News Letter
Our Lady’s Child Care Center
The center will be closed for Labor Day on September 4th.
The summer is flying by…only a few more weeks to go before it time to go back to school again! Please let Cassie, Jon, Tyler, Perri or Jamie know what your fall needs are. We have been getting an abundance of phone calls for the school age program. This will ensure your slot for the upcoming school year. We will then send out updated material about how the Out Of School time works.
The children go out every morning depending on the weather. The afternoons depend on the temperature and humidity level. We try to keep the children well hydrated and apply sunscreen in the morning and afternoon.
We still do water play throughout the week. Please continue to bring in a
bathing suit, towel, and a change of shoes.
Remember to provide us with extra clothing. We have very few extra shorts, pants, or underwear should your child need a change of clothing. We will call you at work to bring clothing if the need arises.
Jamie would like to thank all the families who have been submitting their physicals and paperwork in a timely fashion. We encourage you to keep up the good work! Also, a reminder that physicals and immunizations need to be updated yearly on your child’s birthday, and yearly lead test are required for children ages one, two and three. Physicals and immunizations are now required for school age children. When your child has a physical, please bring us a copy.
Please remember to use the pink slips in the organizers where you sign in.These may be used to write notes to your child’s teacher or to the director.Sometimes there is too much information told to the opening teachers and we hope this will improve communication.
Blue Room – Beth and Felicia
Hard to believe that we are fast approaching our “unofficial” end of summer and hopefully some more comfortable weather. We will be spending this month getting readyfor the “new school year,” which means getting ready to transition some of our friends to the yellow room and welcoming new babies to our room. It is a bittersweet month for us! Along with this, we will be working on our sitting, standing, walking, crawling, rolling and reaching skills.
As always if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to ask or call. Have a great month.
Yellow Room – Lisa
This month we will be talking about bubbles, birds, butterflies, and circus. Just a reminder we do water play Tuesday and Wednesday, so please remember to bring water diapers, shoes, towels and a bathing suit.
Green Room – Ivette and Angela
We are going to have a lot of fun learning about animals and different types of birds this month. Our themes will be dinosaurs, birds, circus, and zoo animals. For our Dinosaur theme we are going to be making some fun activates such as, Dino College, with pasta, and handprint stegosaurs. For our bird theme we are going to be painting with feathers and making a foot print bird. For our circus theme will remember that on Tuesday and Wednesday we have sprinkler play!
Room 1- Jon and Alli
We have been enjoying our summer thus far! We had a great time at zing playing ping pong, and at the Springfield science museum, even school age “big kids” were not to cool for the Dr. Seuss part of the museum. We have some more wonderful field trips lined up this month and some fun activates. If you hear we dropped a cat out of our window DO NOT panic it’s just an egg with a picture of a cat! If you would like to donate dry/wet cat food to our Dakin donation drive we would greatly appreciate it.
Room 2- Kim and Casey
We are congratulating Brittany on her baby boy, Riley born August 2nd weighing in at 8lbs 5oz!!! We wish her luck while she is on maternity leave. Kim and Casey have been working very hard in the classroom on getting to know the kids as well as working out the classroom routine. The theme for the month of August will be camping, ice cream, messy art, and super heroes! Please dress your child in play cloths on messy art week, as we do not want to ruin nice clothing
Room 3- Sarah
Sarah will be working on classroom rules and getting to know her new class. The theme for the month of August will be ice cream, camping, fire safety and bugs.
Room 4–Jen and Nikki
Summer has flown by and we can’t believe that it is already August! We will have lots of fun this month. We will start the month with a vacation theme. Lots of us go on vacation in the summer, and we will have fun learning about all the fun and exciting things to do to do during a vacation. The following week we will be learning about the circus. There are lots of exciting things at the circus for us to explore.
August 19th is national aviation day. We will have an air transportation theme. We will learn about who the wright brothers were and their significance to the aviation world. We will close out the month with a sports theme.
Room 5- Cassie and Tyler
This summer is flying right by! We have been learning a lot about ponds and forests and what makes each one its own thing. This month we will be focusing on the rainforest and then start talking about the community around us. We are looking forward to going on our last few field trips this summer. We will also be getting our friends ready for a new school year! We have worked on letters and sight words to everyone ahead and prepared for September.
From the Director’s Corner:
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me. The phone number here at the center is 413-527-6133. My hours
are 7:30-4:00 Monday through Friday. If it is before or after hours you can also email me at . If you have anything confidential that needs to be addressed please be sure
when calling the center that you speak with me directly. If I am unavailable you can leave a message, and I will call you as soon as I become available. You can also stop in the office at any time. I have an open door policy.
Please remember to call the center if your child is going to be out for the day, or if your child is sick. I also need to know when your child is going to be on vacation so I can bill you accordingly. If no one at the center is available to answer the phone, please leave a message on the voice mail. The voice mail is checked on a regular basis. The phone is not answered before 7:30, due to teachers being busy with the arrival of children in the a.m.
The plumbing issue continues. I am told that a plumbing company has been hired. We are waiting for a couple of approvals and then the work can begin. We are going to shut the boys’ bathroom down so that work can be down while we are still here. All children will have to use the girls’ bathroom. We will not let the older children share the bathroom at the same time with the opposite sex. They will have to take turns. Once the work is finished and ready for the final hook up, we will close for the day. We should be hearing when that expected day is very soon. As soon as I know, you will know. All staff will be expected to attend a training on that day and will not be available to babysit. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but the job must be done. The water in the basement does not fully shut off and toilets will run for a long time.
SAVE THE DATE: SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2-6 P.M. We will be celebrating our 10th anniversary. We will have a pot luck dinner at the Franklin St. Campus of Our Lady of the Valley. Fun things for the kids to do. Come help us celebrate. More information to follow soon.