2013 end of year specials from AIS

December 12, 2013

Hi Folks,

All products are new unless otherwise stated and free shipping!

These prices are on in stock items only and you can save up to $2,000.00 on some items.

  1. Victor Reader Stream second generation with current software from HumanWare.

Your price: $329.00

2. Trekker Breeze talking hand held gps device with current maps and software from HumanWare.

Your price: $599.00

3. IBill talking money identifier second generation from Orbit Research, identifies U.S. currency.

Your price: $120.00

4. Tiny Triple talk external synthesizer from Access Solutions, USB connection, has earphone jack, volume control, built in speaker, and works with all MicroSoft operating systems.

Your price: $250.00

5. BAUM Brailliant 32 cell portable Braille display, usb/Bluetooth connectivity, does not have perkins keys for input!

Your price: $500.00, save over $2,000.00 off retail price.

6. ReadIt Wand from GW Micro, uses a camera on a stick and will scan in all printed material and read it back or can be adjusted for low vision users.

Your price: $500.00, save over $1,500.00 off retail price.

7. Executive Products leather cases for Trekker Breeze, Plextalk Pocket/BookPort Plus, and BrailleNote Apex devices.

Your prices: $50.00, $45.00, and $65.00 respectively.

8. AC power adaptors for the following devices; BrailleNote Apex $65.00, Victor Reader Stream 1/Trekker Breeze $40.00 and for those who have the older MPower BrailleNotes the AC adaptors are free!

9. New batteries for the following devices; Trekker Breeze and Victor Reader Streams 1 $40.00, BrailleNote Apex $65.00.

Note: to all BrailleNote/VoiceNote Apex users, Keysoft upgrades are free for life you own your unit and just released Keysoft 9.4, which now has the Nemeth tutorial included for free and also the user can now print out their mathematical work so a sighted person like teachers and others can see their work.

The Nemethh Tutorial use to cost $199.00, but now free with Keysoft 9.4. They are also working on trying to provide the Oxford dictionary for free too, but must work out licensing before that can happen.

I have the BrailleNote 32/18 units reduced in price by $1,000.00 for the 32 unit and $800.00 for the 18 cell units.

I still provide free technical support and training by email or telephone.

To place an order or have questions, my contact information is below.

I accept Master, Visa, Discover, or American Express, money orders, purchase orders, or personal checks.

What’s New In KeySoft 9.4:

KeySoft’s Word Processor Supports Nemeth Braille:

The BrailleNote Apex is the first electronic Braille device to support the inputof Nemeth Braille and the translation to print in the same tool.

Type your math assignments in Nemeth Braille, connect a compatible printer and printthem out for your classroom teacher.

Alternatively you can export the file as a Microsoft Word file and email, or transferit to your teacher as well.

3 Easy Steps:

1. Create a standard KeyWord Braille file using USA Braille.

2. Press backspace with N (control G – N on QT units), to switch to Nemeth code.

3. Type your math. Note that the speech will also speak the symbols you type.

If you forget certain symbols, or need assistance inserting specific Nemeth characters,our unique Nemeth selector will help you find the more common symbols and insertthem in your document for you. Access the Nemeth Selector by pressing backspacewith dots 3-5 (function with X on QT units). Note that if you will be using an ApexQT to write Nemeth, you must do so using a KeyWord Braille document. This is different

than the standard KeyWord text format that the full keyboard supports.

Support of Microsoft PowerPoint (PPTX) files:

KeySoft 9.4 puts Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or later presentations at your fingertips.

Simply press enter on a PowerPoint file and KeySoft will open the slides in a simple,non visual manner, so you have access to the information more efficiently.

Looking for an accessible version of class notes?

Simply ask the teacher or presenter to provide you the PowerPoint file and you canfollow along with your peers.

And what’s more, view the individual slide elements in Braille while you explorea slide.

Navigate a slide’s table, bullets, heading styles, and slide notes with ease withoutneeding to have a screen reader talking in your ear while you are trying to givea presentation.

To open a PowerPoint 2007 or later presentation, do the following from the main menu:

1. Press F for file manager

2. Press B for Browse Files

3. Space to your desired drive and press enter

4. Space to your desired folder and press enter

5. Space to the desired presentation ending in .pptx and press enter

6. You will hear the Apex say “Please wait” as it converts the file and you will soonfind yourself at the top of a page containing all your slides. Simply press enteron the slide you want to view. At the bottom of each slide are Previous, Index,and Next links to allow you to progress through the presentation.

Web browser Enhancements:

KeyWeb has been optimized to render iFrames more accurately. The result is thiswill fix issues where links were not showing up as links, or certain parts of thepage were not rendering or showing at all.

· Added a Web Profile option in the internet options menu. The web profileallows the user to change the way web sites see the Apex. On certain web pages,it will automatically provide the Apex the mobile version of the site. If you preferthe desktop version to the default, you can now change this. Available profilesare:

o BrailleNote Mobile Device (Default from KeySoft 9.3)

o BrailleNote Legacy device (KeyWeb from earlier versions of KeySoft)

o Windows XP pc running Internet Explorer 6

o Windows Pocket PC device

o Microsoft Smart Phone device

It is important to note that every web page is different and will respond to thesevarious profiles differently, so if a page is not loading correctly, it is recommendedto try different profiles.

You can quickly access the profile option with the shortcut backspace with P (ControlP on QT units).

Multitasking during file downloads: Now when you download a large file, it is nowpossible to switch to a different application while your file continues to downloadin the background.

After your file starts downloading, simply press your desired application’s hot key.

For example, if you want to access the word processor, press backspace with enterwith W.

Nemeth Tutorial Included With KeySoft:

Before you can write accurate Nemeth Braille in the Apex’s word processor, you needto learn the Nemeth code!

The tutorial, developed by Northern Illinois University, provides an incredible instructionaltool that is included as a free download with KeySoft 9.4. Now you can learn, type,and print out accurate Nemeth Braille on one powerful productivity device.

Miscellaneous Changes:

Added a file in the general folder called Nemeth translation abbreviations guidewhich can be provided to sighted teachers to explain the print abbreviations usedto represent Nemeth code.

Fixed an issue where certain strings would crash the Apex when Eloquence was used.

Fixed an issue when using the Apex with a monitor for a visual display, where theApex would freeze when switched off.

This fix improves power management when using the VGA port on battery.

General stability improvements.

KeySoft Software Upgrade Procedure:

Note: Prior to updating to a new version of KeySoft, it is always valuable to ensureyou have backed up your important data to a removable media such as a USB thumb driveor SD card.

Once you insert the storage device in the Apex, the backup and restore options canbe found in the Utilities menu.

Installation procedure using removable memory:

To upgrade the BrailleNote Apex to a recent version, you will need to acquire the software upgrade file. The software upgrade file has a HWI extension.

Below is the link to download Keysoft 9.4, curtacy of AIS.

We make technology accessible
to the vision impaired and reading disabled
Roger A. Behm
1611 Clover Lane
Janesville WI 53545-1388
voice: 608-758-0933
Fax: 608-758-7898
cell: 608-346-7059
web page: