September 8-12, 2016
(a)All NPC Unanimous Agreements as well as the NPC Code of Ethics shall be upheld (included in NPC Manual of Information).
(b)A potential new member must be a regularly matriculated student (non-dual enrollment) and be considered full time at CSU.
(c)GPA Requirements:all potential new members must have at least a 2.5 GPA. All GPAs will be verified by the Panhellenic Advisor. For freshmen and PNMs with less than 12 college credit hours, high school GPAs will be considered. All PNMs entering recruitment with 12 or more college credit hours will report their CSU or transfer GPA.
(d)There will be no assurance of promising of invitations or bids directly or indirectly by any member, pledge, or alumnae of a sorority. Further, there should be no indication of a bid or invitation being inferred (i.e. saying, “I’ll/We’ll see you tomorrow,” “Don’t worry,” or any other statement that could be taken to mean an invitation will be given.)
(e)All bids will be issued through the formal NPC Preferential Bidding System, run through ICS.
(f)From the beginning of formal recruitment through the accepting of bids, no potential new member shall visit a sorority member’s place of residence, or vice-versa. In the instance of roommates, discussion is limited to non-recruitment conversation, and must be reviewed by the NPC Executive Council.
(g)Normal social contact and conversation shall be allowed, and is recommended between potential new members and sorority members, new members, and/or alumnae during Formal Recruitment outside of event times. Normal social contact can be defined as simple greetings and introductions. Friendly conversation should still take place if a Potential New Member engages in conversation with any of the above parties. Any conversation regarding recruitment in any manner is forbidden. Disciplinary action will be taken by the NPC Executive Council if this is not adhered to.
(h)CSU NPC strongly discourages members and alumnae from initiatinginteraction with Potential New Members via social media. If a PNM first reaches out to a member/alumnae, they may accept their friendship/follow, etc. but may not initiate conversation after this point. Social Media interactions may include, but is not limited to: Adding a PNM on Facebook, following a PNM on Instagram or Twitter, “Liking” posts by PNMs, messaging PNMs via social media, andSnapchat interactions with PNMs.
- Should a PNM contact an affiliated member of an organization with a recruitment related question, that member may politely reply, but should direct them to the Panhellenic Advisor, Graduate Advisor, or a disaffiliated executive member of the NPC Council. At no time, should a member of an organization request information from a Potential New Member.
- Chapter social media accounts may follow PNM’s only after they have followed the account. The people that may have access to that chapter account may be the individual in charge of social media, and everyone included on the selection committee.
(i)Each sorority is directly responsible for the actions of its members, new members, and alumnae in regards to any and all recruitment and pre-recruitment activities. If inappropriate behavior is observed, the Panhellenic Advisor will contact the chapter president to handle any disciplinary action. Should it occur on multiple occasions, an infraction will be filed, and the matter will be handled through the Panhellenic Judicial process.
(j)“No Frills” Recruitment, as outlined in the NPC Manual of Information, must be adhered to. This includes:
- Establish guidelines for membership recruitment budgets and set a cap on membership recruitment expenses, including the value of all donated goods and services in the cap figure.
- Eliminate all outside decorations. This excludes letters outside the door and preference ceremony.
- Confine all membership recruitment entertainment within the recruitment facility.
- Eliminate costuming and purchase of special membership recruitment outfits.
- Eliminate all gifts, favors, preference letters or notes for potential new members until they have accepted bids.
- Develop conversation and interviewing skills.
(k)In keeping with NPC Policies, the use of skits is prohibited, and may not be used as a tool for recruitment.
(l)All chapters MUST follow RFM recommendations for release figures. If a PNM or PNMs do not meet MINIMUM standards for the organization, and their release(s) cause a chapter to fall below RFM recommendations, they should discuss this with the Panhellenic Advisor. RFM recommendations are used to maximize opportunities for all PNMs, and chapters.
(m) All invitations, regret lists, and final bid lists are due no later than the designated times. The Panhellenic Advisor will assign the deadlines on each day of recruitment, at the direction of the RFM Specialist. Disciplinary action may be taken by the Panhellenic Advisor if deadline is not met.
(n)NPC prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages in any membership recruitment and/or Bid Day activity.
(o)NPC prohibits the participation of IFC/NPHC men in membership recruitment and Bid Day activities. This includes, but is not limited to: Help with loading/unloading, decoration, “rushing” for the sororities, and contact with PNMs at the advisement of a sorority member, etc. Fraternity men MAY be present at the campus-wide Bid Day Celebration, but may have no contact with the sorority women, and may NOT assist an NPC organization in setting up for Bid Day celebrations.
(p)Automatically Adjusting Total (2013)To allow groups to achieve parity as quickly as possible at the conclusion of primary recruitment, total will be automatically adjusted annually no later than 72 hours following bid distribution. The adjustment will be to average chapter size unless the College Panhellenic adopts an acceptable alternative formula according to the Manual of Information.
(a)Each organization is responsible for setting up its own table at orientation. The Panhellenic Executive Council is responsible for setting up a table for Panhellenic. Panhellenic will design and distribute one flyer as a recruitment flyer for all organizations. Organizations should direct all PNMs visiting their tables to the “Pi Chi table” to receive a Panhellenic flyer in addition to their individual flyer. All individual chapter flyers must be approved by the NPC VP of Recruitment AND the Panhellenic Advisor no later than 1 week prior to the first orientation.
(b)A sign-up sheet will be placed at the Panhellenic table at ROAR orientation for potential new members. This sheet will be turned in to the Panhellenic Advisor following the orientation. It shall include the potential new member’s name, address, phone number, and e-mail. No contact lists may be made at chapter’s tables.
(c)Letters may be worn during the week of Formal Recruitment. Banners may be put up and also remain in their hung places during the week of Formal Recruitment. This is encouraged. NPC also requests a general Panhellenic banner in addition to chapter banners. Banner spaces must be reserved on CSUinvolve.
(d)No organization will contact any potential new member during the recruitment period. If a PNM needs to be reached for any reason, contact a Panhellenic Executive member to do so. (Please see 1g for clarification on contact).
(e)Sororities may not discuss any other sorority in a negative manner, or refer to anything negative about another sorority, or sorority woman.
(f)No organization may represent Panhellenic, or recruit for specific Panhellenic sororities if they are not participating in Panhellenic Formal Recruitment; this includes fraternities, inactive or alumane members, and other RSOs.
(g)During the summer months through Formal Recruitment, no sorority will be allowed to send flowers, cards, and/or related bribery material to potential new members. Doing so will constitute in a recruitment infraction. However, Panhellenic members may write letters of welcome to prospective university students and/or potential members provided they write as a Panhellenic member and not as an individual fraternity member. These letters MUST be approved by the Panhellenic advisor prior to being sent. Failure to obtain approval will result in recruitment infraction.
(a)Normal social contact will be allowed for the entirety of the recruitment process. Members, alumnae, etc. shall not make specific references to their organization, their specific recruitment events, or their organization’s feelings or thoughts about any PNM, but are encouraged to engage in conversations about Greek Life, and friendly conversations in general.
(b)No members of any organization may make any references about Open Recruitment during Formal Recruitment.
(c)COB will begin immediately after the last sorority has received their new member class on Bid Day. Additional openings under Total Chapter size may be filled during COB. Women participating in COB need not have registered for formal recruitment, but must meet the recruitment participation requirements, and be approved by the Panhellenic Advisor.
(a)It is forbidden for a sorority, an individual member, or alumnae to make derogatory remarks to the potential new members about other sororities or individuals.
(b)YOU MAY NOT PROMISE ANYONE A BID. You may also not allude to bid promising. (See 1d for additional information on Bid Promising) Additionally, chapter members are prohibited from asking a PNM which organization they have chosen or prefer prior to Bid Day reveal.
(c)No sorority member may buy anything for a potential new member (meal, coke, etc). No potential new member may buy anything for a sorority member. No favors or gifts may be given to potential new members from the sorority and/or by the individual members. This will be in effect for the week of Formal Recruitment, and the months leading up to recruitment (May-the end of recruitment).
(d)Potential new members cannot leave a recruitment event with any items except for a financial sheet when the time is specified (i.e. flowers, favors, pictures, etc.).
(e)Financial information is to be given out to the potential new members at Party 1. A copy of the financial sheet must be presented to the Panhellenic Advisor and the NPC Executive Council at least 1 week prior to recruitment.
(f)Each organization is responsible for its own nametags. The Panhellenic Council will provide nametags for potential new members.
(g)Each chapter member is expected to follow their organization’s rules in reference to language used, smoking, behavior, etc.
(h)Only sorority members, alumnae, and designated volunteers may assist the chapter with recruitment during the Formal Recruitment period. No men will be allowed to participate in any Formal Recruitment function. A potential new member shall attend orientation and recruitment parties to which she has accepted invitations. In case of illness or other emergency, the potential new member shall notify the recruitment counselors and/or the Panhellenic Advisor.
(i)All recruitment parties shall be held in the rooms specified and approved by the Panhellenic Council. Chapters are responsible for reserving their own rooms on Cougar Scheduler. If two chapters request the same room, priority will be given to the chapter with the highest GPA. If a chapter prefers to utilize a campus space that has an associated fee, the chapter is responsible for paying this fee.
(j)If a chapter is holding their preference round off campus, they are responsible for reserving and financing transportation for the PNMs from CSU Campus Transportation. Greek Life Staff will drive designated vehiclesif requested.
(k)It is the responsibility of each chapter to make sure that the potential new members leave the parties at the end of the allotted time period. The Recruitment Counselor will give a five-minute warning. If for any reason a party is unable to begin on time, the Recruitment Counselor assigned to that party will contact the Panhellenic Advisor to request adjustments.
(l)Dress for members is decided by each individual organization. No costumes are allowed. No changing allowed. Clothing that is worn must be “normal every day clothes” such as pants, shirts, dresses, skirts, shorts. Organizations may NOT require members to purchase matching outfits for the sole use of recruitment.
(m)Alumnae participation is limited to minimal interaction with potential new members during recruitment events (i.e. saying “hello,” pushing buttons, and serving food). If a potential new member asks an alumna a question, she will refer the potential new member to an active sister.
(n)Chapter members may have no contact with recruitment counselors (Pi Chis) during the week of formal recruitment, or at any summer orientation. Chapters are expected to conceal the identities of all Pi Chis. They may not appear in any pictures, newsletters, rosters, slideshows, etc. during recruitment. Chapter members are also not allowed to reveal affiliation of Pi Chis affiliated with sororities other than their own.
(o)Chapter members are prohibited from encouraging a PNM to participate in Intentional Single Preferencing. The options for PNMs regarding signing of MRABA statements will be fully outlined by the Panhellenic Advisor. Members and Pi Chis are also discouraged from using the phrase “suiciding.”
(p)PNMs must remain in the lines and order in which they are placed by their Pi Chi before each party. Any adjustments for “greeting” or “matching” purposes must be made by the chapter members, not the PNMs. If the order is not the same as the list your chapter is given, please contact the Panhellenic Advisor ASAP so that Pi Chi adjustments can be made before the next party.
(a)Members are encouraged to seek resolve on any matter regarding recruitment through verbal discussions peer-to-peer before an infraction is filed.
(b)Recruitment infractions may be filed by chapter presidents (on behalf of her chapter), Pi Chis, or Panhellenic Executive Members. An executive member may also file an infraction on behalf of a PNM.
(c)Filing parties are encouraged to attach evidence (screen shots, first-hand witnesses, etc.) when filing an infraction. Accused organizations have a right to view all evidence that may be presented against them.
(d)Infractions should be turned into the Panhellenic Advisor, Panhellenic President, or Panhellenic VP of Recruitment. If it is not turned directly into the Panhellenic Advisor, it should be submitted in a sealed envelope.
(e)Once an infraction is filed, the accused organization will reserve the right to choose the date of their mediation. Once a date is chosen, the Panhellenic Advisor will select an unbiased mediator to oversee the proceedings.
(f)Mediations should have no more than three representatives per organization (including chapter advisor). If the president has filed the infraction on behalf of another member, that member may attend for the sole purpose of presenting her complaint.
(g)Both the accused and filing organization are expected to reach a mutual agreement regarding sanctions (if applicable). A mediator may provide suggestions if necessary, but the decision must be made by the organizations. If an agreement cannot be made, the case will move forward to a judicial hearing (see the NPC Manual of Information for further information on the Judicial Process.)
(h)Fines may be assessed after the infraction process if standards set in Infraction Mediations are not upheld.