6th Grade Honors Math
Carol Sue Merkin
847-2181, ext. 2327
Room 191
Course Description: Honors Math is a rigorous course with high expectations for the students. We will be on an accelerated program, covering all of the 6th Grade and much of the 7th Grade content. Students will be expected to maintain a high level of quality work to be able to stay in the honors program.
Every student should have the following every day…
1. A three-ring binder with dividers separating three math sections
2. Lined paper (not spiral notebooks where the paper has to be ripped out)
3. Two sharp pencils and an eraser (or a mechanical pencil with extra lead)
4. Correcting pen (may be any color other than black or pencil)
5. Spiral notebook for taking notes
Course Content:
- Mathematical Processes
- Operations With Rational Numbers
- The Coordinate Plane
- Operations with Integers
- Financial Literacy
- Proportions and Percents
- Algebraic Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
- Statistical Measures and Displays
- The purpose of homework is to practice a skill learned in class. Emphasis should be on mastering the skill rather than strictly the score on the paper. If the skill is not mastered, the student should take responsibility to ask questions, get help, and come to tutorials!
- Homework will be assigned often, and assignments will be posted weekly on the board in the classroom as well as on Family Access. Students are also responsible to have all assignments either hand-written in their weekly planners or stored in their iPads.
- Homework may be graded in class, or a quiz may be given over the homework to evaluate understanding of the material.
- Late work will be accepted with penalty ~
- Assignments turned in 1 days late will receive 70% of the points
- Assignments turned in 2 days late will receive 50% of the points
- Assignments turned in 3 or more days late will receive a grade of zero
- Tests will be given at the end of each unit, or roughly every 2 to 3 weeks. There will not be a set test schedule.
- All tests will be cumulative. That is, each test will cover not only the current chapter, but all material covered from the beginning of school.
- Occasionally a major project may count as a test grade.
40% Daily Grades (includes quizzes, homework, and class work)
60% Test Grades (includes written tests and major projects)
Students are responsible for making up all work missed during an absence. If the student is absent only one day, (s)he should call a friend, or check stored assignments or Family Access for missed assignments. If the student misses two or more days, arrangements should be made to pick up work in the office so that the student may keep up at home. The sooner the make-up work can be completed the better. The student will be allowed one make-up day for each day absent before make-up work is counted late. Students should be sure to check with the teacher upon returning for any missed notes, handouts, etc.
Classroom behavior guidelines:
Students learn best in an organized atmosphere, where students and teachers alike feel safe and respected. It is our goal for students not only to excel academically, but also to acquire the social skills needed to get along in a group. Therefore, students will be expected to:
1. Be kind, polite, and have a respectful attitude.
2. Bring all supplies to class every day.
3. Complete all assignments on time.
4. Focus on math the entire class period.
5. Take good care of all furniture and equipment.
Consequences for behavioral infractions:
1. First offense: warning by teacher (nonverbal or verbal)
2. Second offense: student/teacher conference
3. Third offense: student/teacher conference and parent contact
4. Fourth offense: office referral and parent contact
Parental Involvement:
- Students receive the best education when parents and teachers work together. Check students’ planners, binders, and Family Access often! It is important that you stay informed and involved.
- Establish a routine for daily studying. This should involve a regular time and place for homework to be done before privileges such as tv, computer, or phone are allowed. Ask to see the finished product, and check that it matches the given assignment.
- Encourage the use of connected.mcgraw-hill.com as a study tool whenever a student is having trouble with a particular concept, or when preparing for a test. This site has tutorial videos, interactive practice problems, quizzes, and practice tests.
- Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I want to work closely with you this year to help your student reach maximum potential.
Please send me an e-mail to let me know that you have read this syllabus, or fill out the attached form, sign, and return by Friday, August 28, 2015.
Thank you,
Carol Sue Merkin
Mrs. Merkin – 6th Grade Math – Block ______
Student’s name: ______(Please print)
Parent signature: ______
Mrs. Merkin – 6th Grade Math – Block ______
Student’s name: ______(Please print)
Parent signature: ______
Mrs. Merkin – 6th Grade Math – Block ______
Student’s name: ______(Please print)
Parent signature: ______
Mrs. Merkin – 6th Grade Math – Block ______
Student’s name: ______(Please print)
Parent signature: ______
Mrs. Merkin – 6th Grade Math – Block ______
Student’s name: ______(Please print)
Parent signature: ______