1.  Prepare the CDRL in accordance with:

Note; In United States Government military contracts, a Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) is a list of contract data requirements that are authorized for a specific acquisition and made a part of the contract. CDRLs are specified by DD form 1423-1, which comprises 26 blocks.SDRL] Subcontractor Data Requirement List is the subcontractor's version of a CDRL.

Controlling Document / Location
DoD Directive 5000.01, Defense Acquisition System / http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/500001p.pdf
DoD Instruction 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System / http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/500002p.pdf
Defense Acquisition Guidebook / https://akss.dau.mil/dag/
MIL-STD-963B, Data Item Descriptions (DID) / https://assist.daps.dla.mil/quicksearch/basic_profile.cfm?ident_number=202450
SECNAVINST 5000.2C, Implementation and Operation of the Defense Acq System and the… / https://acc.dau.mil/communitybrowser.aspx?id=32479&lang=en-us

2.  Conduct reviews, verifications, and validations in accordance with the following schedule:

Short Description of Review / Schedule / Purpose / Method /
Kick off meeting / Project Start / ·  Review requirements including controlling docs and schedule
·  Identify/gather available source material
·  Identify SMEs / ·  Schedule meeting with cognizant technical customer
·  Review SOW requirements and finalize Project Plan
Preliminary Desktop Review / XX Days after start / ·  Verify format and content
·  Identify deficiencies and corrective actions / ·  Schedule meeting with cognizant technical personnel including SMEs
·  Review document against controlling document(s)
·  Review contents against source data
·  Prepare minutes including deficiencies and corrective actions
Verification / Ø  10 Days Prior to Validation / ·  Verify corrective actions
·  Verify format / ·  Schedule internal review meeting
·  Review document against controlling document(s)
·  Review contents against source data
·  Prepare minutes including deficiencies and corrective actions
Validation / Ø  10 Days prior to final Government Review / ·  Verify corrective actions
·  Verify accuracy of all content / ·  Schedule meeting with SMEs and technical customer
·  Review contents against source data
·  Prepare minutes including deficiencies and corrective actions
Final Government Review / 30 Days prior to delivery / ·  Obtain government acceptance / ·  Distribute validated copy of document for review and acceptance by technical customer

3.  Deliver after all government comments have been incorporated.