2016-2017 Southern Nash High School PTO Scholarship

SNHS PTO will award three one-time scholarships of $500 to SNHS graduating seniors whose parents/guardians are current/active SNHS PTO members.

Criteria for Applying

•  Applicants must

1.  Complete scholarship application, including a 300-500 words essay.

2.  Have a parent/guardian who is a current/active SNHS PTO member as of

November 1, 2016.

3.  Have a minimum 2.75 GPA (weighted).

4.  Have no out-of-school suspensions during their senior year.

5.  Continue their education at a university, a junior college, or a vocational school.

•  A PTO committee (compiled of two parents, two teachers, and one administrator – all PTO members whose children are not applying seniors) will review and evaluate all applications and determine the scholarship recipients.

Instructions and Guidelines

Please read the following instructions/guidelines carefully. Applications must be hand-delivered to Mrs. Cruz (room 207) by Thursday, May 18, 2017. There are no exceptions or extensions allowed.

1. Fill out the Application Form completely. This will be the only form that will have your name on it. It must also be signed by a parent/guardian.

2. Create an Activity/Involvement Form. List your community, school involvement, and work experience. Omit the italicized examples. Do not put your name on this form.

3. Include a 300 to 500 words essay on the topics listed. The essay must be typed with a font size of 12 point, Times New Roman, and double-spaced. Do not put your name on your essay.

4. Submit a character reference letter from an advisor/mentor/coach from one of the SNHS sponsored academics/clubs/activities/sports programs you addressed in your essay. The letter should attest to your character as well as your role in the activities mentioned.

5. Submit a GPA verification form completed by SNHS counselor.

SNHS PTO Application Form

(Please Print Clearly)

Applicant’s Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______

Address: ______


Applicant’s Phone Number: ______

Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s): ______

Prospective School(s) to Attend:

1.  ______

2. ______

_____ I/We are current 2016 - 2017 paid members of the SNHS PTO.

_____ I/We have reviewed the applicant’s Activity and Involvement Form and Essay and agree the statements made are true, correct, and student-written (essay).

_____ I/We confirm that the GPA Verification form meets the minimum requirement of 2.75 (weighted).

_____ I/We agree to have the applicant’s name released to the local media if the applicant is awarded a SNHS PTO Scholarship.


Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Activity and Involvement Form

This Activity and Involvement Form should be typed using 12 point, Times New Roman. Handwritten forms will not be considered. (Feel free to copy & paste the format below onto a document – just delete the italicized examples and replace with your experiences). Do not put your name on this form.

“Grade” means only high school involvement (Grades 9-12 only).

“Activity” means clubs, sports, or service groups. “Participation” means level at which you were involved. Please include any leadership positions, awards, special recognitions, etc.

SNHS Extracurricular Activities & Awards (School-related)

Activity Grade Participation

Student Council 10 Member

11 Chair, Autism Walk-a-Thon

12 Secretary

Track & Field 9, 10 Member

11, 12 Varsity member

12 Captain

Key Club 12 Member

Community Involvement (Non-school related activities)

Activity Grade Service Group Hours per Year

Hospital Volunteer 9, 10 Nash General Hospital 20

Appalachian Mission Trip 11 Englewood Baptist Church 1 week

Work Experience

Company Grade Position Summer or School Year

Food Lion (Spring Hope) 11 Bagger School Year

Essay Topic

Include a 300 to 500 words essay on the topic below. The essay must be typed with a font size of 10 or 12 and double-spaced. Do not put your name on your essay.

During your high school years, you were involved in school activities, community activities, and/or work experiences. Please discuss how YOUR involvement in school-related activities (clubs, sports, band, ROTC, etc.) impacted you and better prepared you for your post-secondary goals. Be sure to cite SPECIFIC examples/experiences, not generalizations.

GPA Verification Form

______currently has a

weighted GPA of ______.


SNHS Counselor’s Signature Date