2015-2020 Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Strategy Development

2015-2020 Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Strategy Development

2015-2020 Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Strategy Development

Consultation Questionnaire

This consultation document should be read in conjunction with the 2010-2015 Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Draft Strategy, and the associated Equality Impact Assessment.If you need more space to respond, please continue on a separate piece of paper and return with your responses

Q1) Review of the 2010-2015 strategy

The review of the 2010-2015 strategy highlighted a number of positive developments over the last five years.

Q1a) Are you aware of other developments (not highlighted in the review of the 2010-2015 strategy) which should be recognised here?



Don’t Know

If ‘yes’, what are they?(Please provide contact details to enable us to find out more)

The review of the 2010-2015 strategy highlighted that improvements can be made in the following areas:

  1. Developing new systems for monitoring and improving the reporting of suicide coverage in the media
  2. Implementing the results of evidence reviews around suicide and older people and suicide and debt
  3. Examining the relationship between self-harm and suicide

Q1b) Do you agree that improvements can be made in these areas?



Don’t Know

If ‘no’, please provide details below

Q1c)What specific actions can be taken in relation to any of the above areas?(To help us with analysing these results, please make it clear which area - i, ii,iii - you are responding to)

Q1d) Are there any other areas where you believe improvements can be made?



Don’t Know

If ‘yes’, please give details below

Q2) Priorities for the new strategy

The Suicide Prevention Steering Group believes that it is appropriate to adopt the national priorities below as the priorities for the Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Strategy.

  1. Reduce the risk of suicide in key high-risk groups
  2. Tailor approaches to improve mental health in specific groups
  3. Reduce access to the means of suicide
  4. Provide better information and support to those bereaved or affected by suicide
  5. Support the media in delivering sensitive approaches to suicide and suicidal behaviour
  6. Support research, data collection and monitoring

Q2a) Do you agree that we should adopt the national priorities as stated above?



Don’t Know

If ‘no’, please give details below

Q3) Reduce the risk of suicide in key high-risk groups

The National Strategy has identified the high risk groups, shown below, as priorities for suicide prevention interventions

Q3a) Are these the appropriate high risk groups you would like to prioritise in the Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Strategy? If no, what changes would you like to see made?

Yes / No / Don’t Know
Young and middle aged men
People in the care of mental health
People with a history of self-harm
People in contact with the criminal justice system
Specific occupational groups such as doctors, nurses, veterinary workers, farmers and agricultural workers
Children and Young People

If you have answered 'no' to any of the suggested priority groups, what changes would you like to see made?

Q3b)Please let us have any suggestions for specific actions that could be taken to reduce the suicide risk in any of these particular groups?

Q4) Tailor approaches to improve mental health in specific groups

The previous strategy identified the groups, shown below, as those most in need of measures to improve their mental health:

Q4a) Are these the groups that you would like to see identified in the new strategy?

Yes / No / Don’t Know
Socially excluded and deprived groups
BME communities
People who misuse drugs and alcohol
Survivors of child and domestic abuse
Children and young people
Women during and after pregnancy
Older people (especially those who have recently lost long term partners)
Young people leaving care
LGBT (lesbian; gay; bisexual; transgender)
Dual diagnosis
People experiencing financial crisis
People experiencing relationship difficulties

If you have answered 'no' to any of the suggested groups, what changes would you like to see made?

Q5) Reduce access to the means of suicide

How can we reduce suicides in Kent and Medwayby controlling access to the means of suicide?

Q6) Provide better information and support to those bereaved or affected by suicide

Q6a) What is the best way of providing information and support to those bereaved or affected by suicide?


We have completed an Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)to see if this service change could affect anyone unfairly. We welcome your views on the assumptions we have made and the conclusions we have drawn. The EQIA can be found on the consultation website:

About you:

We want to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and equally, and that no one gets left out. That's why we are asking you these questions. We won't share the information you give us with anyone else. We'll use it only to help us make decisions, and improve our services.

If you would rather not answer any of these questions, you don't have to.

Are you...?



Prefer not to say

Is your gender the same now as it was at your birth?



Prefer not to say

How old are you?

What is your postcode?

The Equality Act 2010 describes a person as disabled if they have a longstanding physical or mental condition that has lasted, or is likely to last, at least 12 months; and this condition has a substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. People with some conditions (cancer, multiple sclerosis and HIV/AIDS, for example) are considered to be disabled from the point that they are diagnosed.

Do you consider yourself to be disabled as set out in the Equality Act 2010?



Prefer not to say

Please tell us which type of impairment applies to you. (You may have more than one type of impairment, so please select all the impairments that apply to you.)

Physical impairment

Sensory impairment (hearing, sight or both)

Long standing illness or health condition, such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, diabetes

Mental health condition

Learning disability


I prefer not to say

If you have selected 'other' please specify:

Do you regard yourself as belonging to any particular religion or belief?



I prefer not to say

Which of the following applies to you?








If you have selected 'other' please specify:

Are you...?



Gay woman/Lesbian

Gay man


I prefer not to say

To which of these ethnic backgrounds do you feel you belong? (Your ethnic background is about lots of things, such as where your family comes from and the language you speak)

White: British

White: Irish

White: Gypsy/Roma

White: Irish Traveller

White: Other

Mixed: White and Black Caribbean

Mixed: White and Black African

Mixed: White and Asian

Mixed: Other

Mixed: Arab

Asian or Asian British: Indian

Asian or Asian British: Pakistani

Asian or Asian British: Bangladeshi

Asian or Asian British: Other

Asian or Asian British: Chinese

Black or Black British: Caribbean

Black or Black British: African

Black or Black British: Other

I prefer not to say

If you have selected 'other' please specify

Kent County Council (KCC) collects and processes personal information in order to provide a range of public services. KCC respects the privacy of individuals and endeavours to ensure personal information is collected fairly, lawfully, and in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Thank you for taking part in this consultation.

The results will be available by the end of May 2015