2014 MGR Louisiana Lagniappe“Fearless Fainters”

- 2 Shows 1 Day

Louisiana State Fairgrounds

Shreveport Louisiana

Saturday May 31, 2014

If you will be showing, in ONE show only, select either SHOW A or SHOW B,

If you are showing in both shows, then please check both SHOW A & SHOW B

Please fill out the information completely and mail it to the Show Secretary with the Pen Request

Form, Entry Fees and the Youth Breeder Showmanship Form (if applicable).

The MGR Show Rules pertain to both shows. Please read all MGR Official Sanctioned Show Rule at

Check-In: Friday May 30, 2014 4pm-8pm or Saturday May 31, 2014 at 8am-830am

Shows Start: Show #1 9am - Show #2 no sooner than 2pm or immediately following the conclusion of the first show.

Judges: Terry Alleva- Show A

Karen Lamb - Show B

Entry Fees: $10.00 per goat per show

Entry must be received no later than May 24, 2014

Entry fees received after this date add $5.00 per entry.

No refunds of any fees.

Pen Fees: $10.00 per pen (one time only fees)

Pen Clean Up: We are not requiring a clean-up fee.

Shavings: $7.00 per bag (must be purchased ahead of time - usually takes 1/2 bag per pen - purchased shavings. This facility requires all shavings be purchased from them.

Shaving bags will be waiting at the facility. There may be a limited number of shavings available for purchase on Saturday May 31, 2014.

Lunches: Buffet style lunch of Hamburgers, potato salad or chips, dessert, and cold drink. After everyone has received a plate, everyone can eat until all the food is gone.

LiveAuction:Various items will be able to bid on Show Day - If you would like to donate anitems to the raffle table it would be greatly appreciated

Non-sanctioned Fun Classes:

  1. Parent/kid look alike: Pick your best mother/daughter or Mother/son or Father/daughter or Father /Son pair. The judge will choose which one looks most alike.This will only be judged by which pair looks most alike. All goats entering this class must be registered with MGR. Any age can enter. Verification of parentage will be determined by their registration papers.
  2. Best in Show: The Overall Grand Champion Doe, Buck, and Wether will be able to compete in this class. At the end of each show, the Overall Grand Champion Doe, Buck and Wether will be able to enter the ring to be chosen as Best in Show by the judge. If the Grand Champions from each class does not want to participate then the Reserve Grand may enter in their place. If Overall Reserve Grand does not want to participate, the next in line may choose to enter until the position is filled.

No pre-registration is required for the non-sanction Fun Classes. Just come and enter. Verification of registration will be verified at time of win.

T-Shirt: Please circle sizes and indicate number requested:

Youth Sizes: SM x ______MED x ______LG x ______XL x _____

Adult Sizes: SM x ______MED x ______LG x ______XL x ____

2XL x ______3XL x ______4XL x ______

Must be ordered by May 14, 2014

Show Rules:

  1. An original MGR registration certificate is required for each goat entered, and the document must be presented to the show secretary before the goat is shown. Only MGR registered goats may be shown in sanctioned shows. No pending registration will be accepted at check-in.
  2. The Age eligibility of the goat for each class will be determined by the date of birth on the registration papers only.
  3. The full registered name of the animal must be used on the entry forms.
  4. The correct breeder/exhibitor name must be on the Registration unless you have a signed transfer application that is dated 45 days or less to the show date.
  5. Substitutions will be allowed at Check-In within the classes listed in the show schedule at no extra charge.
  6. You may bring handlers to help. One MGR Breeder number constitutes one exhibitor.
  7. No exhibitor shall approach the judge until after the conclusion of the show.
  8. Show A will start promptly at 9am and Show B will start no sooner than 2 pm or immediately following theconclusion of Show A and between activities.
  9. The show secretary reserves the right to split the larger classes.
  10. All entries must be received by May 24, 2014.
  11. Goats will be released immediately after the show(s) they are competing in or may stay until (11am) Sunday June 1,2014. All goats must be out of the barn no later than 11am Sunday June 1, 2012.
  12. All goats must be shown with a collar. Bucks must be secure at all times.
  13. Goats may be sold private treaty, however all goats brought to sell at the show must be entered into either Show Aor B or may be entered into both shows. If you are bringing goats to sell, also please observe the following:
  14. These goats must also be listed on the health papers.
  15. All sales are between buyer and seller only and the show personnel or MGR is in no way responsible forany actions or lack thereof from either buyer, seller, or both.
  16. Fun Classes are unsanctioned and ineligible for Championship awards. Goats brought in for this class must also beentered into one of the sanction classes. This is a ribbon and points show. Any available awards will be noted on class schedule.
  17. No alcoholic beverages or smoking in the barns or arena allowed.
  18. Health Certificates signed by a licensed veterinarian is required. Individual animal ID such as tattoo, microchip, scrapietag must be listed on the health papers (tattoos must be legible). Also please have a copy of each animalregistration papers with the health papers ready to be reviewed if needed. If you are using microchips asidentification, then you will need to provide your own reader. Show officials may deny entry if any goat does notappear in good health.
  19. Health Certificates must not be dated before May 1, 2014 and the show address must be your destination. Youmust bring an extra copy of your goat’s health certificate that will be retained by the show secretary.
  20. All goats entering Louisiana for exhibition must meet all the requirements for entry into Louisiana. Goats may beexamined on grounds by show personnel. Goats showing evidence of disease, particularly foot rot, sore mouth,abscesses will not be allowed to enter the barn or show and may be released by officials. No animals with anopen wound shall be allowed to be unloaded on the show grounds.
  21. MGR Rules to govern and to take precedence over all others. Any item that comes up that is not specifically coveredby these rules will be decided by the show committee and their decision will be final.

General Health Requirements Governing Admission of Livestock into Louisiana: taken from the following website:

  1. All livestock brought into the State shall be accompanied by an official health certificate stating that the animals arehealth, free from signs of infectious or contagious diseases and signs of internal and/or external parasites, and meet thespecific requirements stated in this regulation. Health certificates are valid for 30 days only. No livestock affected with, orcaring the contagion of screwworms shall be moved into Louisiana for any purpose.
  2. Exhibitors must make a copy of each goats registration papers listed on the health certificate and attach them to thecertificate. Some form of individual goat identification must be listed on the health papers for each goat such as tattoos,your state scrapie tag, or microchips. If you are using microchips as your id, you must provide your own chip reader.

Mail Completed Entry Form, Fee Sheet, & Youth Breeder Showmanship Form (if applicable) to:

Kim Trisler

3879 Hwy 84

Jonesville, Louisiana 71343

Please make all checks or money orders payable to: Kim Trisler

For further information or questions please contact:

Kim Trisler (C) 1-318-452-8162 OR Lisha Boothe (C) 1-318- 439-0281

May also contact us on Facebook

Statement of Liability:

The Show Management will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur. Each exhibitor will besolely responsible for their own liabilities, if incurred, as well as damage or injury to any other person or propertycaused by the exhibitor or animals they exhibit.

MGR Louisiana Lagniappe “Fearless Fainter”

Louisiana State Fairgrounds - Shreveport Louisiana

Saturday May 31, 2014

The MGR Show Rules pertain to both shows. Please read all MGR Official Sanctioned Show Rule at


Showmanship: Classes 2-3-4 are open only to MGR Youth Breeders

  1. Pee-Wee Showmanship: Free to all children under 6 years
  2. Youth Junior Showmanship:Free to Junior Breeders 6 years to under 10 years
  3. Youth Junior High Showmanship:Free to Junior Breeders 10 years to under 14 years
  4. Youth Senior Showmanship:Free to Junior Breeders 15 years to under 18 years

Grand and Reserve Grand Youth Showmanship

Doe Show: Junior Does

  1. PeeWee Doe Kids 0 to under 3 months of age
  2. Doe Kids 3 to under 6 months of age
  3. Junior Doe Kids 6 to under 9 months of age
  4. Intermediate Doe Kids 9 to under 12 months of age
  5. Yearling Doe - Junior Unfreshened 12 to under 18 months of age
  6. Yearling Doe - Junior Unfreshened 18 to under 24 months of age

Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion Doe

Doe Show: Senior Does - Senior Grand & Reserve Champions will receive an award

  1. Yearling Doe - Senior Freshened 12 to under 18 months of age
  2. Yearling Doe - Senior Freshened 18 to under 24 months of age
  3. Junior Adult Does 24 to under 36 months of age
  4. Adult Does 36 to under 48 months of age
  5. Senior Does 48 months of age & older
  6. Mini Does MGR certified Mini & is documented on MGR reg. papers.

Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion Doe

Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Doe

Wether Show: Junior Wethers - Junior Grand & Reserve Champions will receive an award

  1. PeeWee Wether Kids 0 to under 3 months of age
  2. Junior Wether Kids 3 to under 6 months of age
  3. IntermediateWether Kids6 to under 9 months of age
  4. Intermediate Wether Kids 9 to under 12 months of age

Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion Wether

Wether Show: Senior Wethers - Senior Grand & Reserve Champions will receive an award

  1. Intermediate Senior Wether 12 to under 18 months of age
  2. Intermediate Senior Wether 18 to under 24 months of age
  3. Adult Wethers 24 to under 36 months of age
  4. Senior Wethers 36 months of age & older

Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion Wether

Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Wether

Buck Show: Junior Bucks - Junior Grand & Reserve Champions will receive an award

  1. PeeWee Buck Kids 0 to under 3 months of age
  2. Junior Buck Kids 3 to under 6 months of age
  3. Intermediate Buck Kids 6 to under 9 months of age
  4. Intermediate Buck Kids 9 to under 12 months of age

Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion Buck

Buck Show: Senior Bucks

  1. Yearling Bucks 12 to under 18 months of age
  2. Yearling Bucks 18 to under 24 months of age
  3. Junior Adult Bucks 24 to under 36 months of age
  4. Adult Bucks 36 to under 48 months of age
  5. Senior Bucks 48 months of age & older
  6. Mini Bucks Bucks MGR certified Mini & is documented on MGR reg. papers.

Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion

Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Buck

Best in Show – Non-Sanctioned (FUN CLASS)

Best Parent/Kid Look Alike – Non-Sanctioned (FUN CLASS)

Ribbons and awards will be given to all Junior, Senior, Grand and Reserved Champions.

2014 MGR Louisiana Lagniappe

Louisiana State Fairgrounds - Shreveport Louisiana - Saturday

May 31, 2014

If you will be showing, in ONE show only, select either SHOW A or SHOW B.

If you are showing in both shows, then please check both SHOW A & SHOW B.

Please fill out the information completely and mail it to the Show Secretary with the Pen Request Form, Entry fees and Youth Breeder Showmanship Form (if applicable)

The MGR Show Rules pertain to both shows.

ENTRY FORM - Please check which shows you will be attending A or B or both - Health Certificates are required.

( MUST BE AS ON REG. CERTIF) / SEX / D.O.B / AGE / MGR REG. # / Permanent Tattoo, Tag or Microchip / CLASS

______Print name (as on MGR registration certificate)




Address City State Zip


E-mail Address (to address questions)

______Telephone Number (required)



Goat Entry Fees:

Show A # goats x $10.00 per goat/per Show A Total: ______

Show B # goats x $10.00 per goat/per Show B Total: + ______

Pen Fees: One-Time Fee

Goat/Tack Pens x $10.00 per pen Total: + ______

Shavings x $7.00 + ______

Must be purchase from facility ONLY

Lunch: Hamburger plate = 10.00 X ______+ ______

(see above)

T-Shirts: $20.00 X ______+ ______

Class Sponsorship: $10.00 per x ______class + ______list classes you would like to sponsor on sponsorship page

Grand Total: = ______

Class Sponsorship Sheet

Please check which shows you will be sponsoring classes in, either A or B or both.Also please be sure to specify which class you wish to sponsor - please check Class Schedule for list of classes.If at the time your sponsorship is received & that class is already sponsored you will be contacted and ask to please give another choice. All sponsorships received by deadline will be listed in the show booklet.Please feel free to send in your business card to be scanned & used as your listing if you like. You do not have to be showing in the show to be a sponsor.

A / Show
B / Name of Sponsor / Bucks
Wethers / Age Division

We greatly appreciate any & all sponsorships.


Date: ______

Entry Form for Youth Breeder Showmanship

Please check which shows you will be attending A or B or both - Please include PeeWees on Entry Form. Any MGR registered doe or wether may be used for showmanship. The goat must have a health certificate.

Entries Form for Showmanship


A / B / Youth Breeder / Age of Breeder / Goats name / MGR REG. # / CLASS

Print Name





Address City State Zip


E-mail Address (to address questions)

______Telephone Number (required)


There are other hotels & motels in and around Shreveport & Bossier City, however the oneslisted below are recommended by the State Fair of Louisiana. *PLEASE NOTE* Some of the above driving times mayseem off but it has to do with which direction the hotels are in and traffic.

Hotel / Address / Phone / Distance to Grounds
Days Inn Shreveport / 4935 W. Monkhouse Drive, Shreveport 71109 / 318-636-0080 / 3 miles - 5 minutes
Residence Inn Airport / 4910 W. Monkhouse Drive Shreveport 71109 / 318-635-8000 / 3 miles - 5 minutes
Sleep Inn & Medical
Center / 3215 Samford Avenue - Shreveport 71103 / 318-676-0058 / 3 miles - 7 minutes
Boomtown Bossier City / 300 Riverside Drive - Bossier City 71111 / 318-746-0711 / 4 miles - 8 minutes
Courtyard Shreveport / 6001 Financial Plaza Shreveport 71129 / 318-686-0880 / 4 miles - 8 minutes
Fairfield Inn Airport / 6245 Westport Avenue Shreveport 71129 / 318-686-0102 / 4 miles - 8 minutes
Diamond Jacks Casino / 711 Diamond Jacks Blvd. - Bossier City 71111 / 318-678-7777 / 5 miles - 9 minutes
Eldorado Resort Casino / 451 Clyde Fant Parkway - Shreveport 71101 / 877-602-0711 / 5 miles - 9 minutes
Sam’s Town Hotel & Casino / 315 Clyde Fant Parkway Shreveport 71101 / 877-651-9947 / 5 miles - 9 minutes
Clarion Hotel / 1419 East 70th Street - Shreveport 71105 / 318-797-9900 / 6 miles - 13 minutes
Hampton Inn / 1005 Gould Drive - Bossier City 71111 / 318-752-1112 / 6 miles - 10 minutes
Town Place Suites / 1009 Gould Drive - Bossier City 71111 / 318-741-
9090 / 6 miles - 10 minutes
Country Heath Inn / 1984 Airline Drive Bossier City - 71112 / 318-742-
6000 / 7 miles - 11 minutes
Days Inn Bossier City / 200 John Wesley Blvd. - Bossier City 71112 / 318-742-
9200 / 7 miles - 12 minutes
Holiday Inn West / 5555 Financial Plaza Shreveport, 71129 / 318-688-
3000 / 7 miles - 10 minutes
Quality Inn & Suites / 2717 Village Lane - Bossier City 71112 / 318-742-
7890 / 7 miles - 12 minutes
Microtel Inns and Suites / 2713 Village Lane - Bossier City 71112 / 318-742-
7882 / 7 miles - 12 minutes
Rodeway Inn & Suites
Casino / 3033 Hilton Drive - Bossier City 71111 / 318-747-
2400 / 7 miles - 12 minutes