OUtreach CoMMITTEE FOR June 15, 2016

Those in attendance:

Curtis Pulford

Matthew Deveney

Seth Franzman

Tony Maslowicz

Tim Colman

Shea Lemar

Talia Apkaw

Patrick Whiteford

Curtis Pulford led the meeting.

Introductions were made and a quorum was established. The meeting was called to order at 1:05 pm.

AGIC Website Updates and Maintenance

Curtis Pulford reported on the status of the AGIC website and maintenance. Tim Colman reported that the calendar on the AGIC site is being updated with the following type of information. Hopefully the calendar will be a useful tool for planning purposes.

  • Free training
  • Tucson GIS Cooperative and NAGIS
  • ESRI UC and NSGIC conferences
  • AGIC committee meetings and Council meetings

Curtis suggested that the calendar be updated with NSGIC business including NSGIC committee meetings. It was suggested that Outreach committee members let Tim or Curtis know about any events that they feel may be useful to have included on the AGIC calendar.

Curtis discussed and reported on the progress of the news page of the AGIC site. Regular updates include NSGIC reports including a report in conjunction with NOAA that shows all of the billion dollar emergency activities that have gone on, by year. Curtis is willing to put up a wide variety of new items. Curtis encourages everybody on the committee to send him news stories or ideas.

Tony Maslowicz has reviewed the site and found broken links and typos. The errors that Tony found are now corrected. Tony reminded the committee to let him know about any edits needed to the site so that the site may be repaired quickly.

AGIS ArcGIS Online Group

Curtis discussed the AZ GIS TimeLine Map. Tony knows about old U2 spy plane photographs taken of the state. Tony also knows about the location of concrete control points that were put throughout the Arizona desert. Jenna Straface and Curtis have also tapped Gene Trobia’s historical knowledge of the Council. Curtis has also researched historical SCO files. The time line will be plotted out 20 or 30 feet long and brought to the conference in September. Some content will be printed in advance on the timeline. The events will be organized by logical categories. It is being planned to present the timeline during Thursday lunch. Color coded sticky notes will be provided at the lunch so that attendees may add events to the timeline. The timeline will then be brought back to the Outreach committee to add the changes digitally. Patrick Whiteford suggested color codes for software and for graphics.

Update on GIS Spotlight
The progress of the GIS Spotlight project was discussed and reported on. William Mancini is no longer able to work on the GIS Spotlight for the Outreach committee due to other commitments. Curtis has adopted William’s work and put William’s draft into the form of a survey. The survey will allow for the Spotlight to replicate William’s original work so that it may be repeated for many editions of the Spotlight. Curtis has created a PDF template that includes room for three pictures and biography questions. Next he has a Google app for plotting locations lived and travels of the person that the article is about may be mapped.

AGIC-L Discuss topics for monthly update blasts

The GIS spotlights will be a good opportunity to go onto AGIC-L and let people know what AGIC is up to and what improvements have been accomplished. A general conversation followed about additional ideas for keeping the AGIC community updated through the list service.

Review AGIC Facebook profile

AGIC FB page and AGIC branding on websites were discussed. The branding is not consistent across all AGIC sites. AGIC content on the FB page is currently focused on the upcoming symposium but any content related to AGIC may be posted on the page. Curtis discussed the variety of items that are appropriate for FB. Leveraging these pages and other social tools were discussed. AZGEO logo changes were discussed and suggested. Seth Franzman suggested inserting the “Guide to Figuring Out the Age of an Undated World Map” into the bags at the symposium along with a map to guess the age of.

GIS ROI Contest

Deborah Crouse sent a link to the Chairs regarding a GIS Return on Investment Contest. Curtis will share the link with the committee members, following the meeting. UTAH AGRC “gis.utah.gov” is hosting the contest. The contest consisted of people who submitted their applications. The contest goes a long way to selling GIS others. A case log of ROI’s can be very useful for GIS support and outreach. Curtis discussed the need for Outreach to figure out how to do this for AGIC. The Utah ROI report was displayed on the screen. Seth Franzman suggested making AGIC membership aware of the contest and report. Various methods of dissemination were considered and discussed.

Call to the public was made.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm