shared our first E-Safety Newsletter and all pupils took part in activities during E-safety week. For further information on E-safety, please see our E-safety page on the school website.
The school helps my child to have a healthy lifestyle.
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 62.50%
Agree / 35.94%
No opinion / 1.54%
Disagree / 0%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
We have continued to raise the profile of ahealthy lifestyle within SKPS through encouraging healthy meal choices at lunchtimes, class work, assemblies, weekly PE sessions, specialist visitors and the provision of a wide range of after school clubs. We will also be running our annual Healthy Living week during Term 6, where children will have the opportunity to take part in many sports clubs, cookery experiences, sports day and listen to inspiring guest speakers.
The school informs me about my child’s progress and how I can support at home.
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 67.19%
Agree / 31.25%
No opinion / 0%
Disagree / 1.56%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
This year we have continued to develop ways you can stay up to date about your child’s learning and progress, such as weekly class information sheets, open classroom sessions, website, workshops, progress and target reports and parents’ evening sessions. The staff are always happy to discuss your child’s learning and are available after school if you arrange a meeting with them to discuss specific questions linked to your child’s progress. Please do not hesitate to ask your child’s class teacher for further information about your child as they are more than happy to help.
The school expects my child to work hard and do his or her best.
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 68.75%
Agree / 31.25%
No opinion / 0%
Disagree / 0%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
At SKPS the pupils take great pride in achieving their very best and we continue to set high standards with clear expectations on how pupils can succeed. We focus on encouragement, underpinned by good discipline. We celebrate our successes within class, through weekly celebration assemblies and we have introduced annual class assemblies where classes can demonstrate their work to the school and parents. There is also the opportunity to celebrate your child’s learning together through parents’ evenings and open classrooms where they can showcase their work.
Staff, pupils and parents must continueto work together to ensure that pride in our success means:
- Pride in our work
- Pride in our behaviour and attitude
- Pride in our attendance and punctuality
- Pride in our uniform and the way we look
- Pride in our commitment to learning and achievement
- Pride in our contribution to our SKPS community
The school sets appropriate home learning for my child.
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 44.44%
Agree / 47.62%
No opinion / 4.76%
Disagree / 1.59%
Strongly disagree / 1.59%
School feedback
Home learning opportunities at SKPS aim to extend our pupils’ learning experiences beyond the classroom environment and provide an opportunity to discuss their learning at home with family members. Home learning tasks instil good learning habits for life, provides parents with the opportunity to be directly involved with their child’s learning, provides opportunities for pupils to pursue their own line of inquiry, increases pupils’ enthusiasm for learning and allows the pupils‘ time to consolidate skills learnt in school and provide opportunities to extend learning. All teachers value the home learning contributions pupils bring in and take time to celebrate these within class. We were extremely grateful for the parents who attended our most recent parent forum where the SKPS home learning policy was positively discussed. We appreciate all feedback and would greatly receive any feedback if you feel any further changes are required.
There is a good range of activities including trips or visits for my child to take part in.
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 50%
Agree / 40.63%
No opinion / 6.25%
Disagree / 3.13%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
Throughout the school year, we ensure all classes have the opportunity to take part in an offsite school visit and have the opportunity to work with our school enrichment sessions. This year to date we have been extremely fortunate to enrich our curriculum through many visitors coming to SKPS to meet with each class. We have also established this year our woodland learning area where all classes through the school year will get an opportunity to take part in a block of woodland learning sessions. There are also more trips and visits planned for Terms 5 and 6 this year.
Although we have increased the number of opportunities we have provided, we are looking at how we can improve these even further so any further feedback or ideas you may have would be greatly received.
The school treats my child fairly and with respect.
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 71.88%
Agree / 25%
No opinion / 1.56%
Disagree / 1.56%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
At SKPS we are a unique and diverse learning community, it is ours, and every school’s responsibility to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We encourage all our pupils to have a voice within school and to be leaders throughout the school. This year we have established cross school discussion and debate groups where all members of the school community have an opportunity to work together to promote diversity through celebrations of different faiths and cultures, to ask questions and make their own choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example, through our e-Safety, assemblies and PSHE sessions.
We value every SKPS community member and if your child has had an experience within SKPS where they have not been treated fairly and with respect, please speak urgently with a member of the SLT team as this will not be tolerated and actions will be taken to address this immediately.
The school meets my child’s particular needs.
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 64.06%
Agree / 32.81%
No opinion / 3.13%
Disagree / 0%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
At SKPS our curriculum is designed to foster curiosity and creativity, to develop motivation and habits that encourage our pupils to be lifelong learners. The life skills we teach our pupils will give them confidence and self-belief. We aim for all pupils to leave us ready to make the transition to secondary education and ultimately to play their part in their local community as well as nationally and internationally.
We will continue to provide a range of different challenge levels in class as well as running those interventions which we know have the greatest impact. If you ever have any concerns about the level of support your child is being provided with within school, please speak with your child’s class teacher or a member of the SLT team.
The school has high expectations of behaviour.
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 75%
Agree / 23.44%
No opinion / 1.56%
Disagree / 0%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
Behaviour and safety at SKPS is seen as an absolute priority by the entire school community. We take pride in our behaviour and believe an excellent standard of behaviour is crucial in supporting all pupils to learn. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind rules and laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Pupils develop a thorough understanding of personal responsibility and develop independence in managing relationships and behaviour. Through our whole school restorative behaviour approach, we enable children to develop the language and strategies to solve conflict and right wrongs. Our pupils are excellent ambassadors for the school, within school, on school trips and within the community, and they learn that rules extend beyond the school itself.
Behaviour below expectation, including bullying, is dealt with promptly and fairly.
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 42.19%
Agree / 35.94%
No opinion / 20.31%
Disagree / 1.56%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
We value the effort pupils put into demonstrating good behaviour and developing good relationships. On occasions we do have to deal with behaviour that does not meet our agreed expectations and we do this in two ways:
Firstly, we use a restorative approach to deal with conflict in order to find meaningful, positive solutions for all involved.
Secondly, if this approach is unsuccessful we have agreed meaningful consequences which can be used to support the child in learning about good behaviour.
We have a zero tolerance policy with regard to bullying and are very proud of how well our behaviour system works. Any issues of potential bullying are dealt with swiftly and, where appropriate, families of all children involved are encouraged to take part in resolving the issue to ensure we have a long term solution rather than a ‘quick fix’.We believe in working in partnership with the parents and ensuring that any occasions of behaviour below expectation or bullying are dealt with quickly and respectfully for all concerned.
The school keeps me informed of events throughout the year.
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 81.25%
Agree / 18.75%
No opinion / 0%
Disagree / 0%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
We have worked extremely hard this year to improve our school calendar and website in order to keep you as informed as possible and work in partnership together with you. If you are ever unsure as to where to find key information about the school, the best place to look is our school website, which has the most recent newsletters, letters and school calendar and class information pages. If you have any questions please feel free to ask any member of the SKPS team, we are all happy to help.
The school takes account of my suggestions and concerns.
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 46.03%
Agree / 38.10%
No opinion / 14.29%
Disagree / 1.59%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
As a school, we aim to provide all members of our community with the opportunity to contribute to the learning and life of the school. Opportunities we provide are through parent forums, parents meetings, workshops, booking individual meetings with staff, email communication with staff, your Parent Governor, PTFA and members of staff being on the gate every day. If you wish to discuss anything, please make an appointment with your child’s class teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership team.
The school is well led and managed
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 79.37%
Agree / 17.46%
No opinion / 3.17%
Disagree / 0%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
We are constantly striving to make SKPS the best it can possibly be for our pupils, staff and families and working in partnership with all community members is crucial in this being a continued success. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Overall, I am happy with my child’s experience at this school.
Answer choice / Responses
Strongly Agree / 79.69%
Agree / 20.31%
No opinion / 0%
Disagree / 0%
Strongly disagree / 0%
School feedback
At SKPS we aspire for all pupils to feel safe, happy and have a love for learning. We value building close relationships with our families and within our community.
Thank you for all your ongoing support, it is truly appreciated and without this support we would not be the school we are today.
Would you recommend SKPS to other parents/others?
Answer choice / Responses
Yes / 100%
No / 0%
School feedback
Thank you for recommending us to other parents, your recommendations are supporting us to continue to successfully grow year on year with a further 110 families putting us down as their school of choice for 2018/19 academic year.
Some parent comments from the questionnaire in italics, with our replies:
School performances- it would be nice for each child to be seen a bit more. A staggered stage seems more appropriate so that parents don't have to stand at the back of the hall.
This is an area we are continually reviewing, and although we will not be changing our current staging format, this will be the last academic year where all pupils take part in the same performance. As our school continues to grow we will have separate performances to allow pupils to become even more actively involved in these and allow visibility for parents to improve as well.
Workshop format-
Feedback from all workshops from September 2015 to date has been 100% positive and we ensure dates of all workshops are displayed on our public calendar in advance to allow parents as much opportunity to attend if possible. We make sure staff are aware before the workshop begins which pupils have a parent attending and which pupils do not in order to provide support once they move into the group activities. Parents can access all workshop materials on our school website and it is really encouraging to see attending parents working with groups of pupils as well as their own child within class which has a very positive impact.
We have also added the addition of a debrief session in the hall after the class based activities as a direct result of parent feedback following a workshop.
School trips and outdoor learning-
School trips and visits are staggered throughout the school year with all classes having at least one big trip per academic year and additional enrichment sessions in the local area or within school. Trips are arranged to enrich the curriculum learning taking place within the classroom, we always ensure pupils are suitably dressed for the weather. All year groups take part in a term’s worth of woodland learning per year, as your child moves up through the school they will have the opportunity to experience woodland learning during different terms so they can see the seasonal changes that take place within the woodland area.
And finally:
It was so encouraging to again read the many glowing recommendations we received from parents.
Your questions and comments continue to be really helpful for us in evaluating our progress and the service we are providing to all those involved with SKPS.
Thank you for your ongoing support.