Photo Media I & II

Special Projects - Photography

Mr. G. Krumm

John A. Rowland High School

August 2017

Phone: 626.965.3448 ext. 3307


Dear Photo Students and Parents:

Welcome back to the 2017-18 school year at Rowland High School. Photography is everywhere. A course in Photo is beneficial to all students regardless of your plans after high school graduation—whether you want to use photography as a means to earn a living, or just as a hobby and a way to have fun. This is the course for you. I would like to share with you a description of what is involved in this course, the expectations, and the policies.

Course Description: Rowland’s Photo Media courses are a study in the Visual Arts where a student will explore and develop his or her creativity to produce and display photographic art. Using light and shadow as their canvas, students will learn how to incorporate the elements of art and the principles of design into their photographs. Students will use digital cameras, scanners and computers to create, alter, manipulate and enhance photographic images using industry standard digital software. Traditional 35mm film exposure, development and printing will be included in the course.

Career Pathways: Our Photography Department at RHS includes Photo Media I & II, Special Projects/Photo, and ROP Commercial Photography. Students can enroll in Photography all four years at RHS. All Rowland Photography courses are part of the Rowland Unified School District Career Certification Program in the Arts & Communications pathway. In addition, Photo Media I & II meet the Visual and Performing Arts requirement for entrance to the University of California and the California State University systems.

College Articulation: Photo Media II students can earn college credits for this course through our Articulation Agreement with Mt. San Antonio College. Mt SAC recognizes that RHS Photo courses are aligned with the college curriculum, and students who do well in Photo Media will be given the opportunity to earn Mt SAC college credits in addition to earning the RHS high school credits.

Course Goals

·  Students will learn photographic composition guidelines incorporating the elements of art and principle of design, including creating a personal aesthetic to analyze and evaluate photos.

·  Students will learn how to operate DSLR and traditional 35mm film cameras.

·  Students will demonstrate the ability to use both digital and conventional photographic equipment and materials in a safe and skillful manner.

·  Students will learn black and white film processing and basic darkroom procedures.

·  Students will demonstrate basic skills in photo-manipulation using appropriate digital manipulation software.

·  Students will learn the history of photography and its effect upon culture.

·  Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of layout and theme as they apply to photojournalism.

·  Students will learn how to write copy to accompany photographs in a photojournalistic project.

·  Students will be introduced to word processing software to create copy to accompany photos in a photojournalistic project.

·  Students will improve reading skills and note taking skills through ongoing assignments.

·  Students’ writing will reflect correct grammar, punctuation, spelling and syntax.

·  Students will keep a portfolio of all photographic projects done in and outside of class.

·  Students will learn and apply proper ethical behaviors in regards to intellectual property rights.

·  Students will learn to work in teams and understand responsibilities of leadership.

·  Students will become aware of photographic/media career opportunities.


Raider Goals –Thinkers, Communicators, Contributors

·  The Photo Projects that we do all require critical thinking and problem solving… Raider Photographers are THINKERS.

·  Every photograph is a form of visual communications… Raider Photographers are COMMUNICATORS.

·  As we help one another in the lab, do our part on team projects, and create photographic works to be used around the school and the community… Raider Photographers are CONTRIBUTORS.

Grading Policy: Student achievement in this course will be measured using multiple assessment tools. The final semester grade will be made up of class participation/attendance (35%), class projects (35%), quizzes and tests (15%), written assignments (10%), and your portfolio/notebook (5%). The grading scale is: 100 - 90% = A; 89 - 80% = B; 79-70% = C; 69 - 60%= D; below 60% = F I accept no failure – ONLY SUCCESS !

HomeLink: Students and Parents can track grades and attendance using the HomeLink on our school website. Go to the school website at and then go to Quick Links and HomeLink. Information on HomeLink was mailed home this summer with directions on email addresses and passwords.

Materials needed on a daily basis

·  Two Pens (one to use, one for a back-up) & Two Pencils (one to use, one for a back-up)

·  Notebook (3 ring binder) for your negatives and assignments (NO SMALLER THAN ONE INCH THICK, PLEASE)

o  This will be used to keep a “portfolio” of all work done in the class

o  Five “dividers” for the five sections of the portfolio

o  At least five sheets of unused note-taking paper in the binder at all times.

·  An “SD Card”—4 GB or larger (if you already have a 2GB Card, that might be OK.)

o  You need this SD Card when you check out a school camera to save the electronic photos.

·  A USB “flash drive” size 2 GB or larger.

·  If the student cannot obtain any of the above items, please see me.

Cameras & Equipment / Lockers

·  If you have a 35mm film camera that has f-stop and shutter speed functions that can be manually adjusted and the camera has a light meter, it would be very helpful if you could let your child use it during this course. If not, loaner cameras are available

·  If you have a digital camera, anything from a point & shoot to a DSLR, this would also be very helpful. Again, loaner cameras are available.

·  We have lockers for every student in Studio M/7. Each student will be issued a locker and padlock. These lockers are for photo materials only. No other books or personal items are to be stored in the photo lockers.

·  Students must have their school ID cards with them at all times. Equipment will not be loaned to a student who does not possess a valid school ID card.

·  All items issued to students must be treated with utmost care and respect. Students will be held financially responsible for any damaged or lost items.

Materials Costs: There is a cost for materials of $10 per student to cover special materials and supplies we use in the photo lab. This is actually a “voluntary donation” so that the students will be able to take home with them the projects that are done in class. As this is voluntary, students may choose to “opt out”. If you elect to opt out, then all of the projects made in class will need to remain in the classroom and not be taken home by the student.

Students will be provided with the minimum materials needed for this course. Many students often elect to do additional photo projects and can purchase additional film and photographic paper either at a commercial photo supply store or through the class.

Safety: Safety in the Photo Lab is our number one priority. All students must pass the safety test before they are allowed in the darkroom or to use any tools or equipment. Senseless acts and horseplay will not be tolerated. Students who act in an unsafe manner shall be subject to disciplinary action and possible removal from the class.

Attendance: This is an activity-based class. Excellent attendance is mandatory if the student wishes to earn an excellent grade. Projects in this course require special tools, equipment, and/or computer software. Students who are not in the class cannot do the projects. Make-up work is sometimes possible for students with legitimate excused absences.

Student Behavior Expectations: We basically have just two rules in Studio M/7…..

1. Be Nice 2. Do Your Work !

To “Be Nice” means that students should respect themselves and others at all times.

“Do Your Work” is demonstrated by all students being in their assigned seats ready to work when the tardy bell rings with all necessary supplies and textbooks. We need to be “on task” from bell to bell. We will abide by the school district rules of no food, drinks, or gum chewing in the classroom.

Restroom Policy: All students are encouraged to visit the restroom before school, during passing periods, nutrition, and lunch. A student will be expected to make up any class time missed for a restroom break either during nutrition, lunch, or after school.

Cell Phones/Pagers/Personal Radios/Electronic Toys: Ideally, these items should not even be brought to school. The law allows students to bring cell phones to school, but RUSD policy requires them to be powered off. This policy will be strictly enforced. There will be no placing or receiving phone calls or text messages in class.

Behavior Modifications: Any student having difficulty abiding by our classroom rules will have a private conference with the instructor. If problems still continue, the student will then write the appropriate class standard. If, after this, the problems still continue, the student will be assigned an after-school detention. If there is still a problem, the student will then be referred to the vice-principal of discipline.

Tutoring/Extra Lab Time: If students would like some additional tutoring or need to put in extra time on projects, I welcome them to come in at lunch time or after school. It would be best to schedule an appointment, but not absolutely necessary.

Communication: If at any time a parent would like to contact me to discuss your child’s progress, the best way is through email: . Or you can call me at 626/965-3448 extension 3307. If I am in class or away from the phone, please leave your name and number and I will call you back just as soon as I can.

Website: I have a link on the school website Follow the links to “Academics”, then to “Departments”, then to “Visual & Performing Arts”. There you will find a homework link where I will post any pending homework assignments.

Back to School Night: Mark your calendar now for Thursday, September 7, 2017. We are having our annual Back-To-School Night from 5 to 8 pm. I would really enjoy meeting you at that time.

I look forward to a great year at Rowland High. Thank you.

G. Krumm, Photography Teacher

Please cut on this line. Students should retain the syllabus in their notebooks/portfolios, and return only the portion below.

Syllabus Receipt – Memo of Understanding

I have read the syllabus for Mr. Krumm’s class and understand the expectations.


Period Student’s Name Student’s email address


Student’s cell phone number Student’s Signature

I have read the syllabus for Mr. Krumm’s class and understand the expectations. I will assist my son or daughter to understand and fulfill the requirements of the class.

My preferred contact is by qe-mail qhome phone qwork phone qcell phone

I can be reached at (phone #) ______from ______o’clock to ______o’clock..

______Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Relationship to Student.


Parent/Guardian e-mail address Parent/Guardian home phone Parent/Guardian cell phone