2016 Unity Scholarship Application Form

Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School is pleased to offer a post-secondary scholarship to a graduating student attending college or university. Applicants must be enrolled in a Full Time program at an accredited post-secondary education institution beginning September 2016. The value of the scholarship is $750.00.

The scholarship recipient will be notified in writing no later than June 30, 2016, and a cheque will be presenting at this Fall’s Commencement ceremony.


1.  Applicant must be a graduating Fletcher’s student pursuing college or university Full Time at an accredited institution beginning September 2016. Program must be a minimum of one year in length.

2.  Applicant must demonstrate academic excellence, leadership and values that reflect the mission of the Unity Benefit.

Application Process

The following factors will be taken into consideration when selecting scholarship recipients:

·  Academic excellence

·  Leadership within Fletcher’s Meadow SS and in the community.

·  Personal attributes/values that reflect the mission of the Unity Benefit.

·  Letter of Recommendation

·  Complete application and supporting documents including Composition.

·  Financial Need

Selection Process

·  Submit your application with all sections completed.

·  Submit one letter of recommendation with the application.

·  Submit composition


All documentation including a completed application form must be submitted by June 10th.

2016 Unity Benefit Application Form


Last Name First Name Student Number


Street Address


City Postal Code Home Phone Number

What program have you applied to? ______

Name of the Institution: ______

Name of the Program: ______

Location of the Program: ______

City Province

Note: Applicant must be enrolled in full-time studies at an accredited post-secondary institution (college or university) beginning September 2011 or the scholarship will be reassigned.

Declaration of Expenses and Income

Expenses and Income

Income for the School Year / Expenses for the School Year
School Related
Personal Savings / Tuition and Fees
Employment Income / Books and Supplies / Instructions
Family Contributions / Travel (relocation costs**)
Scholarships/Bursaries* / Living Related / All Income and expenses listed should be the anticipated total for the school year.
Take the total income from Box A and subtract it from the total expenses from Box B to get your total for Box C
Other (Please Specify) / Accommodation (Rent, phone, cable, utilities, etc.)
Transportation (car, bus)
Food (school year)
Prior Financial Obligations (E.g. Student Loans)
Child Care
Other (Please Specify)
Total C:
Total A: / Total B:
* Confirmed and Anticipated (do not include this scholarship) Existing Student Loans should be listed as Prior Financial Obligations
** Only applicable if you will be attending school out of town

Legal Release

Applicant Name (18yrs+) Parent’s/Legal Guardian’s Name

Name Signature


In 500 words or less, please tell us how, as a Fletcher’s student, you have demonstrated, through your character, leadership and community involvement, the spirit of the Unity Benefit’s mission statement:

“To promote genuine unity of heart and mind in support of our school and our community as we live, work, learn and play together as one people from many nations.”

Letter of Recommendation

To be completed by a teacher, member of the community or vice principal (but not a family member).


Name of Applicant


Name of Person Writing Letter of Recommendation


Title Organization


Work Phone Number Home Phone Number


E-mail Address


Relationship to Applicant eg. Teacher, Coach, Vice Principal, etc.

How long have you known the applicant? ______

Why do you recommend this individual as a candidate for the Unity Benefit Scholarship? In a letter, please consider the individual’s personal attributes, school leadership and community involvement and financial need. Maximum Length: 400 words







