2016-2017 Glenn High School AP Psychology Summer Assignment

2016-2017 Glenn High School AP Psychology Summer Assignment

2016-2017 Glenn High School AP Psychology Summer Assignment


You can control two things~~ your choices and your attitude. Both define who you are.

ψ This Summer Work IS NOT OPTIONAL – IT IS MANADATORY and is due YOUR first day of class – PERIOD, END OF SENTENCE ~ I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS WORK DAY #2. This means whether you have me A or B Day, it is due YOUR first day of class.

ψ If you were attentive and listened to the ANNOUNCEMENTS, CAME TO MY ROOM AND got the book& assignment, you are set! Great- you got it for free.…if not, go shopping.

ψ If you have not been given McGraw-Hill book, 5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology, purchase the newest edition. It is available online, at Borders, etc.

ψ The AP Psychology Summer Assignment requires internet access and the McGraw-Hill book, 5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology, NEWEST EDITION, or the edition I gave you, edited by Laura Maitland.

ψ If I gave you an older version and you choose to purchase the newest edition and donate THAT to the class, you will get extra credit.

ψ To be graded, each Assignment Section must be completed on a separate piece of paper; it must be HANDWRITTEN, labeled as to WHAT it is, by section, and your name must be on it as well as your class - example, 2B.

ψ Staple it all together.

ψ DO NOT write in the McGraw-Hill book, 5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology in any manner!!

ψ Each Year’s Edition is slightly different – adjust these directions to your edition- for example the chapters may be numbered differently and the titles of the chapters may vary slightly….figure it out- You are smart- do it.

Assignment Section #1: History and Approaches or Theorists, Concepts and Subfields in Psychology – depending on your version (This is the label for this assignment) Using 5 Steps to a 5:

Define PSYCHOLOGY (and answer the following questions……)

  1. Differentiate between mental processes and behavior.
  2. What does the phrase empirical evidence suggest?
  3. Why wouldn’t using common sense “fit in” scientific study?
  • Address the following concepts and theorists in short-answer/constructed response form (3-7 sentences, depending on the complexity of the subject – use your judgment) in your own words.
  • There are many online sources you can use; just be sure they are academic/scholarly in nature. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use Wikipedia.
  • Please copy and paste the SOURCES you used to this SECTION of work

This assignment may appear overwhelming at first glance, but it is actually extremely beneficial to you…..The assignment addresses some of the major researchers/theorists we will study in the coming year; it will prove useful to you.

  1. Must be numbered - THEORISTS – Identify their area of study, explain any psych. concepts you need to clearly understand the Theorist’s research – Explain their research or theory.


  1. William James
  2. Wilhelm Wundt
  3. John Watson
  4. Sigmund Freud
  5. Paul Broca
  6. Albert Bandura
  7. Stanley Schachter
  8. Erik Erikson
  9. Abraham Maslow
  10. Ivan Pavlov B.F.
  11. Stanley Milgrim
  12. Solomon Eliot Asch
  13. BF Skinner
  14. Jean Piaget
  15. Carl Rogers
  16. Philip Zimbardo
  17. Lawrence Kohlberg
  18. Charles Darwin
  19. Mary Ainsworth
  20. Gordon Allport
  21. Alfred Binet
  22. Harry Harlow
  23. Edward Thorndike



There are various, 7 actually, different approaches in contemporary psychology.

An approach is a perspective that involves certain assumptions about human behavior, which aspects of them are worthy of study and what research methods are appropriate for undertaking this study.

You may wonder why there are so many different psychology perspectives and whether one approach is correct and others wrong. Most psychologists would agree that no one perspective is correct, although in the past, in the early days of psychology, the behaviorist would have said their perspective was the only truly scientific one.

  1. Using 5 Steps to a 5 – fully explain & describe each of the following (7) PERSPECTIVE IN PSYCHOLOGY.


  1. Biological/Neuroscience
  2. Evolutionary
  3. Behavioral-Genetic
  4. Psychodynamic
  5. Cognitive
  6. Social Cultural
  7. Humanistic


  1. Subfields of psychological study: (Areas of study)
  1. Identify the area of research/study each of the following psychologists would work in.
  2. Additionally - Give an example of the PLACE and JOB they may have.


  1. Psychiatrist
  2. Applied psychology
  3. Behavioral medicine
  4. Biological psychology/Biopsychology
  5. Cognitive psychology
  6. Clinical psychology
  7. Counseling psychology
  8. Developmental psychology
  9. Educational psychology
  10. Evolutionary psychology
  11. Experimental psychology
  12. Forensic psychology
  13. Humanistic psychology
  14. Industrial and organizational psychology
  15. Personality psychology
  16. School psychology
  17. Social psychology
  18. Sports psychology


Assignment Section #2 – Research Methods

  • Read the chapter in 5 Steps to a 5 on Research Methods
  • Take great, that does not mean LONG, notes
  • At the end of your notes, on separate page/piece of paper, DEFINE ALL BOLDED VOCABULARY WORDS in this section – ALWAYS. ALWAYS, ALWAYS NUMBER VOCABULARY WORDS
  • Re-draw any graphs in this section and explain them in your own words….
  • Explain the Standard Deviation Graph- the Bell Curve Graph- to the fullest and best of your ability (It is the one that looks like this…

Assignment Section #3 – Biological Bases of Behavior

  • Read the chapter in 5 Steps to a 5 on Biological Bases of Behavior
  • Take great, that does not mean LONG, notes
  • At the end of your notes, on separate page/piece of paper, DEFINE ALL BOLDED VOCABULARY WORDS; REMEMBER TO NUMBER THEM
  • Create a chart that specifies the parts of the Endocrine System and their function
  • Draw the different renditions of the brain, label them. As you read, refer back to them often to familiarize yourself with the location of each part
  • Familiarize yourself with the function of each part you have labelled.
  • Define each functional part of the brain….keep looking at the diagrams to try to initially deeply familiarize yourself with the BRAIN. In this course you will become VERY familiar with many parts and function of the brain and its relative systems. START NOW!!


  1. DRAW the brain, use color, and label structures , include lobes found in this Chapter
  2. Create a chart that explains the function of the structures diagrammed in your brain rendition and in the book inclusive of the 4 lobes
  3. Draw a neuron, label the explain the function of all parts

Assignment Section #4 – Sensation and Perception

  • Read the chapter in 5 Steps to a 5 on Sensation and Perception
  • Take great, that does not mean LONG, notes
  • At the end of your notes, on separate page/piece of paper, DEFINE ALL BOLDED VOCABULARY WORDS
  • Re-draw the eye, use color, and label structures
  • Re-draw the ear, use color, and label structures
  • As you draw these structures and define the function….keep looking at the diagrams to try to initially deeply familiarize yourself with them. In this course you will become VERY familiar with many them.

Assignment Section #6- Cognition

ψ Read the chapter in 5 Steps to a 5 on Cognition

ψ In your notes include the diagram of three stage model of memory by Atkinson and Shiffrin

ψ Take great, that does not mean LONG, notes

ψ Go to – How Stuff Works How Human Memory Works-

ψ Read the article and answer the following questions:


  1. Discuss two discarded methods of describing human memory.
  2. Identify how contemporary psychologists refer to human memory –
  3. Memory occurs in which area of the brain?
  4. Is memory a single function or a system? Give an example –
  5. Besides psychologist, which area of medicine is mentioned studying memory? Research this area of medicine and tell me WHAT this area studies specifically –
  6. What is the function of synapses in our brain?
  7. How many does the average brain have?
  8. Encoding is a biological phenomenon, rooted in the senses, that begins with perception. Explain the process concentrating specifically on the bolded concepts.
  9. Once encoding occurred- the fragment of memory travelled to the hippocampus- one of the main storage area for memory- what then transpired in the hippocampus?
  10. What two brain parts work together in memory construction to analyze sensory input for value and worth?
  11. If the concept is worthy, where is it then stored?
  12. Discuss the synaptic process for memory –
  13. (It is this neurotransmission between synapses that relays the memory through the brain) Do you get it???
  14. How are learning and memory related?
  15. Practice it long enough and you will play it perfectly. – How can this be transferred to studying information throughout the week?
  16. Identify the three stages of memory –
  17. Short-term memory has a fairly limited capacity______seconds at a time
  18. How can you increase it?
  19. Explain memory retrieval
  20. Summarize the effect of aging on memory -


Assignment Section #7- Social Psychology

  • Read the chapter in 5 Steps to a 5 on Social Psychology
  • Take great, that does not mean LONG, notes
  • Watch - This is a video, featured on School Tube, about the Stanford Prison Experiment.
  • Summarize this video using terms/vocab from this Unit YOU LEARNED AND WROTE ABOUT IN 5 STEPS.

 Watch the video, PBS, A Class Divided, and answer these questions:

1.What is a minority? 2.How do you identify a minority? 3.Is majority based on numbers, power, or both?

4.What about minority issues with regard to women, Hispanics, Asians, people with disabilities?

5.What propaganda techniques did the leader use to influence the outcome of the exercise?

6.Can you cite parallels from today’s society to the attitudes and behaviors of the participants during the exercise?

7.From what you’ve seen in this film, who do you feel is responsible for the existence and elimination of racism in our society? How / why?

8.Respond to the following adage, either pro or con: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Justify your response by citing examples from the video.

9.Minority group members and women tend to see many white people in positions of power in much the same way that members of the “inferior” group perceived Ms. Elliott during the exercise. What effect might such a perception have on the productivity of a business; the effectiveness of education; the respect or acceptance afforded law enforcement personnel; the credibility of political figures; or the perpetuation of our democratic way of life?

10.Why, in your opinion, didn’t members of the designated minority groups defend each other as they were being verbally abused?


Here are some typical statements that are made by people who see this film. I am asking you to explore your own racism, discrimination and prejudice and heart….regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, social status, economic status…….consider the following statements and respond FREELY in paragraph form.

1. “Everyone suffers discrimination at some time. You just have to learn to cope with it. You learn that as you grow up. Why can’t blacks do that?”


2. “When I see people, I don’t see them as black or white, I just see them as people. Why can’t everyone do that?”


3. “Christian love is the answer to this problem. Women should not have to wait for men/humankind to love them before they are allowed to receive what the Constitution guarantees to all Americans. Nor should people of color or those whose lifestyle is not acceptable to Christians. Women and people of color don’t want love; they want justice.”
