Eastview Softball Board Meeting Minutes
September 24, 2009
Participants: Michelle Barry, Tracy McCoy, Brad Eilts, Steve Crenshaw, Donna Luciano, Penny Gall, Denise Sjostrom, Rich Keuler, Brad McCumber, Jim Larson, Gene Gall, Craig Wilson, Kathy Leners, and Len Jewell.
Len Jewell called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm in the Eastview High School, Room C350.
August Meeting Minutes
Brad McCumber made a motion for the minutes of the August 17, 2009 meeting be approved. Denise Sjostrom seconded it. Minutes were approved.
Open Forum
No topics for discussion.
Officer Reports
Len Jewell, Director
Eastview Athletic Association. Back in session on 9/21. No softball board member attended, Len had sent in a written update.
Blue Chip Academy is going out of business. 2008 tryouts had been held in the facility.
Kathy Leners, Secretary. No report.
Adrian Miller, Treasurer. No report.
New Board Members
Brad McCumber made a motion to for the following persons be added to the Eastview Fastpitch Board: Donna Luciano, Michelle Barry, Penny Gall, and Denise Sjostrom. Rich Keuler seconded. Motion passed.
Brad McCumber and Brad Eilts will be the co-directors. The Assistant Director will be Steve Crenshaw. Tracy McCoy volunteered to manage the website. Donna Luciano will coordinate field & umpires. Denise Sjostrom volunteered to manage the logo wear buy.
Len Jewell, Craig Wilson & Rich Keuler will continue to work with the Board in official capacity.
Dale Dose has expressed interest in the In-house Coordinator position.
Len Jewell will update the roster accordingly.
Committee Reports
Fall Tryouts for 14U/16U
There were 6 to 8 players outside the Eastview area who participated in the 14U/16U tryouts.
Strike Team
Reminder that all coaches must complete a background check. Question was asked about the insurance required by EVAA. Now the Fastpitch leagues, i.e. ASA, are requiring players purchase their insurance. Is this a duplication in payment? Can one insurance be purchased & cover the player during a specific timeframe for all softball related play?
Dome Ball. Looking for a volunteer to coordinate the winter dome ball clinics. Anyone available?
Fall Softball comment
Next year it should be reconsidered whether 12U have tryouts to form teams.
Uniforms. Some teams had issues with pilling. Rich to talk with Metro to determine options for replacement.
Coach’s Selection. Informal group. Recommend policy be developed to formalize the process.
2010 Eastview Fastpitch Tournament. Joel Albright has agreed to lead again. A date needs to be set so fields can be reserved.
2009 Annual Softball Celebration. 223 persons attended. Tickets in the amount of $400 was purchased at the door. Income $3500.
Equipment (Craig Wilson). Not all traveling teams have turned in their equipment. All In-house teams have returned their equipment. Softballs seemed to have disappeared – only have enough to distribute to 3 teams.
Once all equipment has been returned a complete inventory will be done.
Fundraising Activity. Marcia Runing is arranging for the players to participate in selling Herberger’s coupons. Coupons will be sold in early November for later usage date.
Craig motioned to adjourn meeting. Donna seconded it. Meeting adjourned.
Next meeting to be determined. Topics for discussion: 2010 budget, completing the 14U/16U team rosters, uniform follow-up, Eastview tournament dates, & 10U/12U tryout date.