Name: Period:
2016 Presidential Candidate Web Quest:
Use CNN Presidential Candidates 2016 to start
1. List the Republican Candidates
1. ______2. ______
3. ______4. ______
5. ______6.______
2. List the Democratic Candidate
1. ______
3. List the Independent Candidate
1. ______
4. For each of the eight officially announced candidates, answer the following questions (on a separate sheet of paper to be collected at the end of the class period.):
a. Why does this individual want to be president?
b. What are this candidate’s policy positions on each of the following?
i. Economy and Jobs
ii. Foreign Policy
iii. Immigration
iv. Healthcare
v. Education
c. What previous experience does this person have that may qualify him or her to be President?
2016 Presidential Election Project:
During the week of May 26-29, we will be researching and discussing the upcoming 2016 presidential election. You and your group will be making a presentation on one of the declared candidates (the candidate you present on will be assigned to you).
Additionally, once the presentations have finished, there will be an in-class debate on the question of which of the current candidates should be the next President of the United States. During the debate, you are free to support any candidate and may support a different candidate from some or all of the other members of your group.
Presentation Requirements:
Your presentation should be 10-15 minutes long and should include the following information:
1. Biographical Information about the candidate.
a. A brief sketch of this individual’s life story – how will the candidate personally connect with voters?
2. Mission statement of the candidate – why does this individual want to be president?
a. This information should be readily available in the speech announcing the individual’s candidacy.
3. Policy positions on
a. The economy and jobs
b. Foreign policy
c. Immigration
d. Healthcare
e. Education
**The candidate may not have announced specific policy positions yet. You will need to research past statements, legislative votes, etc. to find this information.
4. Information regarding any past or current controversies/scandals that may come up during the campaign.
5. An original campaign poster created by you and your group for your candidate. You can create an actual poster or project a digital version on the Smart Board.
On the day after presentations are complete, there will be an in-class debate.
For this debate, you are free to support the candidacy of any of the individuals who are running, regardless of the candidate your group was assigned to make a presentation on. Pick the individual for whom you are most likely to vote in 2016.
To be well-prepared for the debate, you will need to pay close attention to the presentations about all of the candidates.
Due Date: Your Smart Notebook or PowerPoint presentation must be submitted electronically to Mrs. Edelson’s projects folder by 8:08 am on Monday June 1st , regardless of the date of your presentation. Additionally you must bring one printed copy of your presentation (in grayscale) with ONE rubric for the group stapled together to class on Monday June 1st . Your entire group will lose 10 percentage points each day your project is late. BOTH must be submitted.
Research Resources
CNN Presidential Candidates 2016
4 President
C-Span Video Library
Individual Candidate Websites
Which Candidate to support questionnaire (debate presentation):
To help you decide which candidate to support, and to prepare you for the debate, the following questions MUST be answered upon the completion of the presentations. Answers must be typed and brought with you to the debate.
Note: To be able to answer these questions, you will first need to familiarize yourself with your own positions on the issues.
Possible Points / Points Earned Member #1 and comments______ / Points Earned Member #2 and comments
______ / Points Earned Member #3 and comments
______ / Points Earned Member #4 and comments
Social Studies Lab:
Students are expected to be working diligently for 42 minutes on researching and preparing the presentation. / 10
Quality of Research:
Students are expected to have a thorough understanding of the candidate’s biography and policy positions. / 30
Quality of Presentation:
Students are expected to have ample knowledge of the candidate and the issues and to be able to present without over-reliance on text on the screen and/or notes. / 40
Individual Contributions:
Each student in the group is expected to participate actively in the preparation of the project, the presentation on the candidate, and the culminating debate. / 20
Overall Comments: