Preferred Installer Declaration
Note: This declaration must be completed by the Preferred Installer. As the Preferred Installer you must provide your name, the date, and signature below in order for this application to be valid.
As the Preferred Installer you must declare that you agree (by checking the boxes provided) with the following declarations.
I declare I will ensure the STC’s are created within 20 business days from date of completion of installation.
I declare that all information provided in the ‘Preferred Installer’ Section of the 2016 Solar Communities Program Application Form is true and correct and no information is false or misleading.
I declare that I have public liability insurance of at least $5 million.
I declare that I hold appropriate and current licences and/or am registered to perform the relevant electrical and/or plumbing work for the type of installation as required by the jurisdiction that the work is carried out in.
I declare that after the installation, I will provide information and signatures certifying compliance with the above, in order to create STCs.
I declare that the quote provided is valid for a minimum of 120 days.
I declare that, if faults with the system are identified by an independent inspector, I will undertake all necessary remediation works to the renewable energy system as identified in the independent inspector’s report.
In addition, for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems only:
I declare that I qualify for STC’s under the Renewable Energy Target.
I declare I am accredited by CEC to design and install the type of installation being installed.
I declare I will ensure I comply with the CEC Guidelines on Code of Conduct for installations.
I declare I will ensure the installation complies with the CEC Guidelines for installation and design.
I declare I will ensure the installation complies with the following Standards:
- AS/NZS 5033, Installation and safety requirements for photovoltaic (PV) arrays
- AS/NZS 1170.2, Structural design actions, Part 2: Wind actions
- AS/NZS 4509.1, Stand-alone power systems, Part 1: Safety and installation
- AS/NZS 4509.2, Stand-alone power systems, Part 2: System design
- AS 4086.2, Secondary batteries for use with stand-alone power systems, Part 2: Installation and maintenance.
- AS/NZS 3000, Wiring Rules;
- AS/NZS 1768, Lightning protection;
- AS 4777, Grid connection of energy systems via inverters
- Any relevant State and/or local government requirements
I declare I will ensure that the system is not connected to the local power grid until the system is certified by an independent inspector.
In addition, for Solar hot water systems only:
I declare I will ensure the installation:
- complies with current Australian Standards and any relevant State and/or local government requirements;
- will be accredited with AS/NZS 2712; and
- listed on the Register of solar water heaters (available from the Clean Energy Regulator website).
In addition, for Battery systems only:
I declare that I am a CEC accredited designer/installer with the battery storage endorsement.
Name * Date * Signature *
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