Ball/Bateman Handbook 2012-2013
Dear Families,
Welcome to fourth grade! I have prepared this booklet for you as a resource for you to use throughout the year. I hope it will be helpful to you as questions or concerns arise.
I feel that communication between school and home is vital and is a key piece of the learning experience. Please know that if you have any questions about your child, events in the classroom, or the academics you can best reach me via email. Our class site is a great resource to use for staying updated with classroom learning and events. Checking voicemail can be a difficult thing to do during the day, so I urge that you try email or paper notes as lines of communication. I look forward to meeting with you during our scheduled conferences in October. I know that you will have one of the greatest educational experiences this year!
Remember, with consistent communication and teamwork we will all reap the benefits!
Yours truly,
Mrs. Ball
Classroom management
At the beginning of the school year classroom rules are established. The children are expected to be respectful to others and accept responsibility for their behavior. Positive reinforcement systems such as tickets, marbles, respect chips, and points are used to encourage students to make good choices. Points earned are “cashed” in for prizes and special passes. Consequence card systems are in place and strictly followed. Parents are notified if their child’s needs to move their card with an Oops note.
I believe in a well-structured, consistent, and safe classroom!
Instead of letter grades, students receive marks that show how well they have mastered each skill addressed in the Massachusetts Frameworks. A new category will be on the report card this year. The marks we are using are Beginning (B), Developing (D), Approaching (A), and Proficient (P).Class work, homework, class observations and participation, quizzes, and tests all help in calculating their grades.A standards based report card consists of a list of skills that students should learn in a specific grade level. Please visit the Duxbury Public Schools website for additional information.
I believe communication is key towards a successful school year. Please keep me posted on any issue you feel important in your child’s life, as I will communicate with you as needed. Monthly newsletters will be sent home via backpacks and email. Please check your child’s agenda nightly.
Folders are being used to help organize our binders.
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of homework being passed in on time. Homework is work that reinforces a class lesson, provides practice on a skill, promotes critical thinking, prepares them for the next day’s lesson, and helps establish a routine of responsibility!
Your child has a homework agenda that he/she will use to record nightly homework. I ask that you check this nightly for the first month of school to help foster their homework routine.
Per school policy, your child should spend 45 minutes each night on his/her homework, Monday through Thursday. If significantly more time is spent, PLEASE notify us so that modifications can be made.
At the end of every month, students who have completed homework the whole month on time, have the opportunity to be pulled for a pizza lunch with me or to receive a special prize.
Please refer to the Alden School Handbook for Absentee policies. Please remember to sign in at the office prior to coming up to the classroom.
Please help your child choose a healthy snack every day. Occasionally a child may forget a snack or not eat breakfast before school. For occasions such as these we ask you to volunteer to send in individually wrapped that we can keep in the classroom. Your help is always appreciated!
Please see the class site for additional donation requests.
Step up to support our Class!
If you are willing to help support our class, below is a wish list of materials. Feel free to either send the donation in or contact me. Thank you!
individually wrapped snacks (we do have a corn allergy if he/she ingests it…popcorn,corn chips…)
cleaning supplies
class room support- fill out the Parent Volunteer sheet
candy for the prize jar(jolly ranchers, tootsie rolls, skittles, rolos, blow pop lollipops, peppermint patties, junior mints, bubble gum, gums balls..)
dry erase board markers
plastic spoons
Bean bag/ pillow chairs....
Used/new books to add to the library
prizes for point spending (desperate for some- Dollar Store goodies, Building #19, Job Lot...
Gift certificates to:
Papa Gino’s (used monthly for HW and behavior ticket)
Staples/Office Max/Office Depot......
Stop-n- Shop
Sponsor a Party that we earn!
Please send in a note that you’d be willing to fund a party that is earned when the marble jar gets filled. (You’ll be notified when we earn the party.)
Ideas: Breakfast, Pizza social, Ice cream party, Free choice
I am looking forward to a wonderful year here at Alden School! Together, we can make it happen!