Collinsville Cardinals

2013Summer Baseball Camp

What: This camp is designed to focus on the fundamentals of defensive and offensive play.

Infield/outfield play, hitting/bunting, and base-runningwill be strongly emphasized during this 4-day camp. Our goal is for your son to leave with a better understanding of the fundamentals required to be a successful baseball player. Indoor facilities are also available in case of poor weather. Those involved in the Varsity division camp will be involved in a more in depth training with the coaching staff.

Who: Ages 7 – 13

When: May 28 – 31 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

What to bring: glove, hat, cleats, tennis shoes, bat (optional), catchers gear (catchers only), water

Where: Pat Colpitt Baseball Field located at the high school campus

Cost: $75 per player(if you get 5 or more players from your team, you are eligible for the

team discount - $65 per player! Be sure to wear your team uniform and hat)

Coaches: Tony Reeder, Ryan Frame, Junior Blevins and CollinsvilleHigh School players and former players

How To Sign Up:

  1. Pick up a pre-registration form at Wilson Elementary, Herald Elementary, or CollinsvilleMiddleSchool. Fill out registration and mail in along with check.
  2. Arrive 15 minutes early Tuesday in order to sign up. Please have your payment


Contact Coach Reeder @ 918-698-3818 for more information.


Collinsville Cardinals Baseball Camp


Tuesday, May 28 – Friday, May 31

Pat Colpitt Baseball Field

CollinsvilleHigh School

Ages:7 – 13

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Cost: $75/player (this includes a campT-shirt) – mail check with this form

(make check payable to: Tony Reeder)

*team discount: $65/player if 5 or more come from your team IN UNIFORM! (please pay this during registration on the first day)

Camper Information: (PLEASE PRINT)

First and Last Name______

Home Address ______



Age ______Home Telephone #______

Emergency contact person ______

Emergency # ______

Camper’s T-shirt size (circle one) Youth Adult


PARENTS: Please read, sign and return to the address below.

I hereby give permission to allow my child to participate in the Cardinal Baseball Camp. I understand and recognize the possibility of physical injury associated with baseball that which may occur to my child during this camp. I waive any legal claim against camp instructors and those associated with these baseball activities in the event my child is injured while participating in these baseball activities.

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date______

Cardinal Baseball Camp

ATTN: Tony Reeder

2400West Broadway

Collinsville, OK, 74021