IHE Technical Framework: Year 3

Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise

ARI Connectathon Test Cases

Revision 2007.1

January3, 2007

Copyright © 2007: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA



Rev. 2007.1Copyright © 2007: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA

ARI Connectathon Test Cases










This document describes the IHE Connectathon tests for the Access to Radiology Information (ARI) Profile.



2.1.1Special Instructions

If the Image Display and Image Manager/Image Archive actors support the content profile Consistent Presentation of Images (CPI), they must successfully complete this test to receive credit for ARI.

Test CPI_Archive (in the CPI Connectathon Tests) must be completed first.


Image Display should query Image Manager for GSPS objects and images. Images/GSPS objects should be retrieved and rendered appropriately.

The Q/R of the GSPS object is required if the CPI Profile is supported by the Image Display actor.

Testing of the rendering is performed in the test CPI_C_SOFT.


Image Display

Image Manager / Image Archive


For evaluation, the Project Manager should make sure that the Image Display can query the Image Manager and return results. Retrieving the GSPS objects and images will ensure that the Image Manager faithfully reproduces the data that it stores.


RAD-14DICOM C-Find request for images to Image Manager

RAD-15 Query Presentation States

RAD-16 (C-Move) Retrieve Images

RAD-16 (C-Store) Retrieve Images

RAD-17 (C-Move) Retrieve GSPS

RAD-17 (C-Store) Retrieve GSPS


2.2.1Special Instructions

This ARI test is re-used in several content profiles. Image Displays in these profiles (eg NMI, Mammo), should query/retrieve the appropriate SOP classes to satisfy the requirements for your content profile(s).

This test can be replaced by ARI_GSPS for Image Displays that support GSPS objects.


The test verifies the ability of the Image Display and Image Manager actors for the [RAD-14], [RAD_16] and [RAD-45] transactions.


On the Image Display

  • The Connectathon Monitor will ask the operator to demonstrate its support for the DICOM Study Root Q/R Information Model and Hierarchical Search.
    It will demonstrate on its User Interface the ability to offer its user the following attributes as selection criteria (ie these required query keys for the Image Displays SCU (RAD TF-2 Table 4.14-1). Query the Image Manager for combinations of:
    STUDY LEVEL Query Keys:
  • Study Date (0008,0020)
  • Study Time (0008,0030)
  • Accession Number (0008,0050)
  • Patient Name (0010,0010)
  • Study ID (0020,0010)
  • Study Instance UID (0020,000D)
  • Modalities in Study (0008,0061)
  • Referring Physician’s Name (0008,0090)


  • Modality (0008,0020)
  • Series Number (0020,0011)
  • Series Instance UID (0020,000E)
  • Requested Procedure ID (0040,1001)
  • Scheduled Procedure Step ID (0040,0009)
  • PPS Start Date (0040,0244)
  • PPS Start Time (0040,0245)


  • Instance Number (0020,0013)
  • SOP Instance UID (0008,0016)
  • Verify the ability to retrieve by study, by series and by image. Images should be retrieved and displayed. For evaluation, the Project Manager should make sure that the Image Display can query the Image Manager and return results. Retrieving/displaying the images will ensure that the Image Manager faithfully reproduces the data that it stores. (Detailed rendering evaluation is done in the Display tests in the Content profiles.)


Image Display

Image Manager


RAD-14Query the IM for images. Use a variety of query criteria – see list in the Evaluation section.

RAD-16 (C-Move) Retrieve Images

RAD-16 (C-Store) Retrieve Images

RAD-16 Retrieve by Study, by Series and by Image.

NULLNote any Query or Retrieve failures.


2.3.1Special Instructions

This test requires 2 datasets for the same patient – dataset A & B. A & B can be 2 different imaging studies for the same patient or 2 different reports (SRs). Alternatively, A can be images and B can be SRs.

  • The Image Manager or Report Repository should store dataset A
  • The Central Archive should store dataset A (a duplicate) and also dataset B.


Here we test the ARI Multiple Sources Option. Do not run the test if you do not support that option.

Image Display/Report Reader should query different Image Manager/Report Repositories and/or Central Archive for studies for a specific patient. Image Display/Report Reader should demonstrate a unified list of studies in GUI.


Image Display or Report Reader

Image Manager or Report Repository


NULL The Image Manager performs the test setup described in the Special Instructions section.

RAD-14 Image Displayqueries Image Manager under test and Central Archive for the two datasets

RAD-26Report Reader queries Image Manager under test and Central Archive for the two datasets

NULLImage Display renders returned list for the Connectathon Monitor.


On the Image Display / Report Reader, the Connectathon Monitor will observe:

  • asingle user request triggers a query to mutiple sources
  • a unified list of studies is presented on the GUI
  • duplicated studies (dataset A) appear only once

If the Image Display and Report Repository actors are combined in one system, the Connectathon Monitor will verify:

  • a single user request triggers a query of multiple sources for both images and reports.
  • the returned results of the query are presented to the user in a consolidated view.



If the Image Display and Image Manager have completed any of the ED_Modality_PACS_Display* tests, in the radiology Evidence Document Connectathon Tests, they do not need to run this test.


This tests the interface between a Report Reader and Report Repository for the query and retrieve of SR objecects.


Report Reader

Report Repository


RAD-26 Send a DICOM C-Find request to peer Report Repository

RAD-26 Report Repository response to the Query C-Find

RAD-27 (C-Move) Retrieve SR Objects

RAD-27 (C-Store) Retrieve SR Objects


Report Reader should query Report Repository for SR objects. Report Reader should demonstrate query keys as listed in TF.

SR objects should be retrieved and rendered. If reports contain references to images, images should be retrieved and displayed (if supported).


2.5.1Special Instructions

If the Image Display and Image Manager/Image Archive actors support the content profile Key Image Note (KIN), they must successfully complete this test to receive credit for ARI.


The KON_RETRIEVE test is run to make sure that an Image Manager can successfully store a Key Object Note, respond to a DICOM Query (C-Find) and return the Key Object Note to an Image Display.

  1. Image Manager should have already asked Modality or Evidence Creators to store Key Image notes.
  2. Image Display queries Image Manager for KON, retrieves KON and renders note with appopriate images.


Image Display

Image Manager / Image Archive


RAD-30 Send a DICOM C-Find request to peer image manager

RAD-30 Image Manager response to the C-Find

RAD-31 (C-Move) Retrieve KON/Images

RAD-31 (C-Store) Retrieve KON/Images


The Imgae Display demonstrates the ability to query for, retrieve and render KON with the appropriate images.



Rev. 2007.1Copyright © 2007: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA