2016 New Scholarship Recipients
Guadaulpe Aguilar
Grays Harbor Community Foundation scholarship
Elizabeth Allton
Grays HArbor Community Foundation scholarship
Amanda Anderson
Grays Harbor Community foundation scholarship
Ryan Anderson
Grays Harbor community Foundation scholarship
Maria Arellano-chavez
Lyle Lancaster memorial scholarship
ashley aschim
T.J.Lindley Family scholarship
katie ayres
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
kyle bambauer
scott alan ferguson scholarship
krista bickar
sue hunt scholarship
taylor birdsall
T.J.Lindley Family scholarship
dannikah blume
l. george pauze scholarship
kenneth boice
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
brittani boora
dr. george h. hitchings Memorial Scholarship
mckenzie brooks
dr. scott a. weatherwax academic athlete
amia brown
karl a. koch memorial scholarship
kayla bryson
dr. scott a weatherwax memorial university of puget sound scholarship
todd caba
aberdeen alumni scholarship
Brianna Carbaugh
Lyle And elizabeth laughhead/north river community scholarships
JAde caskey
Grays Harbor community foundation scholarship
Maguire cavanaugh
Grays Harbor community foundation scholarship
maria cavazos
north river community scholarship
Bryn Cavin
bob hoonan memorial scholarship
monica cuevas cerda
Grays Harbor community foundation scholarship
Mykah charette
Grays Harbor community foundation scholarship
kaleb chastain
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
violeta chavez
lyle lancaster memorial scholarship
cameron cheek
westport shipyard national scholarship
arielle clapp
merc & nina boyer family scholarship
matthew clark
Grays Harbor community foundation scholarship
nora coffelt
a.m. & may abel memorial scholarship
shelby cokeley
weatherwax prize scholarship
jessica cole
david spanich memorial scholarship
chloe converse
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
jessica cook
lyle lancaster memorial scholarship
trevor cook
lyle lancaster memorial scholarship
trista cooper
Grays Harbor community foundation scholarship
cassandra cornwell
t.j. lindley family scholarship
lizette cuevas
Grays Harbor community foundation scholarship
david cunningham
elizabeth and stanley oskamp scholarship
kassidy currie
Grays Harbor community foundation scholarship
kim daniel
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
cathryn s. davis
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
linnea davison
liz preble memorial scholarship
morgan dehnert
westby family scholarship
miles devine
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
ciara dickerson
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
Brady dier
aaron thomas dineen scholarship
courtney dietrich
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
callee douglass
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
conley doyle
edd and annie hodges memorial scholarship
jennifer fisk
dr. donald and edna wheaton memorial scholarship
jayce freeman
lyle lancaster memorial scholarship
megan gibson
ken miller memorial scholarship
haley goodwin
dr. donald j. arima scholarship
kendra gross
ben s. & blanche weatherwax scholarship
kennedy gwin
dorthea parker memorial scholarship
echo hahn
lou messmer scholarship
jacob herzog
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
stephanie hollandsworth
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
micah hollen
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
makenzi howard
t.j. lindley family scholarship
ronald howell
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
cyntia hudson
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
madilyn ivey
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
colton johansson
lyle and elizabeth laughhead memorial scholarship
parker johnson
aaron thomas dineen memorial scholarship
kara johnson
dr. john c. and else v. korvell memorial scholarship
john jugum
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
brandon kelly
ocean protein scholarship
paige elizabeth kershaw
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
jacob kitchen-edwards
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
desirray klatush-pope
dr. william and bess osheroff memorial scholarship
kasie kloempken
t.j. lindley family scholarship
makinzie lang
westport shipyard national scholarship
jonathan law
lyle and elizabeth laughhead memorial scholarship
karsen legg
miles zepp memorial scholarship
jordon logan
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
paola loza
lyle lancaster memorial scholarship
madeline maden
lyle lancaster memorial scholarship
tahj malone
novak family scholarship
tahni mcGaughy
lydian bush memorial scholarship
mireya mcNealley
merc & nina boyer family scholarship
merritt michelbrink
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
cortney miller
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
nathanael mueller
merc and nina boyer family scholarship
shane murphy
dr. robert mandich scholarship
mackenize olson
north river community scholarship
genevieve orr
westport shipyard national scholarship
mandy paige
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
clara park
weatherwax prize scholarship
kelci parker
hoquiam high school class of 1965 scholarship
crysta parson
t.j. lindley family scholarship
brett pelan
isabelle lamb family scholarship
luke peoples
lyle and elizabeth laughhead memorial scholarship
grace lyles poole
dr. james & laura baker memorial
sydney potter
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
colleen purefoy
dorthea & hervey lawrence family scholarship
daisy quintana
dr. james & laura baker memorial scholarship
josue quintana
lyle lancaster memorial scholarship
rachel randich
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
allison reuterdahl
westport shipyard national scholarship
morgan rockey
ben k. and marion weatherwax scholarship
heather rolf
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
blake rose
ardine lewis memorial scholarship
levi rose
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
vanessa rutherford
pennie coffey memorial for women scholarhip
brenda barrera santos
mark p. bryan scholarship
tianna schurr
t.j. lindley family scholarship
sam scroggs
grays harbor community foundation scholarship
kayley seaberg
merc and nina boyer family scholarship
abril silva
lyle lancaster memorial scholarship
alicia smaciarz
lyle lancaster memorial scholarship
mikayla smith
edd and annie hodges memorial scholarship
amanda stedman
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
corrie stewart
dr. donald and edna wheaton scholarship
alyssa sutherby
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
cole swenson
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
elizabeth taborski
mary lou chalberg memorial scholarship
emily takagi
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
autumn taylor
north river community scholarship
jennifer tingey
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
sabrina to
j.m. weatherwax memorial scholarship
maxwell veiga
dr. john d. “jack” ehrhart memorial scholarship
maggie vincent
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
tori walen
elizabeth and stanley oskamp scholarship
josie weiberg
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
payton west
lyle and elizabeth laughhead memorial scholarship
lucas white
Grays harbor community foundation scholarship
brooke whitsell
w.h. and ella abel memorial scholarship
jasmine wilkinson
ocean gold scholarship
sarah wood
gladys phillips memorial scholarship
nolan wyatt
abel-weatherwax family scholarship
lucia zepeda-farias
dr. james & laura baker memorial scholarship
taylor zillyett
abel-weatherwax family scholarship