
Curriculum Vitae


personal information
Name and surname / Saša CECI
Academic title / Dr. sc.
Year and institution
of PhD obtained / 2007, University of Zagreb
Address / Livadićeva 18, 10000 Zagreb
Phone / +385 1 468 1014
Fax / +385 1 468 0239
E-mail /
Personal web page /
Citizenship / Croatian
Date and place of birth / 03 Jan 1973, Zagreb (Croatia)
work experience
Date (from – until) / 15 Oct 2011 – now
Institution / Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Position / Scientific Associate
Work field / Elementary particle and nuclear physics
work experience
Date (from – until) / 01 Oct 2008 – 14 Oct 2011
Institution / Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Position / Postdoctoral Associate
Work field / Elementary particle and nuclear physics
work experience
Date (from – until) / 01 Oct 2007 – 30 Sep 2008
Institution / University of Georgia (USA)
Position / Postdoctoral Associate
Work field / Elementary particle and nuclear physics
work experience[1]
Date (from – until) / 31 Oct 1999 – 31 Sep 2007
Institution / Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Position / Research Assistant
Work field / Elementary particle physics
Date / June, 2007
Place / Zagreb
Institution / University of Zagreb
Title of qualification awarded / Ph.D. (Physics)
Date / October, 2003
Place / Zagreb
Institution / University of Zagreb
Title of qualification awarded / M.Sc. (Elementary Particle Physics)
Date / October, 1998
Place / Zagreb
Institution / University of Zagreb
Title of qualification awarded / Dipl. Ing. (Theoretical Physics)
Mother tongue / Croatian
english language
Speaking / Fluent
Writing / Fluent
Reading / Fluent
research and other projects
(chronologically; leader and associates; funding source)
1) True nature of the Roper resonance (2010-2011)
Leader, 1 person, 10,000.00 HRK (HAZU), a paper in preparation
2) Hadron physics between experiments and QCD models (2008-today)
Associate, 3 people, 40,000.00 HRK annually (Ministry of Science) 6 CC papers (4 with above average IF, including one PRL)
3) Interactions in subatomic and medical physics (2002-2006)
Associate, 2-4 people; 45,000.00* HRK annually (Ministry of Science) 6 CC papers (including one PRL)
4) Symmetries and interactions (1996**-2002)
Associate, 3-4 people, 65,000.00* HRK annually (Ministry of Science) 19 CC papers
(chronologically; undergraduate, graduate , postgraduate study programmes
Teaching assistant (problem solving sessions)
October 2003 - July 2007 (total 7 semesters)
Physics I and II, and Laboratory for laser physics
(50-100 students per semester)
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia
Teaching assistant (problem solving sessions)
October 2009 - March 2010 (total 1 semesters)
Quantum physics
(20 students per semester)
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Zagreb, Croatia
mentorship of defended doctoral and master dissertations
and training of young researchers and scientists
I participated in training of several doctoral students, namely dr. Branimir Zauner, dr. Hedim Osmanović, and mr. sc. Mirza Hadžimehmedović.
visits to foreign research and education institutions
(chronologically; only visits longer than 3 months)
2009-2010, Forschungszentrum Juelich – Bilateral collaboration (4 months during two years)
2007-08, University of Georgia USA – Postdoctoral associate (1 year).
awards and recognitions
Referee for:
-  Physical Review Letters
-  Physical Review C
-  Fizika A and B
Scientific adviser for physics:
- popular science journal GEO (Croatian edition)
Chairmen of the Institute’s Research Assistant council
-  May 2005 – May 2007
-  May 2007 – October 2007 (resigned due to postdoctoral leave)
Research Assistants’ representative in the Department council
-  2003 – 2007
organizational skills and competences
(chronologically; organization of home and international science events )
Member of the organizing committee of the 2nd Summer Statistics Workshop (Main topic: Meta analysis, Prof. Ingram Olkin, Stanford Univ.) at Rudjer Boskovic Institute (2007)
Member of the organizing committee of the 1st Summer Statistics Workshop (Main topic: multivariate analyses, Prof. Ingram Olkin, Stanford Univ.) at Rudjer Boskovic Institute (2006)
Member of the organizing committee of the 2nd Pion-Nucleon PWA Workshop in Zagreb (2005)
membership in science organizations and bodies
(chronologically; home and international organizations and bodies)
American Physical Society
Croatian Physical Society
Baryon Resonance Analysis Group (BRAG)
Centre for Inquiry – Croatia branch
(chronologically; research books, home and international research journals, home and international conference proceedings; please write their impact factor)
CC papers (13)
Poles as the only true resonant-state signals extracted from a worldwide collection of partial-wave amplitudes using only one, well controlled pole-extraction method
M. Hadžimehmedović, S. Ceci, A. Švarc, H. Osmanović, and J. Stahov
Phys. Rev. C 84, 035204 (2011)
IF= 3.475
Stability of the Zagreb realization of the Carnegie-Mellon-Berkeley coupled-channels unitary model
H. Osmanović, S. Ceci, A. Švarc, M. Hadžimehmedović, and J. Stahov
Phys. Rev. C 84, 035205 (2011)
IF= 3.475
Relevance of complex branch points for partial wave analysis
S. Ceci, M. Döring, C. Hanhart, S. Krewald, U.-G. Meißner, and A. Švarc
Phys. Rev. C 84, 015205 (2011)
IF= 3.475
Poles of the Zagreb analysis partial-wave T matrices.
M. Batinic, S. Ceci, A. Svarc, B. Zauner, (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) . Sep 2010. (Published Sep 2010). 4pp.
Phys. Rev. C82, 038203 (2010)
IF= 3.475
Singularity structure of the $\pi N$ scattering amplitude in a meson-exchange model up to 2.0 GeV,
L. Tiator, S.S. Kamalov, S. Ceci, G.Y. Chen, D. Drechsel, A. Svarc, and S.N. Yang.
Phys. Rev. C82, 055203 (2010)
IF= 3.475
Comment on 'Mass and KLambda Coupling of the N*(1535)'. S. Ceci, A. Svarc, B. Zauner
Role of bare propagator poles in phenomenological Dyson–Schwinger type models,
S.Ceci, A.Švarc, B.Zauner
Eur. Phys. J. C58,47 (2008)
IF= 3.486
Resolution of the multichannel anomaly in the extraction of S-matrix resonance-pole parameters, Saša Ceci, Jugoslav Stahov, Alfred Švarc, Shon Watson, Branimir Zauner
Phys. Rev. D 77: 116007 (2008)
IF= 4.696
Model-independent resonance parameter extraction using the trace of K and T matrices, S. Ceci, A. Švarc, B. Zauner, M. Manley, S. Capstick
Phys. Lett. B 659: 228-233 (2008)
The pi N ---> eta N data demand the existence of N(1710) P(11) resonance reducing
the 1700-MeV continuum ambiguity, S. Ceci, A. Švarc, B. Zauner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 062002 (2006)
The importance of eta exchange in the p p ---> p p eta process up to T(lab) = 4.5-GeV,
S. Ceci, A. Švarc, B. Zauner (Bošković Inst., Zagreb);
Physica Scripta 73, 663-671 (2006)
The Re-analysis of the 1700-MeV structure of the P(11) partial wave using the pi N ---> K Lambda production data, Saša Ceci, Alfred Švarc, Branimir Zauner;
Few-Body Syst. 39, 27-43 (2006)
The Importance of the nucleon-nucleon correlations for the eta-alpha S-wave scattering length, and the pi0-eta mixing angle in the low-energy eta alpha scattering length model,
S. Ceci, D. Hrupec, A. Švarc;
J. Phys. G 25, L35-L41 (1999)
Conference proceedings (12)
1) Influence of the eta exchange to the eta production in proton-proton scattering,
Sasa Ceci, Alfreed Svarc, Branimir Zauner, (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) . Apr 2009. 6pp.
Contributed to Symposium on Meson Physics: extended COSY-11 collaboration meeting, Cracow, Poland, 1-4 Oct 2008. Published in Acta Phys.Polon.Supp.2:157-162,2009.
2) On Ambiguities And Uncertainties In PWA,A. Svarc, S. Ceci, B. Zauner, (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) . MENU-2007-167, Sep 2007. 10pp.
In the Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU 2007), Julich, Germany, 10-14 Sep 2007. Published in econf C070910: SLAC, 663-673 (2008)
3) The Importance of inelastic channels in eliminating continuum ambiguities in pion-nucleon partial wave analyses, A. Svarc, S. Ceci, B. Zauner, Jan 2006. 9pp.
Plenary talk at International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Baryons (NSTAR 05), Tallahassee, Florida, 10-15 Oct 2005. Published in *Tallahassee 2005, Physics of excited nucleons* 37-46
4) The Importance of pi N ---> K Lambda process for the pole structure of the P11 partial wave T-matrix in the coupled channel pion-nucleon partial wave analysis, B. Zauner, S. Ceci, A. Svarc, (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) . Jan 2006. 4pp.
Talk given at International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Baryons (NSTAR 05), Tallahassee, Florida, 10-15 Oct 2005. Published in *Tallahassee 2005, Physics of excited nucleons* 380-383
5) The influence of inelastic channels upon the pole structure of PW in the coupled channel pi N PWA, S. Ceci, A. Svarc, B. Zauner, S. Watson. Oct 2005. 4pp.
Prepared for International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Baryons (NSTAR 05), Tallahassee, Florida, 10-15 Oct 2005. Published in *Tallahassee 2005, Physics of excited nucleons* 376-379
6) Nucleon resonances and processes involving strange particles, S. Ceci, A. Svarc, B. Zauner. Jun 2004. 5pp.
Contributed to Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons (NSTAR 2004), Grenoble, France, 24-27 Mar 2004.
7) Presence of extra P(11) resonances in Zagreb analysis since 1995, S. Ceci, A. Svarc, B. Zauner, (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) . Jun 2004. 4pp.
Contributed to Brag 2204 Workshop, Grenoble, France, 23 Mar 2004.
8) Eta production in the pp scattering.
Sasa Ceci, Alfred Svarc, (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) . Jan 2003. 2pp.
Contributed to 18th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Bled, Slovenia, 8-14 Sep 2002.
Published in Few Body Syst.Suppl.14:311-312,2003. Also in *Bled 2002, Few-body problems in physics* 311-312
9) Test of multiresonance coupled channel PW T-matrices in three body processes, A. Svarc, S. Ceci, (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) , B. Zauner, (Zagreb U.) . Oct 2002. 5pp.
Prepared for NSTAR 2002 Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 9-12 Oct 2002. Published in *Pittsburgh 2002, Physics of excited nucleons* 315-319
10) Present knowledge about the p p ---> p p eta reaction, S. Ceci, A. Svarc, (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) . Jun 2001. 5pp.
Prepared for Symposium on Threshold Meson Production in p p and p d Interaction (COSY-11), Cracow, Poland, 20-24 Jun 2001. Published in *Cracow 2001, Threshold meson production in pp and pd interaction* 87-91
11) Detailed analysis of eta production in proton proton collisions, Alfred Svarc, Sasa Ceci, (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) . May 2001. 4pp.
Talk given at Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons (NSTAR 2001), Mainz, Germany, 7-10 Mar 2001.
12) Eta production in hadronic interactions, Alfred Svarc, Sasa Ceci, (Zagreb U.) . Sep 2000. 9pp.
Contribution to N*2000. Published in *Newport News 2000, Excited nucleons and hadronic structure* 104-112.
computer skills
a) FORTRAN 77/90/95, C++, Visual Basic
in-depth knowledge of programming languages for solving numerical problems
b) MS VS (.NET), netBeans (Java), QuantaPlus (html) Integrated Development Environments
c) JAVA, mostly used as technology for integration of applications written in various programming languages
d) Origin, MINUIT, CERN ROOT, Wolfram Mathematica, LaTeX, XEmacs, MS Office
program packages used for data analysis and word processing
e) HTML web pages
for the 2nd International PWA Workshop (in Zagreb) and Assistant’s council
f) Windows XP, Linux and Mac OS X
good command of operating systems
other important skills and competences
Member of the Institute committee for higher education and cooperation with universities since 2009, which includes financial planning and negotiations on a high level (directors, deans and pro-rectors).
additional information and notes
Married to Tatjana, children Daniel and Natalia.
I enjoy playing guitar.


© hrzz

[(]* all information in the document should be entered chronologically – from the most recent to the oldest

[(]* all information in the document should be entered chronologically – from the most recent to the oldest

[(]* all information in the document should be entered chronologically – from the most recent to the oldest

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[(]* all information in the document should be entered chronologically – from the most recent to the oldest


