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2014 President’s Holidays “FAQs”
- How should staff be paid for the recently announced President’s Holidays?
- Please see thememorandumdated December 22 for specific details.
- The 2014 President’s Holidays begin at noon on December 24th and/or December 31.Employees should receive holiday pay, relative to their CUL, for either one-half their normally scheduled hours or the actual number of hours scheduled after 12p.m., whichever is greater. For example,an employee who worksa 3p.m. – 11:30p.m.shift will receive holiday pay for their full shiftonthose two days.
- Non-exempt employees designated as essential personnel will receive their holiday pay plus pay at 1.5 times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked during University recognized holidays, including the 2014 President’s Holidays.
- If a holiday falls on a regularly scheduled day off, employees will have their holiday re-designated to another normally scheduled workday within the same workweek.
- Nonessential personnel who work on the afternoons of December 24 and/or December 31, will be paid at their regular rate for all hours worked, not to exceed normal scheduled hours, plus holiday pay.
- Do temporary and student employees receive holiday pay for the two afternoons?
- No, they do not.
- If an employee terminates employment or retires without working the day prior to the President’s Holiday, will they be eligible for holiday pay?
- Employees who are terminating employment prior to the December 24 or December 31 holidays will not receive holiday paysubsequent to their termination date. Employees must be physically at work or in pay status (at least one-half of the normally scheduled shift) on normally scheduled workdays both immediately preceding and immediately following the holiday in order to receive holiday pay. An employee on an approved, paid leave of absence is in pay status for purposes of holiday pay.All regular, benefits-eligible employees who are retiring and are designated as official University retirees will receive 2014 holiday pay and do not have to be physically at work or in pay status at least a half-day the day before and after the holiday. Payroll Services will work with business offices that have processed quota payouts to make the necessary adjustments.
- Are employees who are receiving benefit payments (worker’s compensation, short term disability, long term disability) eligible for holiday pay?
- Benefit payments will continue normally in these situations. If employees are supplementing their benefit payments with sick leave/vacation/personal holiday, they should be paid holiday pay in place of the hours that would have been paid as sick leave/vacation/personal holiday.
- If an employee requested vacation prior to the President’s announcement of the President’sHolidays, are they allowed to change their vacation request?
- Yes, non-exempt employees who have previously requested the afternoons of December 24 and/or December 31, 2014 as vacation, personal holiday or sick leave may record the President’s Holidays as “holiday time.”
- Employees who re-designate holiday for previously schedule vacation and then are positioned to lose vacation hours as a result of vacation balance limits will have quota corrections processed to allow use of these vacation hours. These recovered vacation hours must be used prior to February 1,2015.
- Exempt staff members that have previously designated the afternoons of December 24 and/or December 31, 2014 as “vacation” or another paid leave may withdraw those designations and will still receive pay for those afternoons. If leave is requested via the online leave system through employee self-service, you will need to revise your original request. Those using Form 33A to request vacation time will not be required to process replacement forms.
- If an employee is on unpaid FMLA leave, would the employee be allowed to change the designation of FMLA and be compensated for the President’s Holidays?
- No. If an employee has previously-scheduled FMLA leave it should be recorded as such.
- If an employee is on paid FMLA leave (supplementing their FMLA with sick leave/vacation/personal holiday, would the employee be allowed to change the designation of FMLA and be compensated for the President’s Holidays?
- Yes; If employees are supplementing their FMLA with sick leave/vacation/personal holiday, they should be paid holiday pay in place of the hours that would have been paid as sick leave/vacation/personal holiday.
- If an employee has non-FMLA sick leave scheduled after 12:00 p.m. for either December 24 or 31, would the employee be allowed to change the designation of sick leave to holiday pay?
- Yes.
Address any questions regarding “President’s Holiday” pay practices to (include Compensation in the subject line) or call 42222.