2016Scholarship Program Application Form

Applications must be complete and postmarked no later than April 6, 2016.

Name of Applicant: ______

Address: ______

City, State & zip code: ______

Applicant SSN or Student ID: ______

Day Time Phone: (___) _____-______Email Address: ______

Current School: ______Expected Graduation Date: ______

Plan to Attend/or Currently Attends:

College/University: ______

Financial Aid Office Address: ______

City, State & zip code: ______

*1.____ Include this Application, completed

*2.____Include Letter of Recommendation

*3.____ Include Official Transcript

*4.____ Include 500-Word Essay

*5.____ Include Completed ISA Membership Application, unpaid, if not an ISA Student Member.

If student is already an ISA Member, indicateISA Membership #______

*6_____Include professional type photo (head shot) for our newsletter

*7_____Include an envelope with address ofyour college’s Administration/FinanceOffice.

ISA Houston Section will use this envelope to mail your scholarship check.

*8. ____Nominating Party (Please check one):

( ) ISA Student Section Faculty Adviser

( ) ISA Houston Section member who attended four or more ISA Houston Section Events

Name: ______

Daytime Phone: ______

ISA Member #: ______

Relationship to Applicant: ______

Check dates of ISA Houston Section Meetings/Functions attended (must be fouror more):

Revised: 14 July 2010

___ May 6, 2015

___ June 3, 2015

___ August 5, 2015

___ September 2, 2015

___September 30, 2015

___ November9-12, 2015 (PCS Confer)

___ November 10th, 2015 YAPFEST

___ October7, 2015

___ November 12, 2015 Fall Chili Cook-off

___ December 3, 2015

___ February 3, 2016

___ March 2, 2016

___ April 6, 2016

___ April 8, 2016 ISAHSSpring Golf Tournament

Revised: 14 July 2010

Signature of Applicant: ______Date: ______

Complete this Application and include the six (*) additional documents listed above and mail to:

Scholarships c/o ISA Houston Section

Revised: 14 July 2010

ISA Houston Section

5868 A-1 Westheimer, #490

Houston, TX 77057-5641

To be considered, all Applications must be complete and postmarked no later than April 6, 2016

Houston Section

GUIDELINES for the 2015 Scholarship Program

Following are the guidelines for the ISA - Houston Section Scholarship Program for the 2016-2017academic school year, as approved by the Board of Directors. Please note this Scholarship is supplementary funding and is notintended to pay for any student’s full tuition for a full term or full school year. Amount of Scholarship may vary from year to year

  1. The minimum amount of the scholarship will be $1,000 for the academic year.
  2. Scholarships are awarded to successful applicants who will attend an accredited technical school, college, or university for Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 semesters as full time students (12 credit hours for undergraduate and 9 credit hours for graduate).
  3. Applicant must be nominated either by an ISA Student Section Faculty Advisororan ISA Houston Section member who has attended a minimum of four (4) ISA-Houston Section monthly meetings or activities during the 2015-2016 ISA Houston Section fiscal year.
  4. Applicant must submit an essay of no less than 500 words (typed) describing his/her future goals and the contribution that a scholarship would make in achieving those goals.
  5. The applicant must submit an official copy of the most recent transcript.
  6. The applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from an individual familiar with the student (e.g. a teacher, coach, or minister) but not related (not a family member or guardian) to him.
  7. The applicant must submit a completed paper copy of ISA membership application (if not a member yet). Do not pay the fee; the ISA Houston Section will pay for the winner’s dues for 2015/16.
  8. If awarded a scholarship, the applicant and one guestof the nominating party will be invited to attend the scholarship award meeting/dinner (location to be announced). ISA Houston Section will pay for dinners of the scholarship recipient and one guest.
  9. All scholarship payments will be submitted directly to the college or university where the scholarship recipient is enrolled to pay for normal tuition, enrollment fees, and textbooks for the college of his or her choice.
  10. An envelope with address of College Administration/Finance Office must be sent with the application to ISAHouston Section.
  11. Applicant must send a clear “face only” photo. This photo will be used in our Newsletter.

Deadline for Application: To be considered, the application and associated documents must be postmarked no later than April 6, 2016. Scholarships will be awarded to applicants based upon the quality of essay, high school or college grades, accomplishments, and the Letter of Nomination. For questions, please contact Mary Cannonor any ISA Houston Section Board Member listed in the section’s newsletter or website.

Mail Application Materials and Official Transcripts to:

Scholarships c/o ISA Houston Section

5868 A-1 Westheimer, #490

Houston, TX 77057-5641


Revised: 14 July 2010