2013/2014 University ofWisconsin-WhitewaterFaculty Senate

Tuesday, November 12,2:15p.m.

University Center275A

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

1. Senators present:

2. Senators absent: (*informed Secretary)

3. Welcome to new senators

CoEPS - LieslHohenshell

CoBE - Victor Barger

CoAC - Kathy Brady

CoEPS - Ozalle Toms

3. Approval ofMinutes:

1 .Minutes of the 2013-2014 Faculty Senate Meeting, October 8, 2013.

4. Reports ofCommittees:

1. University Curriculum Committee: Transmittal of actions of the University Curriculum Committee, October 4th, 2013(Attached -action item)

5. SenateExecutiveCommittee

  1. Report on extra faculty executive meeting Oct 15, 2013
  2. The executive committee approved a resolution to “Approve a change in the 2014-2015 academic calendar to have classes start on Wednesday Sept 3, 2014 with the change to freshmen move in day on Sunday August 31, 2014”
  3. Report on Fall Faculty meeting held -Nov 5, 2013

6. OldBusiness: None

7. NewBusiness:

  1. December 2013 "Graduation Resolution"

Resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater recommends to the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents that the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater students who have applied for graduation in December 2013 and who have been certified by the University Registrar to have met all academic requirements and completed all of their courses of study be granted their degrees at the December 2013 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater commencement exercises.

  1. Personnel rules changes - Faculty Personnel Rules Committee (Penny Portman, action item): Attached
  1. Essential Learning & Assessment Review Committee Draft Report (Attached: discussion only)
  2. Department standard: Action Item attached
  3. Education Foundations
  4. Resolution of congratulations to Dr.Telfer on the interim appointment as President of the UW system. (Action item)
  5. Proposal for creation of an ad-hoc “Shared Academic Innovation Idea Committee or Committees” (Action item) Attached
  6. Elect a replacement for one member to the Faculty Personnel Rules Committee to complete a term ending this school year.

8. Announcements andInformation(no action unless noted otherwise)

  1. Report ofthe Chancellor:
  1. Report of the Provost-

Link to one of the items

  1. Report ofthe Senate Chair–

9. Senate Meeting Dates andTimes

1.Faculty Senate: Meetings begin at 2:15 p.m. Faculty Senate meetings continue until business is finished, potentially 5 PM or later. The location(s)of the Senate meetings for Spring-2014have not yet been determined.2013-2014 Faculty Senate meeting dates: Sept. 10, 2013; Oct8, 2013; Nov 12, 2013; Dec 10, 2013; Feb 11, 2014; Mar 11, 2014; Apr8, 2014; May 6, 2014

2.Faculty Senate Executive Committee:Meetings of the Executive Committee are typically at 2:15 on Tuesdays two weeks before Senate meetings and as needed. The location(s) of the Senate Executive Committee meetings for 2013-2014 is Hyland Hall Room 4300A 2013-2014 Faculty Senate Executive meeting dates: Aug.27, 2013; Sept. 24, 2013; Oct. 22, 2013; Nov. 26, 2013; Jan. 28, 2014; Feb. 25, 2014; Mar. 25, 2014; Apr. 20, 2014

10. Adjournment