Event:Host District:
Competing Districts:
Competition Dates:
Notes: This form should be prepared with consultation between the host district and the RSSO and sent to the CSSB for Approval at least 8 weeks before the trial date.
Organisational Costs (Student Levy Items)
Item / Proposed Expenditure / ActualExpenditure / Payment / Payment
(GST Inclusive) / (GST Inclusive) / Region / Sport C’tee
1. Venue Hire
Cost per hour/day:
P A Hire:
Tent / Shelter Hire:
2. Transport
Competition Days No. of Buses:
Cost per Bus:
Officials Transport:
3. First Aid/Sports Trainers
No. of Days: Cost per Day:
Ice: No. of Bags: Cost per bag:
4. Event Equipment (Please specify)
Competition Balls: No. of Balls x Cost per Ball:
Ice: No of bags: Cost per bag:
5. Trophies/Awards
No. of Trophies Cost per Trophy:
No. of Certificates Cost per Certificate
No. of Medallions Cost per Medallion
No. of ribbons Cost per Ribbon
6. Referees/Umpires/Officials
No.required: Cost per Official:
Lunches (if required): Cost per lunch:
Accommodation (if required):
7. Program Printing
No.of Programs Cost per Unit: $
8. Administration (Please specify)
Phone Calls:
Convenor’s Expenses:
9. Other Expenditure (Please specify)
Opening Ceremony:
Pre-Championship Meeting:
Jersey washing:
Cost per set: x No. of Teams x No. of Days
Officials luncheon
Cost per lunch: No of officials:
Officials’ Dinner (Please specify)
No. of Guests Cost per guest
Note: 1.A maximum of 2 “free” guests are to be included. Names and “position” to be included.
- An official’s lunch may be included if there is not an Official’s Dinner and there is a need to have all official’s together to exchange professional association. If an official’s luncheon is to be included in the levy, then this should be advised in the newsletter so that districts do not provide travel allowances for that meal.
- Please list the names and positions of officials catered for in “6”.
- Please list the criteria for awards in “5”.
- Please advise as to the “resting place” of any equipment (other then disposable) that is purchased.
/ Proposed Income / Actual Income(GST Inclusive) / (GST Inclusive)
Sponsorship/ Grants
Admission Charges
Program Sales
Organisational Levy =(Part A - Part B) / No of Teams: / $ / Per Team Member: $
(Swimming / Athletics / X-C only)
CPSSMC Levy(To be collected by host district) / Levy per trialist: / $ 8.80 / This additional levy only applies to 10-12yrs regional trials.
Recommended team Size:
- The regional trialist’s levy imposed by the CSSMC for 10-12yrs trials is to be collected by the regional trial’s host district. The host district should advise the Capricornia Schools Sports Office within 21 days of the completion of the trials of the number of participants so that CSS can invoice to recover the levies.
The CSSMC trialist’s levy is $8.80 per trialist (includes GST) for 10-12yrs ONLY.
The trail levy that is advertised in the Bulletin should include the trialist’s levy. The levy could either be stated as a team levy plus an individual levy or as a combined player levy. Levies in the Bulletin should be stated as including GST. The students will actually pay the levy minus the GST.
2.The form “Cap Regional Trial Particaption Statistics.doc” are to list/summarize the attendance numbers and should also be completed at or soon after the trials. I would advise that it be completed at the trials. This form is to be returned to the sports office along with a Convenor’s Report and the Budget Acquital.
C)EXPENDITURE – NON-LEVY ITEMS(Additional costs to be paid by Host Region or Committee)
Item / Proposed Expenditure / Actual Expenditure / Payment / Payment(GST inclusive) / (GST inclusive) / Region / Sport C’tee
Other Functions/Catering (Please specify)
Other (Please specify)
Actual Income
(GST Inclusive)
Includes student levies, sponsorship, grants, sales, admission charges / Actual Expenditure(GST Inclusive) / Surplus / Deficit
Income less Expenditure
$ / $ / $
Regional convenors MUST consult with their district’s treasurer.
Approved / Not Approved: Convenor/ / 14
Approved / Not Approved: Host District/ / 14