2015 Tudor House Slo-Pitch League Rules
2. No physical contact with intent or perceived intent to injure will be tolerated.
Penalty*: Ejection from current game and next game
a. No actions perceived as fighting (including but not limited to; punching, chocking, or any other physical act deemed by the umpire to be fighting)
Penalty*: Ejection from current game and next 3 games played
b. Instigation Penalty will be enforced in circumstances where there was a clear instigator of the physical altercation. First offense is ban for the remainder of the season; second offense is lifetime ban from the league.
*In tournament play any ejection for intent to injure will result in ejection for the remainder of the tournament.
3. Home team for the first game will provide 1 new ball of each size and 1 used ball of each size. Home team for the second game will provide 1 new big ball and 1 used ball of each size.
4. Home team of the first game will provide and set up the bases at their field of play.
5. Any infractions that may jeopardize property on or near the playing fields or the safety of residents, residents defined as any person living in the area surrounding the playing field, will not be tolerated. Offenders will be called before the executive committee for further action.
6. All garbage must be cleaned up after every game, including smoke butts. Empty cans cannot be left at any field.
7. Bathrooms are to be used at all times, no urinating on fields or surrounding areas.
Penalty: Ejection from game.
8. Colville 1 (Homer Dome) – Home run rule in effect – 3 and one up for males. The one up rule is only in effect when both teams have reached 3 home runs. Any additional ball hit untouched over the fair territory fence will be an out.
- If a female hits the ball untouched over the metal section of fence it will be deemed a homerun, this will not count towards the teams home run limit.
- If a ball gets stuck or hung up in the top section of the mesh netting it will be a ground rule double.
NOTE: The ball is playable if it stops between the metal fence and the mesh netting
9. Bullen 1(Lacrosse box field)- Any ball hit into or over the bench in left field is deemed a home run, if a ball rolls past the bench it will be called a ground rule double. Any ball hit to the right of the bench is playable. No homerun limit.
10. Work Point 1 (Road) – any ball hit cleanly into the garden or past the drop off will be deemed a home run. Any ball that lands on the field and rolls into the garden or past the drop off will be deemed a ground rule double. No homerun limit.
11. Games will be considered complete if after 4 innings of play one team is up by 15 or more runs or if after 5 innings of play one team is up by 10 or more runs.
12. Team scorecards must be completed and given to umpire 5 minutes before the official start time of each game. All score cards must be signed off by both teams; first name, last initial, date, location, and home or away must be specified on every card and submitted as per monthly schedule. Score cards must use legal names as listed on the team roster for each player. Home team for each game is responsible for submitting score cards to the Statistician or their Division Rep by the monthly deadline.
Penalty: games played will not count towards player eligibility for playoffs
13. Both teams must report scores to the Statistician by text or email no later than 11:59pm on Sunday of the week the game was played.
Penalty: The game will be recorded as a tie
14. A full team is considered when there is a maximum of seven (7) males and three (3) females. (May play with either one (1) less male OR one (1) less female and still avoid a forfeit)
- If EP’s (extra players) are used, one (1) male and (1) female must be used.
15. Bats: Bats manufactured by Jak’d are not allowed.
Penalty: Defensive team must appeal illegal bat either when the batter enters the batters’ box or prior to a pitch being released to the next batter, batter will be called out and ejected from the game, any runner that advanced as a result of the play will return to their original position.
16. Any glove may be used at any position.
17. No bunting.
Penalty: Time will be called and the batter will be called out. Any runners that advanced will return to the base they occupied at the time of the pitch.
18. Courtesy Runners: Unlimited courtesy runners are allowed. Courtesy runners are only allowed from first base and must be of the same gender. Exception: courtesy runner may be allowed from 2nd base if a male batter was walked in front of a female to 2nd or if a runner was injured during play on his/her way to 2nd or 3rd. Courtesy runners can be anyone listed on the team roster.
19. Runners cannot advance if a third strike foul ball is caught in the air.
20. If there is a play at first the runner must use the orange bag.
Penalty: the runner will be called out if they have any contact with the white bag. (Exception if umpire deems white bag was used to avoid a collision with a fielder.)
21. Lead offs: Runners cannot vacate their base until the pitched ball has broken the plane of the strike zone.
Penalty: Runner will be called out.
22. Safe line and commitment line are in effect.
- A base runner running home must not touch home plate. They must run past the safe line. A runner will be considered to have passed the safe line once they have made contact with the line or with the ground past the line.
- A base runner who touches the commitment line or makes contact with the ground past the commitment line with any part of the body between third base and the safe line at the home plate must continue on towards the safe line.
Penalty: The runner will be called out. .
23. Sliding is permissible at second base, third base and returning to first base. No sliding at home plate or going to first base for the first time.
Penalty: The runner will be called out.
24. If a player is ejected from the first game of a double header, they are automatically disqualified from the second game. All ejections will be reviewed by the league executive committee.
a. First Offense – the remainder of the game the player was ejected from plus the next game played
b. Second Offense – the remainder of the game the player was ejected from plus the next three(3) games played
c. Third Offense – the remainder of the game the player was ejected from plus the next five(5) games played and review of further participation in the league.
25. Walk rule: any male walked in front of a female will be awarded 2nd base, the female must bat.
26. A team may have a female/female or male/male pitcher/catcher combination.
27. Pitching Arc: The ball must be pitched with an arc and reach a height between six (6) feet and twelve (12) feet from the ground.
28. A batter may not come into contact with home plate while he/she is hitting the ball.
Penalty: Time will be called and the batter will be out, runners may not advance.
29. Pregnancy Rule: If it is evident and/or confirmed to an official that a player is pregnant, then for reasons of safety and for possible detrimental effect that such participation may have on other player’s performance, Tudor House Slo-Pitch League will not knowingly allow pregnant women to play.
**Teams are responsible for the conduct of all their spectators and ensuring they also abide by these rules and NSA rules.**
Scorecard Submission ScheduleCards for games played on or during identified dates must be handed in no later than required submission date for penalty to be avoided
Games played in each month / Required Scorecard Submission Date
April 2015 / Due: Sunday 10 May 2015 11:59pm
May 2015 / Due: Sunday 14 June 2015 11:59pm
June 2015 / Due: Sunday 12 July 2015 11:59pm
July 2015 / Due: Sunday 9 August 2015 11:59pm
August 2015*please submit as soon as possible* / Due: Thursday 27 August 2015 11:59pm