ShareTheRide Employer Customized E-mail Sign up Form

Attention TC's! You can now promote your own "employer incentives" to your employees in By registering your specific information below, your employees will be informed of your carpool and vanpool incentives you offer in the welcome email.

Just complete the information below IF you are the "official TO for your employer."

¨ Yes Please “register me as the TC” in the matching system IF I am not already registered (ONLY the “official TC” should complete this form).

$______per month carpool subsidy to help reduce commute costs!

$______per month vanpool subsidy to help reduce commute costs!

¨ yes ¨no Reserved carpool or vanpool parking

¨ yes ¨no Opportunity to win great prizes in monthly drawings

¨ yes ¨no Great prizes if you carpool on HPA days

¨ yes ¨no A Guaranteed Ride Home Program if you stay lat or need a ride home early

Do you have special promotions you would like to promote? Enter the text for three free form fields below:

1. ______


2. ______


3. ______


¨ yes ¨no We would like to add our website address/URL to our own TRP web information page listed on the “welcome email” (see sample on back of this form).

Your organization’s website address: ______

TC Name: ______

Company: ______

Email: ______

(See other side for “sample custom email”)



(sample “welcome e-mail”)

From: RideShare Info

Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2004 10:32 AM

To: Iwanna B. Acarpooler

Subject: ShareTheRide

Dear Iwanna,

Congratulations, and Thank You for registering with You’ve taken a great first step towards improving your commute! If you’re already riding with someone you found through, congratulations! However, if you are still wondering what to do with those names that appeared in your match list, read on.

Your employer, A Great Company, will provide you with the following incentives to encourage you to get into a carpool or vanpool:

·  $20 per month subsidy if you carpool to reduce your costs!

·  $20 per month subsidy if you vanpool to reduce the fare!

·  Great prizes if you carpool on HPA days

·  A Guaranteed Ride Home Program if you stay late or need a ride home early due to emergency for carpoolers

·  If you car or vanpool, or ride the bus on HPA days you may win a ½ day of PTO so be sure to send an email when you participate!

And, don’t be shy! Take advantage of ShareTheRide’s email feature to make the first contact. Once you’re in touch with a potential rideshare partner, use email or the phone to work out the details and the “ground rules”.

·  Decide who will drive and when.

·  Pick up your carpool partner at home or meet in a central location like a Park and Ride lot.

·  Decide ahead of time about smoking, radio stations, and any other personal preferences.

·  Consider doing a “trial run” for a day or so. This makes it easy to call off the arrangement if you don’t feel comfortable.

If you need assistance with anything contact your Transportation Coordinator, TC Name at (602) 555-1234 or or log on to your organization’s intranet/internet site for more details at

Good Luck!

Valley Metro RideShare staff

602-262-RIDE (7433)

Visit for more information on commute alternatives and our latest contest/promotions.