2016-17 Instructional Materials & Class Activity Fees Inventory
SCHOOL/PROGRAM: Highlands Elementary School ADMIN APPROVED: ______
Note: All expense items must be pre-approved by building administrator
ITEM / Dept., Grade or Program / Approx. Expense to Family / Required/Suggested / Scholar-
ship Access (Y/N)
Kindergarten – School Supplies / K / R / Y
1 container of anti-bacterial wipes-(Green Works)
1 bottle Elmers glue
1 box Kleenex
1backpack -big enough to carry papers, books, shoes& projects
Complete change of clothes in a gallon size Ziploc bag w/your child's first and last name written on it, appropriate for all seasons
Fee Pay in Infinite Campus / $10.00
1st & 2nd Grade School Supplies / 1st or 2nd / R / Y
Supplies, includes writing journals, science notebooks,
& classroom supplies / $25.00
Also purchase:
1 box of Kleenex
1 set of headphones or earbuds(headphones preferred not needed for Baier and Raceks class)
CP - Primary 1/2/3 School Supplies / CP 1/2/3 / R / Y
community classroom supplies & / $35.00
National Geographic subscription
Check teacher website for other supplies
3rd Grade School Supplies / 3rd / R / Y
Classroom Supplies, Planner & National Geographic / $35.00
Also Purchase:
1 box of tissues
75 pencils (half sharpened) (Ticonderoga)
1 container antibacterial wipes
4 Expo white board markers (no neon)
1 one inch 3 ring binder w/pockets &
A clear outside pocket on front cover
1 set of earbuds
4th Grade School Supplies / 4th / R / Y
For classroom supplies, planner / $35.00
National Geographic
Dynamath / $7.50
Template (unless you have one) / $7.50
Separate $15 for TI15 Calculator(unless you have one) / $15.00
Also Purchase:
1 box tissue
1 container of anti-bacterial wipes-
75 pencils (sharpened) Ticonderoga
Expo white board markers (no neon)
1-one inch 3 ring binder w/pockets & a
clear outside pocket on front cover
CP Intermediate 3/4/5 School Supplies / 4th or 5th / R / Y
Classroom community supplies and planners / $35.00
TI15 Calculator (unless you already have one) / $15.00
Math template (unless you have one) / $7.50
Dynamath (grades 4-5 only) / $7.50
Check teacher website for other supplies
Recorder (unless your family already has one) / $5.00
5th Grade School Supplies / 5th / R / Y
All classroom supplies, Nat'l Geographic
Dynamath, and planner / $25.00
Also Purchase:
3 large glue Stick
1 liquid glue
2 pink pearl erasers
48 #2 Ticonderoga pencils
1 pencil sharpener (handheld, manual)
2 Highlighters
2 correcting pens
2 black Sharpies
1 4/pk of Expo low odor dry-erase makers
1 pack colored pencils – 12 count
2 packs markers (one thin, one thick)
1 5-subject wide ruled notebook (red)
4 wide-ruled spiral notebooks, blue,green, yellow & black
5 plastic folders with prongs (red, blue, yellow, green, purple)
1 pk of wide-ruled loose leaf paper, 200 ct
1 large box of tissues
1 set Earbuds to use with Chromebooks & IPads
TI-15 Calculator from 4th Grade paid to Fee Pay / $15.00
Recorder (unless your family already has one) / $5.00
Appendix III
- The purchase of instructional materials and technology may be requested of a student, as permitted by state law and preapproved by the Director of Teaching and Learning.
- The district will provide copies for use, to be returned, when instructional materials are required for course completion and student purchase is not desired. A student may be permitted by the district to purchase district materials, if the student desires.
- An employee who recognizes a possible financial need for instructional materials and/or class activity fees for a student served by the district will contact his or her building administrator or school social worker to determine possible next steps in providing assistance.
- A student is responsible for the cost of replacing any district materials or property lost or damaged by the student.
- If a student elects a classroom project, which exceeds the minimum requirements of the class, the district may charge the student who makes that election. A project will always be available that meets the classroom requirements with no charge to a student.
- Fees for classroom activities (e.g. field trips) are acceptable student expenditures provided that the class activity is (a) supplementary to the basic course requirement and (b) no student is penalized for choosing not to participate in such activity.
- Other personal or consumable items (e.g. physical education attire, instrumental rental fees, notebooks, pencils) are considered routine expenses paid by the student.
- The district will not require or recommend private tutoring, lessons, or the provision of supplies for a grade or portion thereof, class prerequisite, or any other classroom benefit.
- Building administrators will review at the conclusion of each school year the student supply list for the following year. This review will ensure the student supply requests are ecologically and financially responsible containing only items that are consumable by the students.
- Employees who collect fees on behalf of the district must have the fees pre-approved by the district. Personal checks need to be made out to Edina Public Schools. Collected fees school must be submitted to the building office on a daily basis for security purposes.