Entergy Attachment O Update

2016 Informational Summary for Attachment O Rates Effective June 1, 2016

Entergy's five operating companies (Entergy Arkansas, Inc., Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C., Entergy Louisiana, LLC, Entergy Mississippi, Inc., Entergy New Orleans, Inc., and Entergy Texas, Inc.) each own transmission facilities and are Transmission Owners in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. ("MISO"), a regional transmission operator. Each of the Entergy Operating Company's transmission facilities are within one of four MISO transmission pricing zones: TPZ #28 (Entergy Arkansas), TPZ #29 (Entergy Louisiana), TPZ #30 (Entergy Mississippi), or TPZ #31 (Entergy Texas).

The Entergy Operating Companies updated their annual MISO Attachment O transmission revenue requirements on May 31, 2016 for rates effective June 1, 2016 through May 31, 2017 as determined by their respective transmission formula templates under MISO Tariff Attachment O. Rates for transmission service in each MISO transmission pricing zones are established through cost-based rate formulas filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and may reflect the costs of transmission facilities owned by transmission owners not affiliated with Entergy.

Business Combination of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C. Entergy Louisiana, LLC

On October 1, 2015, Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C., and Entergy Louisiana, LLC, completed a transaction in which they combined substantially all of their respective assets and liabilities into a single successor public utility operating company, Entergy Louisiana Power, LLC. Entergy Louisiana Power, LLC, became a public utility on that date and changed its name to 'Entergy Louisiana, LLC', or ‘ELL’.

On May 24, 2016, the FERC, in Docket ER16-1322, approved the successor Entergy Louisiana, LLC’s (ELL) Attachment O transmission formula template that merged the MISO Attachment O transmission formula templates of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C., and Entergy Louisiana, LLC into a single combined ELL Attachment O transmission formula template. That ELL transmission formula update incorporated the pre-business combination data and information of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C. and Entergy Louisiana, LLC information for the period January 1, 2015 through September 30, 2015 with the successor Entergy Louisiana, LLC’s information and data for the period October 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. The successor ELL’s Attachment O transmission revenue requirement will be applied beginning June 1, 2016.

Transmission Pricing Zone for Entergy New Orleans, Inc.

On April 22, 2016, the FERC in Docket ER16-967-000 approved Entergy New Orleans, Incorporated’s establishment of a new Entergy New Orleans MISO transmission pricing zone as of September 1, 2016.