2015 Reading Open Air Shakespeare
Wednesday 15th to Saturday 25th July 2015
“The Merry Wives of Windsor”Auditions
Sunday8that 2.30pmandWednesday 11th March at 7.30pm
at Progress Theatre on The Mount, Christchurch Road, Reading RG1 5HL
Auditionees need only attend one of the audition sessions
Rehearsals are planned to start on 29th March, and continue approximately 3 times a week until closer to the performance dates, when they will be more frequent. Attendance required will be relative to the part taken, so not everyone will be called to every rehearsal.
Performances will take place within the gardens of Caversham Court by the Thames at Reading.
The performance dates are:
Wednesday 15th to Saturday 25th July eveningsexcept on Sunday 21st
Shakespeare’s bawdy comic romp follows loveable rogue, Sir John Falstaff, as he attempts to woo, swindle and cheat the two irrepressible wives. But he finds himself no match for their cunning, as they repel his odious advances, heaping humiliation upon humiliationon him.
Meanwhile a jealous but blundering husband tries to catch Falstaff in the act of seducing his wife, and daughter Anne tries to outwit her distracted parents to marry the man she loves.
The production is being set in 1790s Berkshire, and will involve significant audience interaction, possibly incorporating music and simple dance. It will take an irreverent approach, not shying away from the bawdier elements of the play.
All auditionees will be asked to prepare from an audition piecesupplied at the auditions.
The audition will consist of individual, group and physical work.
Unfortunately, due to Child Protection regulations, all auditionees must be over 16 years old.
There will be a stage with very simple lighting and minimal scenery and props.
We also need helpers to run stage management, bar, front of house and box officeand crew to set up and store gazebos and furniture each night as the site is open to the public during the day.
If you are interested in auditioning or have any questions,please contact
the director, Tony Wernhamon 0797 3333 778or by email at
The characters- The ages are rough guide to the character only
Sir John Falstaff Male aged 45-65. Overweight, unprincipled rogue, unable to resist temptation
The fat knight of the Henry IV plays has gone to seed. He is now an overweight buffoon, tricking and cheating his way through life to support the style to which he has become accustomed.
A strong sense of comic timing and over-the-top physical comedicskills are required.
Alice Ford Female aged 35-50.Respectable, loyal wife but with a sense of mischievous fun.
One of the two Merry Wives, she is a strong character, who seeks to punish Falstaff for his squalid advances and her husband for doubting her fidelity, but becomes preoccupied, neglecting her daughter’s concerns over her arranged marriage. A strong sense of comic timing and assertiveness is required, and must be able to work well as a double-act.
Margaret Page Female aged 35-50. Respectable wife, also with a sense of mischievous fun.
The second Merry Wife, and another strong character, she too suffers Falstaff’s sleazy advances and plots with Mistress Ford to humiliate him.A strong sense of comic timing and assertiveness is also required, and she must be able to work well as a double-act, with Mistress Ford.
Mistress Quickly Female aged 40-60. Overly talkative but naïve spinster.
A meddlesome servant of Doctor Caius who promotes all potential suitors for Anne Page and acts as a go-between for the younger Merry Wives. An ability to deliver smutty malapropisms and innuendo in a naïve, deadpan manner, with a comic eccentricity and timing, is essential. A strong comic role.
Francis Ford Male - aged 35-55. Respectable but chronically insecure, rage-prone jealous husband.
Alice Ford’s husband and a good friend to George Page, his suspicions of his wife’s infidelities leads him to humiliations, but when he is finally reconciled with his wife, he participates in Falstaff’s ultimate humiliation. An ability to humorously convey fuming,red-faced,pompous frustration to the audience is required, though he is far from being an unsympathetic character.
George Page Male - aged 35-55. Respectable, relaxed and trusting husband.
Margaret Page’s husband and a good friend to Master Ford, he has no doubts as to his wife’s faithfulness, he tries to moderate Ford’s jealousies. He isa laid-back relaxed counter-balance to Ford, being a straight man to Ford’s comic character.
Host of the Garter Inn Male - aged 35-55. Pub landlord, and 18th century little Englander.
A bar-room bigot and prankster, who flatters his customers in the hope that they will spend more. This role will be more prominent than in the original text, as he will also deliver the prologue and epilogueto the play, as well as between-scenes commentaries, all in modern English. These will be workshopped and will involve audience interaction and improvisation, and calls for strong on-the-spot skills.
Sir Hugh Evans Male - aged 30-65. Welsh parson, teacher and voice of moderation.
Sir Hugh is the local clergyman, though his Welsh dialect makes him a figure of fun for some in the town (a “mountain-foreigner”), especially the Host, and he makes it his mission to help Slender woo Anne. The role requires the ability to adopt an over-the-top16th century stereotype Welsh accent, and the character needs to be comically eccentric but not a fool.
Doctor Caius Male - aged 30-65. Bad-tempered French Doctor and the eldest of Anne’s suitors
The local physician and Mistresses Quickly’s abusive employer, with a Frenchaccentthat the Host rather bad-naturedly mocks at every opportunity. Also, the least suitable match for Anne. The role requires the ability to adopt an over-the-top 16th century stereotypeFrench accent, and needs to be camped up so that it cannot be taken seriously.
Anne Page Female –16-20. Young, beautiful and quietly strong-mindeddaughter to the Fords.
Despite being mismatched by her distracted parents, she is determined to marry Fenton. And Nan gets her man! Despite being the centre of one of the main plot-strands, this is not a large part, though it has subtlety and quietly comic moments.
FentonMale– 18-24. Young,kind, handsomeand romantic love interest for Anne.
Initially attracted by the prospect of Anne’s dowry but rejected by her parents, he falls in love and successfully woos her, eloping with her in the hope of getting married. This is not a large part, but is a good role for a young leading man.
Robert Shallow Male - aged 50-75. Ageing Country Justice, and Uncle to Slender, determined to marry him off.
A snob, and definitely a cut above most others, as he sees it, he is determined to pair off his nephew and mention his social standing at any opportunity. A good comic role mocking social prejudices.
Abraham Slender Male– 18-24. Young, timid, dim-witted andoverly-sheltered suitor to Anne.
Falls in love with Anne at first sight, but is unassertive, not so bright, and lives very much in his uncle’s shadow. A good role calling for a nuanced approach in its portrayal of comic awkwardness.
Bardolph, Nym, and PistolMale – 24-55. Disreputable rogues with little loyalty to Falstaff, or eachother
Falstaff’s servants and companions-in-crime, also featuring in the Henry IV plays; a roguish entourage who would be more sinister if they were not so incompetent. Pistol is the darkest character, while Bardolph is a better drinker than he is a thief. The roles call for a group comic dynamic, with strong physical comedyskills and will involve some improvisation in rehearsal.
Peter Simple Male – Male– 18-24. Young servant to Slender
Small but significant role, running errands for his master, Slender. Possibly even less of an intellect than he is.
All Cast should expect to attend promotional events
and help out with setting up and taking down the staging at the venue.
Please note that Progress Theatre is a not-for-profit community theatre,
and all roles are unpaid.
This information can also be found at
ProgressTheatre, founded 1946