Unlike a typical raffle, in a Reverse Raffle the purchaser of the last ticket drawn wins the Grand Prize.
GRAND PRIZE: up to $1000.00and or (25% of gross proceeds) will be awarded on Saturday, March 28th, 2015 by10:00 p.m.
The event begins at 7:30pm. A minimum of 400 tickets must be sold by ENCSC members to fund the Grand prize. If fewer than 400 tickets are sold, the Grand Prize will remain as 25% of theGross Proceeds. Gross Proceeds is defined as the total number of tickets sold @ $10.00 per ticket.
A maximum of 400 tickets Must be sold.Ticket cost is $10.00 each and it will entitle the ticket holder to one free admission to the Mardi Gras/Reverse Drawing Event as well as their chance to win the Grand prize. Members and/ or guest who arrive after 8:00p.m.; and, who do not have a raffle ticket to present to the door attendant must pay a $10.00 door admission fee and they are not eligible for the opportunity to be in the Reverse Drawing Event. The ticket price is not tax deductible and Grand prize $may be subject to disclosure on income taxes. You must be 18 years or older to purchase a Reverse Raffle Ticket. A ticket is considered purchased when complete payment ($10.00) has been received andrecorded by the Reverse Raffle Chairperson.Ticket sales will stop on Saturday, March 28th, 2015 at 8:00p.m.
Interval Drawing Awards will be held throughout the evening and simply announced over the microphone by the DJ. There WILL NOT be a break during the dancing until the final 3 tickets are drawn. Drawn numbers that are eliminated from the contest will be posted on an official Reverse Drawing Board for all to see.The 1st ticket, the 100th ticket the 200th and 300th tickets drawn will be resubmitted to the barrel of tickets for a second chance at the grand prize.
At 10:00 p.m.The final 3 ticket holders will be asked to come forward. These 3 ticket holders will havethe opportunity to decide whether to continue with the raffle drawing or stop the drawing and immediately split the Grand Prize between these last 3 ticket holders. If there is a mutual agreement to stop and split, the Grand Prize will be divided between the 3 ticket holders. Ifany
person ofthe final 3 does not want to split, the raffle will continue and another ticket will be drawn and the finalist become 2 people.From this point forward, the remaining ticket holders can split the Grand Prize or draw one more ticket from the pot.The Winner of the Grand Prize need not be present to win.
In the event of a dispute or controversy, Addie Lou Leggett, Chairperson of the Mardi Gras Event, Donnie Hudson, President ENCSC, and Alonza Gray will rule.
2015 Mardi Gras Budget request(Feb. 5, 2015 meeting)
Projected profit:
400 tickets at $10.00 each will gross $4000.00.
Projected Expenditures: I, (Addie Lou Leggett) am asking for $300.00 up front $$$ for shopping. I promise to be a goodsteward of the funds and shop mostly $ Tree and online retail!!!
DJ services $200.00 for Robbie Leggett Paid by ENCSC
Location- Winterville Moose Lodge $200.00 Paid by ENCSC
Food – because this is a FUNd Raiser for the cluband we want to make as much profit as possible, each Club member is respectfully requested to bring a covered dish. Cynthia Cox is the Food Chair to help us plan a variety of dishes…please call, e-mail, or FB her on the Club’s FB page with your dish idea. If you do not cook…drinks(liters or cans) count as a donation!!!!Christy and Mike are going to cook a turkey and slice it. ICynthia will get rolls, mustard, etc. for that. Just tell everyone to bring sides and desserts -like usual, and those who want to do something and don’t know what, can offer a few bucks and Cynthia will get chicken wings and make chicken salad for sandwiches and perhaps pick up some water. Just say Cynthia may need a little $ help since this is a fundraiser.
Door attendant $10.00 hour to equal $40.00
Decorations $175.00 (including paper products for table(s )Purple Green and Gold
Bead themeChair……..Addie Lou Leggett
Reverse Drawing Official display board – Check with Mike Stalls on renting/borrowing the
WEMS/Fire RescueBoard
Raffle ticket printing $50.00-Helen Pase
Sellers of the tickets_ Every Club member should buy a ticket ( that would be 182 tickets of the
400 needed to sell to meet that $1000 Grand prize give away
Every Club member should try to sell at least 2 more tickets…This is a
FUNd Raiser event!!!! We need your help!!!!! Be sure to explain the
$1000 OR25% Grand Prize RULE TO YOUR CUSTOMERS.
Raffle ticket Chair- Addie Lou LeggettAs soon as they are printed, I will have them at Tie
Breakers (our new Sunday night Shagging location for ENCSC)ready for you
to pick up. Please return all sold (with money) and unsold tickets in the
envelopethat they were distributed to you .
Reverse Drawing Grand Prize $1000.00or 25% of gross profi,t should we not sell all 400 tickets
proposedTicket sells $4000 Total expenses $1780.00...
If all goes as planned, ENCSC will profit $2,220.00(+) from the
Mardi Gras/Reverse Drawing Event…look at that gravy!!!!
Last year we profited $1710….let’s beat that figure!!!!
What is a
MardiGras, which is French for "Fat Tuesday," is an annual celebration that takes place before Lent. Also called Shrove Tuesday, MardiGras, is usually the last day of Carnival, a week- to month-long celebration in Christian, mostly Roman Catholic, tradition. MardiGras is a presented as a great festival, a boisterous carne vale--or "good-bye to the flesh"--that serves as the last sowing of wild oats before the onset of the sober season of Lent heralded by Ash Wednesday.
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There are many places that are famous for their MardiGras celebrations, including New Orleans, Louisiana; Mobile, Alabama; and Galveston, Texas--in the United States--and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Venice, Italy; and Mazatlan, Mexico--internationally. Essentially, the celebration of MardiGras has much to do with satiating appetites before the Lenten season of penitence and self-denial, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter. Yet another name for MardiGras is "Pancake Tuesday," which is a reference to the custom of feasting on pancakes and finishing up all the eggs and dairy products often prohibited during the Lenten fast.
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Although MardiGras and Carnival customs around the world differ, there are some elements that are shared by nearly all: music; bold, colorful costumes and/or masks; and unabashed merrymaking. The festivities are magnets for tourists from all over the world.
Perhaps the most famous MardiGras celebration in the United States is that of New Orleans, Louisiana. Although no historical confirmation exists of exactly when the first MardiGras was celebrated in New Orleans, it is believed that early French Settlers brought the custom with them to Louisiana. Popular legend awards the honor of transplanting MardiGras to the New World to a French explorer who arrived at the Mississippi River in 1699 and named his place of landing Point du MardiGras, after the holiday celebrated that day in his homeland. Eighteenth-century documents refer to well-established pre-Lenten traditions such as masked balls.
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Beginning about two weeks before Fat Tuesday, parades organized by groups or clubs called krewes start to move through the streets of New Orleans and surrounding communities. Krewe members generally pay membership fees, or dues, which are used to fund the construction of their parade floats and the costumes they wear. Some krewes have a long historical tradition. The Mistick Krewe of Comus held its first parade in 1857 and still holds a ball each MardiGras eve. Major krewes such as the Krewe of Endymion and the Krewe of Tucks often have their own parade routes.
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The bigger and more reknowned krewes hold their parades closer to Fat Tuesday. Over the years, parades have featured celebrities such as Louis Armstrong and Danny Kaye, and attract great crowds of onlookers, who gather to vie for the "throws" cast by the krewe members riding the floats. Popular throws are strings of colored plastic beads, small and inexpensive toys, and plastic or aluminum "doubloons." Jazz bands, walking clubs, and smaller parades promenade around the city. The major parades avoid the Quarter because of the logistics problems presented by its narrow streets.
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The traditional colors of MardiGras are purple for "justice," green for "faith," and gold for "power." These colors are evident everywhere during MardiGras and the preceding weeks--from the clothing of the revelers to the food to the tokens that are thrown from the parade floats. The King Cake, a popular MardiGras staple, is decorated in sugar that is dyed in these colors. The King Cake is a coffee cake baked in a ring shape and glazed with a simple sugar icing, then sprinkled with gold, purple, and green colored sugar. Inside the King Cake, the baker has hidden a small plastic baby, symbolizing the Christ Child. Whoever finds the baby in his or her slice of King Cake is said to be able to expect good luck in the coming year--and is expected to host the next King Cake party.
I NEED EVERYONE TO DRESS IN THE MARDI GRAS THEME!!!!! There will be a Mardi Gra back drop for single or group photos…bring your camera!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the door, you will be given a voting ballet…the top 2 Mardi Gras costume male and female winners (total of 4 free complimentary tickets by the club) will be placed in the drawing box at 9:00 pm….Think about it…. The drawing has already been going on for an hour…you could be out of the running; and, getting a second chance…or you could have 2 tickets still in the running for the grand prize!!!!! Dress to Impress!!!!
Be a part of the decorations…help to encourage the merriment!!!!Suggest Edits
Mardi Gras/ Reverse Raffle Volunteers Needed
Much Help will be needed to pull this off!!! Pick your poison!!!
Door attendant….Will ask Jana Haislip or Lisa Pase. Jane Haislipwill sell raffle tickets at the door until the8:00p.m. cut off time!!!! You can still attend the
dance without a raffle ticket opportunity…you will
pay the10.00 door fee!!!!!Arrive early with an
advance raffle ticket so you can play!!!
Decorations….Addie Lou Leggett will have the supplies…I already have some stuff that I will
want back after the event. Because of the very careful clean up from last
year…we already have a lot on hand. Thank you 2014 cleanup
Decorating…Deborah Linton, Mary Jo Latham, Billy Layton, Nina CarolRamsey, Amber Hudson,
Donnie Hudson, Addie Lou Leggett, Robbie Leggett
Clean Up….Alonza Gray, Janet Rhodes, Cynthia Cox,Robbie Leggett, Addie Lou Leggett, Phyllis
Raffle display board…Addie Lou Leggett, Jane Haislip, Jackie Haislip, Amber Hudson, Donnie
Hudson….don’t forget your Eye glasses if you need them!!!!!!!
Haul off the trash!!!! This person will need a truck for this job!!...?????
Ice…Graham Mills
Flyer forENCSC Facebook, web site and e-mail distribution….Edna Denton
Official Photographer….Ron Webb
This is a BYOB EVENT!!!!
The party is in 6 weeks and it is not too late to volunteer your time, energy and skills for our club’s FUNd RAISER!!! If you want to volunteer for a committee, let me know and I will send out an updated list of volunteers.
Don’t miss the fun OR the chance to help ENCSC have a successful FUNdRaiserEvent!!!Submitted by Addie Lou Leggett
or private message me on our Club’s FB page.